Exaltation of the Holy Cross

From the Pastor
September 14, 2014
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
[Pre-empts the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time]
The Cross = God’s Plan to Save the World. As I
explained in my August 17th article, soon after
humanity fell from grace through Adam and
Eve’s Original Sin, God declared that ‘Good’
would eventually win and that ‘Evil’ would be
conquered - by His saving action and His plan
which He disclosed in these words:
“Then the LORD God said to the snake:
‘I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
They will strike at your head,
while you strike at their heel.’”
[Genesis 14a, 15]
Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
No one who
witnessed Christ’s Crucifixion, Death and Burial
in AD 33 would recognize the site today! The
above sketch shows how much it has changed.
But according to pious legend, backed by
historical records, the site was inadvertently
preserved in the 1st Century when it was ‘paved
over’ to discourage pilgrimages and other
curiosity seekers! Soon after Christianity was
‘legalized’ by the Emperor Constantine in AD
326, tradition says his mother, Saint Helena,
went on pilgrimage to ‘walk where Christ once
walked.’ She ordered excavation of the hill
called Golgotha; they happened upon a 300 year
old burial site and purportedly found relics of the
true Cross and articles documenting they were of
Pilate’s and Christ’s time. While not an article of
our Faith, the finding of these relics gave the
Church a reason to honor what is truly essential:
the Saving Death our Lord endured for us on His
triumphant Cross! Here's the Preface that extols
His victorious Cross:
Preface for the victory of the glorious Cross
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.
For you placed the salvation of the human race
on the wood of the Cross, so that,
where death arose, life might again spring forth
and the evil one, who conquered on a tree,
might likewise on a tree be conquered,
through Christ our Lord.
Through him the Angels praise your majesty,
Dominions adore and Powers tremble before you.
Heaven and the Virtues of heaven and the blessed
Seraphim worship together with exultation.
May our voices, we pray, join with theirs
in humble praise, as we acclaim:
This Preface honors the Cross for the twofold
way it fulfilled this ancient prophecy. First, since
the wood of a tree had a role in our downfall, the
wood of a tree would be central in our salvation.
So just as Eve stretched out her hand to a tree in
disobedience, Christ allowed His outstretched
arms to be nailed to a tree in total acceptance of
God’s will. Thus the very same instrument
through which death entered the world is now
the source of Resurrection and eternal life. This
‘curse to blessing’ reversal was prefigured by
Moses [today’s First Reading] when he lifted up a
bronze serpent [symbol of Satan and evil] so that
all who were bitten by the desert seraphs might
be cured. To this day the
symbol for medical healing is
the Caduceus or staff of
Second, God willed to go back to the ‘scene of
the crime’ to undo the Evil One’s deed - which
means Jesus willingly stooped to our level or
humbled Himself [today’s Second Reading] to save us!
And through the Sacrament of Penance, He still
embraces our sin-sick souls!
According to pious legend, the
wood of the Cross came from the
once tall, strong dogwood tree.
But in humble recognition of its
became soft and twisted so it
could never be used for a crucifixion again. And
each of its cruciform blossoms looks like it was
wounded by a nail, and its central bud looks like
the nail itself! So, maybe it’s true!
In His holy Name,
Rev. Thomas J. Serafin
Our Parish Prayers
Services and Intentions: September 13-21
Vigil: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
5:00 pm Anna Hueston
r/o: Susan & Joe Mania & family
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
8:00 am Thomas Dornan
r/o: Claire & Bill Long
9:30 am Nicholas Squicciarini
r/o: The Edwards family
11:30 am Joan Spies
r/o: Petrelli family
Our Lady of Sorrows
9:00 am John Deegan
r/o: Maureen & Michael Brown
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
9:00 am Michael Bocan
r/o: Yvonne Shamanski
9:00 am Albert Mistove
r/o: Walter & Jane Walker
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
“For everything there is a season and a time for
every purpose under heaven…”
a time to be born… We welcome the newly
Brody Jax Gordon
Jacob Todd Gordon
Kendal Anne Greda
Grant Daniel Johnston
John Francis Marsh
Liam Michael Schenkel
Teagan Quinn Schwolow
Kayla Lynn TenKate
a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our
Parish and especially for:
Jack Boland
Dave Kreutzer
Georgette Boulegeris Helen Pinter
Paul Di Ionno
Rayna Post
Margaret Hunt
Paul Urban
Names will remain on our sick list for three months
after which time they will be removed, unless we are
notified to keep them on the list.
a time to die…
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Vigil: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Frances Letchford
r/o: Ann & Jim Letchford
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Gaetano Merola
r/o: Elise Ferrara
9:30 am Martin DeSapio
r/o: Maria DeSapio
11:30 am Nicholas Squicciarini
r/o: Kathy Miller
Feast of Saint Francis - Animal Blessing
Saturday, October 4 - 3:30 PM
On Saturday, October 4, we will celebrate
our annual Animal Blessing! All animals
large and small are welcome to attend this
blessing as long as they are accompanied
by a human! We are asking all who attend to
bring a donation for the Saint Hubert Animal
Shelter in Branchburg. Please note this is also an
S.R.F. event. Refer to your event calendar or call
your grade coordinator for more information.
2nd Collection This Weekend - Peter’s Pence
This weekend’s Second Collection is for Peter’s
Pence. This collection supports the charitable
works of the Holy Father and provides
emergency assistance for victims of oppression,
natural disaster and war. Please be as generous
as your means allow. Thank You.
Tickets Available After All Masses
September 27/28, October 4/5 & 11/12
Parish Ministry Contacts
Ministers of the Liturgy
To join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A
booklet with the complete list of ministries can be
found in the narthex or is available on our website:
Adult Choir/Cantors ........ Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20
Adult Faith Formation ..... Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Baptismal Prep ........... Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136
Cancer Support Group ...... Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475
Employment Group ................ Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036
EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital .............
Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617
Fatima Rosary .............................. Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889
Guitar Group .......... Rusty & Linda Williams ~ 782-7551
Hospitality-After Mass ....... Pauline Martino ~ 240-5959
Knights of Columbus . Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905
Lazarus Ministry ......................... Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660
Linens Ministry .......................... Parish Office ~ 782-1475
Liturgical Environment ...... Norma Santella ~ 782-1475
Men’s Club .......................... Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13
Military Outreach ...... Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114
Prayer Shawls ........................ Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973
Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890
Readers ...................................... George Keith ~ 369-8650
Respect for Life........................ Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
R.C.I.A. ................................. Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Sacristans ........... Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331
Seton Seniors .......................... Ben Mulhearn ~ 284-2650
Usher/Minister of Hospitality .... Bob Caron ~ 236-6492
Wedding Coordinator ...........Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712
Women’s Spirituality ........ Mary Ann Hauck ~ 369-5483
We acknowledge with appreciation the following
Liturgical Ministers who will serve at next weekend’s
Masses: September 20 & 21
Youth Ministries
Altar Servers ....................... Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390
Children’s Choir ........................Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367
Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) ... Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234
Passion Play ............. Walter & Kathy Urban ~ 788-7414
Religious Formation Main Line ......................... 284-2929
P.C.L............................. Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23
Confirmation ..................... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
RF Secretary................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Safe Environment Background Coordinator ................
Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
Summer RF..................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Karen Baron ~ 806-4384
VBS .................................. Marissa Sias/Marian Wasitowski
WINGS Youth Ministry ....... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
WINGS Ministry organizes the following events:
Breakfast with Santa; Easter Egg-stravaganza;
Epiphany Pageant; Mardi Gras; Trunk or Treat
Last Weekend’s Collection
September 7:
Thank you!
Mortgage Information
Beginning Mortgage
$ 2,600,000
Current Balance
$ 2,219,642
Principal Paid to Date
Interest Paid to Date
Monthly Payment
5:00 PM Mass
Sacristan: Mary Cestra; EMs: Denise Verdicchio,
Liz Delasandro, Barbara Golda, Terry Golda,
Gordon Eyler; Readers: David Geisler, Fred Fischl; Altar
Servers: Jacob Romano, Luke Romano, Collin Smith,
Jordan Smith
8:00 AM Mass
Sacristan: Judy Ashcraft; EMs: Ann Letchford,
Norma Santella, Pat Sheeto, Florence Dzwonczyk,
Steve Dzwonczyk; Readers: Louis Ambio, Bob Clarke;
Altar Servers: Emily Polkowski, Lucas Polkowski,
Madelyn Dowe, Justin Cornetta
9:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Laura Sepesi; EMs: Christine Kukel,
Maureen Lybarger, Tim Connolly, Liz Bonsignore,
Jackie Ferrari, Jack Gosdick, Kathy Gosdick,
Fran Wasitowski; Readers: Jim Bova, Susan Bova; Altar
Servers: Danielle Ferrari, John Sibiga, Patrick Waters,
Caroline Waters
11:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Lynne Dawkins; EMs: Linda Klug,
Sharon Holderbaum, Marie Sock, Bob Kloss,
Cathy Kloss; Readers: Kevin Kilcommons, Tom Boelter;
Altar Servers: Joe Schuler, Thomas Murdock,
Jenna Kotlar, Nick Merola
This Weekend’s Readings
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
First Reading: Numbers 21:4b-9
The Jews were complaining against God and Moses of
the tiring journey through the desert. The Lord
punished them for such complaints with the bite of
deadly serpents. After hearing the prayers of Moses
for his people, the Lord instructed Moses to cure those
who became ill with a bronze serpent mounted to a
pole for them to see.
Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
In this letter to the Philippians, Paul tells us how Jesus
set aside his form of equality to God and took on a
humble, human form - obedient even unto death. God
the Father greatly exalted Jesus because of this.
Gospel Reading: John 3:13-17
As today’s first reading tells us of Moses raising the
bronze serpent in the desert for those to be cured,
Jesus says, too, that the Son of Man should be lifted
up for all to see so the world might be saved and he
who believes in him might enjoy eternal life.
© 2002 Bon Venture Services, Inc.
Next Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9
Second Reading: Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a
Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16a
Religious Formation News
Teaching About God’s Gift of Forgiveness
Catechetical Sunday Blessings
September 7, 2014
On Catechetical Sunday, parishes across the
country will honor those who share in the
evangelizing and teaching mission of the Church
through a special rite of commissioning and
Here at “St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church” the
following Catechists, Teachers, Parish Minsters
and Parents will be commissioned to share the
faith of the Church with the adults, families,
youth, and children of the parish.
Susan Apisa
Judy Ashcraft
Anita Auriemma
Robert Besecker
Elizabeth Bonsignore
Theresa Catanzareti
Barbara Ciempola
Jenni Clark
Tim Connolly
Kelly Critelli
Christopher Culver
Christine DellaPenna
Debbie Devine
Donna Donovan
Alex Ferrari
Sharon Finazzo
Ellen Gentzel
Tracey Giannouris
Paula Haggerty
Hillary Hall
Joan Hanley
Tracy Hennessy
MaryBeth Hickey
Debbie Kaminsky
Theresa Kelly
Laureen Lauber
Denise Lloyd
Jennifer Luceri
Maureen Lybarger
Angela McVerry
Tina Merola
Kathy Miller
Luisa Nastasi
Carmela Noto
Samantha Pellicane
Alexa Perez
Erica Piechota
Gina Raimondo
Sal Randazzese
Nettie Rivituso
Gladys Rodriguez
Ann Rolon
Pamela Saus
Dot Scarpa
Christina Schuler
Janet Scott
Maddy Sias
Anthony Siniscalco
Donna Smolenski
Katia Tempalsky
Kathy Urban
Walter Urban
Denise Verdicchio
Marian Wasitowski
Jen Zook
I thank each of you for showing us how to live
our faith! We will be sure to pray for you
throughout the coming year.
Mariam Nawab PCL
“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS.127:3
Attention Parents of Upcoming 2nd Graders:
Mark Your Calendars for a First Holy
Communion/First Penance meeting on
September 29, 2014 at 12:30pm OR 7:30pm
Religious Formation Upcoming Events
September 2014
Sept. 13/14: FHC Prep - Sign in begins
Sept. 14:
Echoes of Faith-Theology
Prayer & Spirituality 10:30-12:30pm
Sept. 22:
Confirmation Prep - Church Tour
During Class
Sept. 27/28: Confirmation Prep - Rite of
Enrollment 5:00 Mass OR 11:30
Mass with meeting immediately
following in Holy Family Room
Sept. 28:
Echoes of Faith - Session #1 - 10:30
Holy Family Room
Sept. 29:
Confirmation Prep - Learning
Session#1 - Sacraments of Initiation
Sept. 29/30: Grade 1 - Church Tour
Sept. 29:
FHC Prep - Parent Meeting - 12:30
OR 7:30pm- HFR
Sept. 30:
Echoes of Faith -Session #1- 9:30
Holy Family Room
Oct. 1:
Grade 1 - Church Tour
First Holy Communion Candidates
Sign in begins this weekend. Please sign your
name and take any handouts at the table in the
back of the Narthex. Remember to go to CLOW
(Children’s Liturgy of the Word) during any
Mass you attend.
Echoes of Faith Training - The Catechetical Set
Sundays-10:30-12:30pm or Tuesdays-9:30-11:30
Getting Started as a Catechist:
Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014 or Tues, Sept. 30, 2014
Role of the Catechist:
Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014 or Tues, Oct. 7, 2014
The Person of the Catechist:
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 or Tues, Oct. 14, 2014
Attention Parents of Children in Grades 5-8
Soon the children of the community of St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton Parish and their families will begin a
unique catechesis in Catholic family living. They will
be studying the RCL Benziger Family Life program.
We have committed to provide this opportunity
because families need our support in growing in the
faith. Please support this effort with your prayers and
your involvement. If you are one of the participating
families, please share what you are learning with your
friends and neighbors. If your family is not
participating, support those who are with words of
encouragement and support. This program will bring
lasting benefits to our community.
Parents of students in grades 5-8 are invited to
attend an informational meeting about the Family
Life Program. We will be happy to answer any
questions you may have at that time. The meetings
will be held in the Holy Family Room on Oct. 13, 14,
and 15 at 5 p.m.; and on Oct. 14 also at 6:45 p.m. for
Confirmation parents in the Church.
Adult Faith Formation
Registration is open for all of our fall Adult Faith
Formation programs which take place in the
Holy Family Room at SEAS—one or more will be
sure to inspire you and enrich your life! For more
information - or to register for any program - call
Diane Luceri at 782-1475 x 14 or email her at
Quick Journey through the Bible
Monday Evenings: 7:00-8:30 pm
October 6th -- November 24th
You Can Understand the Bible!
If you want a better understanding of our faith,
and a deeper relationship with God, then join
us for A Quick Journey Through the Bible. This
program provides the clearest, easiest, and most
accessible way to understand Scripture. This
study is suitable for both beginners and for
those who are experienced at Bible study,
because it simplifies the complexity of the Bible
through an easy-to-follow narrative approach,
and an ingenious color-coded Bible Timeline. It is
a great way for you to get the “big picture” of
Salvation History from the Catholic perspective,
and to see how the Bible reveals God’s loving
plan for your life. Materials required: workbook
($20), New American Bible.
Theology of the Body
Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 am or
7:30-9:00 pm
October 7th - November 25th
If you’re wondering if there’s
more to life than just “getting
by” and are ready to focus on
what really matters, then
discover the extraordinary Catholic teaching
known as the Theology of the Body. It will give
you a revolutionary and fulfilling vision for life, as
it offers a new way to authentically see yourself,
your faith, your relationships, and your world.
Given to us by Pope John Paul II, the Theology of
the Body is setting people free to live the life of
greatness to which we are all called.
If you
desire to live out the fullest meaning and
purpose of your life, then join us for this amazing
discovery! No home study is required. Materials
required: study guide ($15). Those who have
registered can pick up their study guides now. If
you would like to sign up, PLEASE REGISTER NO
Echoes of Faith Plus: Prayer & Spirituality
TODAY!! Sunday, September 14th
10:30 am -12:30 pm
What is prayer? Many are surprised when they
hear that prayer is “listening and responding to
God!” Aren’t we the ones that begin prayer?
How does God start the dialogue with you in
your life? How can you best respond to this call?
Come join us as we reflect on these issues and
more as we explore the 4th Pillar of the
Catechism, “Prayer & Spirituality!” Note: This
session is required for Catechist certification
Mary: A Biblical Walk with
the Blessed Mother
Wednesdays: 9:30-11:00 am
or 7:30-9:00 pm
Sept. 24th –Nov.12th
Filmed on location in the
Holy Land, this study will
place you in the midst of the
powerful drama of Mary’s
earthly life as portrayed in Scripture, taking you
through her joys and her sorrows. You will learn
how she works in our lives today, drawing us
ever closer to her divine Son. The schedule is as
Sept. 24 Session 1 Introduction
Oct. 1
Session 2 The Annunciation
Oct. 8
Session 3 The Visitation
Oct. 15 Session 4 The Nativity
Oct. 22 Session 5 The Presentation
& The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Oct. 29 Session 6 The Wedding at Cana
Nov. 5
Session 7 Mary at the Cross
Nov. 12 Session 8 Mary Crowned with Glory
If you have registered for this program, you may
pick up your study binder now. If you are
interested in signing up for this program, please
contact Diane Luceri for more information.
Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs and books
Is your schedule too hectic for you to attend
sessions at the church? Do you find yourself in
the car a lot, either commuting to work or
driving your kids all over? Then be sure to take
advantage of the Inspirational Catholic CDS that
are offered on the kiosks at the church—only $3
for a CD! We also have 4 great Catholic books on
the kiosks at the price of only $4 each!
CDs and books can be found on the kiosks in the
hallway outside the narthex or in the foyer
outside the parish hall. Please place all donations
directly into the kiosk
Altar Server Ministry - Third Grade & Older
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
In today’s Gospel, John tells us that God so loved
the world that he gave his only Son, not to
condemn us but to save us. Would you, or anyone
you know like to know more about our God who
loves us more than we can imagine? Would you, or
anyone you know like to know more about his Son
Jesus, who gave his life so that we would not
perish to sin? Come to an Inquiry Session which
are held on Sundays beginning on October 5th,
from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Participation in a session
does not require a commitment to belong to the
Catholic Faith Family. Anyone who is unbaptized,
denomination, or baptized Catholic but never
received First Eucharist and Confirmation, is invited
to come and inquire about the God who brings us
Peace and Hope and the Catholic Faith that helps
us to hear and live that message.
For more information, come to any Mass the
weekend of September 20th & 21st. There will be
speakers at each Mass talking about their
experience in the RCIA. Following each Mass you
will have the opportunity to meet with the RCIA
team to receive more information about the
process and to have any questions answered. If
you prefer, you may contact our RCIA Director,
dluceri@easeton.net, at any time to find out more
information or to set up an appointment. Adult
Catholics needing Confirmation should also contact
An information and training session
for both children AND a parent will
be held on Sunday, September 21 at
4:00 PM in the church. All interested
in this ministry should email Suzanne
Wooby at woobyfamily@comcast.net with child's
name, grade, and email address.
WINGS Teen/Tween Ministries
The youth groups are gearing up for the upcoming
school year! There are so many exciting ministries
available to our teens and tweens! Visit the WINGS
page on the parish website to learn about
upcoming events and meetings, as well as
opportunities for service and leadership, friendship
and FUN! The WINGS group helps as part of the
Confirmation Prep Team, and runs events for the
church community, including the Youth Booth at
the Parish Picnic, a Haunted House at Trunk or
Treat, Prayer Fair, Breakfast with Santa, Epiphany
Pageant, Mardi Gras, Easter Egg-Stravaganza, and
there are many more new and fun ideas in the
This year we are also establishing a
scholarship program and are in need of a few more
people to join the scholarship award committee. If
you can help with this committee, or would like to
be involved with the tween or teen ministry, please
visit the WINGS page on our Parish Website or
contact Jenni Clark at jclark@easeton.net. You can
also check the bulletin board outside of the
Religious Formation office for calendars, flyers, and
SEAS Ministry News
SEAS Youth Ministries
SEAS’ Angels Children's Choir
Are you a kid who loves to sing?
Would you like to help our church get
closer to Jesus by praying through
song? Then come & check out the
Children’s Choir! SEAS Angel Choir runs from
October till May.
We rehearse on Sunday
mornings in the Church from 10:30-11:00 AM
and lead song at 5:00 PM on the first Saturday of
the month & for special events. There is no fee,
no auditions and no pre-registration required.
Watch the bulletin in late September for more
information regarding our first rehearsal which
will include a brief parent meeting and
For more info, please contact
Coleen Cucci at 908-346-0367 or by email at
Military Ministry - Military and Veterans Families
Wednesday, September 17, 7:30 pm
Military veterans, active duty/reserve
military personnel, families and
friends of those who served.... ALL
parishioners are welcomed to attend
but we particularly would like OUR
veterans to come and help us design this ministry
based on your experiences.
The mission of this ministry is to address the
numerous emotional, spiritual and pastoral
needs of those men and women who have, and
continue to serve and defend our country in all
branches of military service.
If you have any questions, please contact
Chris McPherson, Parish Military Ministry
Women’s Spirituality Group
WSG Day of Reflection
What: "Companions on the
Journey - What to Pack"
Who: Presented by Sr. Mary
Joseph Albright, SCC, of Quellen
Spirituality Center, Mendham
When: Saturday, October 11
Registration from 9:00 to 9:30 AM
Program begins at 9:45 AM and
concludes by 3:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $30 includes breakfast
items and catered lunch. Sign up in the Narthex
after all Masses.
This year’s kick-off meeting - October 2
All women of the parish are invited to join in as the
Women's Spirituality Group gets underway again
with our meeting on October 2 at 7:30 PM. Our
presenter for the evening will be Brett Walzer,
SEAS Director of Sacred Music.
2014-2015 Meeting Schedule
This year’s meetings are scheduled as follows:
November 6 Giving Thanks
December 4 Christmas Creativity
January 1
NO MEETING (New Year's Day)
February 5
Book Discussion
March 5
Shroud of Turin
April 2
NO MEETING (Holy Thursday)
May 7
Mother's Day
June TBD
Year-end Dinner
More details on each of these gatherings will be
available as the information is finalized. We are
also planning to assist at the Penance Services in
Advent and Lent, the Anointing Mass in February,
and the Stations of the Cross in Lent.
Moms - Time for a Change?
Ready for a little Peace and Joy?
Momnipotent - 8 week study for Moms
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:45 am
First & Third Tuesday’s Starting October 7
Is being a mother what you thought it would be?
The exhaustion, monotony, mounting unfinished
projects, loss of a sense of self… Many moms quietly
resign themselves to the idea that peace,
happiness, and joy are things they will need to find
in spite of motherhood, not because of it.
Journey with a diverse group women as they
discuss real issues that moms face every day. For
more information or to register, contact Jennie
Stanbro by email: jenniestanbro@gmail.com or
phone: 908-892-3559. Materials Required: Study
Workbook ($30)
Respect Life Ministry
October is “Respect for Life” month. Please join our
ministry on Sunday, September 28 after the 11:30
AM Mass to discuss several opportunities to
participate in local Pro-life events. Also remember
the Respect Life Ministry is offering the rosary after
all Masses on the first Sunday of each month. The
Fatima Rosary will continue to be recited at 4:15
PM on the first Saturday of each month. Starting
next month, we will also begin holding Eucharistic
Adoration on the first Monday of each month after
the 9:00 AM Mass (unless it is a holiday and the
Parish Office is closed).
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life will begin on September 24 and
end on November 2 at local locations in Plainfield,
Philipsburg and Woodbridge.
We encourage
parishioners to fast and pray during this period for
an peaceful end to the culture of death. Visit
http://40daysforlife.com/location to register to
keep vigil at specific times each week. Please help
those who need to know there are options.
Seton Men’s Club - Upcoming Meetings
There will be no regularly scheduled meeting in
September due to the Parish Picnic. The next
meeting of the Men’s Club will be Thursday,
October 9 at 7:30 PM in the Holy Family Room.
Please join us and our guest speaker, Rev. Alex
Carles, Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception
Church, Somerville.
Our November meeting will be on November 13.
Other SEAS Information
Parish Email Distribution List
During the week of August 11, two
emails were sent to all parishioners. If
you did not receive an email from the
jferrari@parishmail.com), first check your `spam`
folder. If you still did not get an email, it means
we do not have a current email address for you
on file. If you would like to receive future email
communications from us, please email the Parish
Office at parishoffice@easeton.net.
Confirmation Program Needs Supplies
We are collecting magazines for a project for the
8th grade Confirmation Preparation classes. If
you are looking to get rid of your stack of
magazines (family friendly, of course) please
drop them off in the RF Office and we will
dispose of them for you! Thanks!
Silver & Golden Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 4:00 PM
You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or
50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of
Metuchen. Renew your marriage vows and
receive a personalized certificate from Bishop
Paul G. Bootkoski at a special Evening Prayer
Service in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi,
Application forms may be secured by contacting
SEAS parish office or by logging on to the
diocesan website: www.diometuchen.org. Click
on EVENTS tab (top of page); scroll over to
EVENTS BY CATEGORY (left side of page) and
Click on MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT; click on
click on REGISTRATION FORM. Please note: this
form can be typed on and printed out but cannot
be forwarded.
If you wish to keep the
information it must be SAVED AS a word
document in your computer.
Return completed forms to SEAS Parish Office to
be signed by a pastoral minister and forwarded
to the Family Life Office. Registration deadline is
Monday, October 6. A confirmation letter will be
sent once your application has been processed.
Formal invitations and seating tickets will be
mailed approximately two weeks prior to the
celebration. Tickets are not required for guests.
Everyone is welcome to attend this joyous event.
For additional information call the Family Life
Office/Diocese of Metuchen 732-562-1990 x1705.
SEAS Craft Show needs your help with supplies!
Do you buy coffee? Perhaps you use snacks in
plastic containers for your family (pretzels usually
are sold like this)? Sugar? The list goes on! YOU
CAN HELP! We are collecting large wide mouth
plastic containers with covers to use during this
year’s show. All we ask is that you clean it out
and drop it off at the Parish Office! Thanks!!
Around the Diocese
St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
Tricky Tray Auction - Friday, October 3, 2014
Over 100gift certificates and many prizes
including flat screen TV, outdoor grill, Kitchen
Aid Mixer, iPad, household items, appliances,
theme baskets, door prizes, food and a 50/50.
Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Auction begins at 7:00
p.m. Tickets are $10 which includes one sheet of
tickets, delicious desserts, coffee and tea. Stuffed
Cabbage, kielbasa and sauerkraut sandwiches,
meatball sandwiches, hotdogs, hamburgers,
soda and water can be purchased, so come early.
Tickets can be preordered by contacting Marge
at 908-722-5894 or Betty at 908-782-8325. Bring
your friends and be ready for an evening of fun,
good food and winning some great prizes.
Attendees must be 18 years of age. More
information available on www.trickytray.com.
An Invitation
The spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola has guided
those seeking a discerning way to integrate their
prayer with apostolic action. To learn more about
Christian Life Community (CLC), a worldwide lay
community lived out in small local groups of
individuals dedicated to prayer, support, and
service, please join us for an evening
introduction event.
Tuesday, September 23 – 7-8:15p m
Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi
32 Elm Avenue, Metuchen 08840
Community Room (located on lower level)
Sponsored by: Catholic Charities Office of Parish
Social Ministry. For more information call Maria
Hunter at 732-387-1315 or Terri Mierswa at 201835-6485.
Walk for the JOY of Life!
Please join Life Choices Resource Center
for our Annual Walk for Life
Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 9am-12pm
Merrill Park, Iselin (Rain or Shine)
Bishop Bootkoski will be Blessing our new
Mobile Life Unit @ 10am
Confirmation Service Hours Provided
India & Sri Lanka Apostolates: Cultural Mass
The Office of Multi-Cultural Ministry invites you
to celebrate our Heritage with Catholics from Sri
Lanka, Goa, Mangalore, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, and other parts of India on Sat., Sept. 27
at St. Bartholomew Church (470 Ryders Ln, East
Brunswick, 08816) from 10:45 am-2:00 pm. For
more information: metuchenindia@gmail.com or
call Sr. Ruth Bolarte 732-562-2454.
DJ, Refreshments, Games – Family Fun!
Distance or Time Restrictions!
You Can Make the Difference in the Life of a
Mother & Child
Go to www.LifeChoicesRC.com to download a
Pledge Form. Click on the ‘Walk for Life’ link!
Call (732) 516-0911
Annual Charity Golf Event
We need Sponsors to help fund programs like our much-appreciated
monthly Poker Day & Lunch at Veterans Hospital in Lyons, NJ
The Knights of Columbus Council 15540 at SEAS
is pleased to announce our
Second Annual Charity Golf Event.
It is nearly upon us!
Last year, over $5,500 was raised to fund the many outreach programs of the council like: Lyon's VA
Hospital, Life Choices in Phillipsburg, the ARC Hunterdon, The Home for Battered Women,
Immaculata H.S. and the Special Olympics.
Our Charity Golf Event is our single largest fundraising event of the year.
The fun will be held on Monday, September 22 at Beaver Brook Country Club.
Play is open to all. As many have requested, this year we will have a
dinner-only option so more may participate.
In order to continue supporting these programs, we are asking everyone who can participate
as a Sponsor to consider doing so. Pamphlets with details on how you can be a Sponsor will be
handed out after all Masses this weekend.
All checks should be made payable to: Knights of Columbus Council 15540
and mailed to: Tim Connolly, 48 Copper Penny Rd, Flemington, NJ 08822
Questions may be directed to: Joe Lang at 908-371-0885, Tim Connolly at 908-788-0996,
Mike Schuler at 908-812-8298, or Bob Besecker at 908-310-6236.