English 12: 3-4th Quarter Reading & Analysis to Complete Objective: Students will be able to sequentially review the following literary genres and make a connection to the archetypical character(s) or symbol(s). Activities: 3. 1. Individual reading/small group reading 2. Completion of all study questions for each selection Publishing of all study questions for analysis and Socratic seminar/discussion 4. Final exam on all readings to be scheduled upon Senior Exam Dates 5. Final Essay: A Man for All Seasons-Choice of Prompt I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 23 March – 24 April: Excerpts from Novels & Short-Stories: Canterbury Tales: 135-188 Paradise Lost: The Fall of Satan: 397-411 Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quijote: 625-633How Much Land Does a Man Need? 949-963 The Bet: Pages 965-973 II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 27 April – 6 May: Non-Fiction Selections: Speeches and Declarations Queen Elizabeth I: 367-368 Blood, Sweat, and Tears-Winston Churchill: 1066-1090 Nehru: The Noble Mission of Free India: 1137-1139 Desmond Tutu: The Question of South Africa: 1320-1324 Aung San Suu Kyi-Towards a True Refuge: 1324-1328 United Nations Commission on Human Rights: 1318-1320 III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 8 – 22 May: Poems: Shakespeare’s Sonnets: 311-321 Shakespeare’s Hamlet: To Be or Not to Be: 328-329 (Q’s: 1-5 Only) The Seafarer: 87-91 The Wife’s Lament: 92-93 An Essay on Man: 601-602 The Poison Tree: 731-732 The Hollow Men: 1043-1049 Telephone Conversation: 1156-1158 The Second Coming: 1163-1165 IV. 1. 2. 22-29 May: Plays & Novels: Or Earlier! Bolt: A Man for All Seasons (Completed: 25 March) Carroll: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland