Tufts Community Union (TCU) Treasury

Training Meeting, FY2015-2016
Important Names
In the TCU
Shai Slotky, Treasurer
Jack Colelli, Associate Treasurer
Outside the TCU
Joe Golia, Director of Office for
Campus Life
Annie Wong, Business Manager,
Monica Pontes, Budget and Fiscal
Administrator, CFLO
Ashley Murray, OCL
Signatory Responsibilities
Must be two (2) signatories per group at all times!
If one signatory wishes to be reimbursed for a
purchase, the other signatory must sign off on the
reimbursement (this is why there are two signatories)
You can only be a signatory for one organization!
Never collect personal information from anyone!
We recommend you keep a running list of your own
transactions in an excel spreadsheet format
Keep a copy of all receipts
Some Basic Reminders
Checks and Petty Cash Slips can be picked up in the
cabinet in the Senate Office (CC215) that is labeled
Petty Cash Slips get cashed at the Bursar’s Office,
7th floor of Dowling
If a purchase for reimbursement is more than $500,
you must get consent from the Treasurer beforehand
If using the TCU Credit Card, a receipt MUST be
given to the Treasury or the CLFO within a week. If
you do not do so, you will not be able to use the
credit card again. This includes delivery receipts.
More Reminders
Keep all receipts! All receipts must be ORIGINAL,
ITEMIZED and valid according to the instructions
The budgets are posted on the TCU website
Make sure that you are communicating constantly
with your group members
Maintain a separate spreadsheet of purchases your
organization has made
The ability to use the Tufts name or the Tufts logo is
a procedure that is separate from our office. View
the policy on the OCL website
More Reminders
Checks can be retrieved from the checks file cabinet
in the Campus Center, Room 215 (the Senate Office)
For fundraising/donations, please refer to the CLFO
office for separate policies and procedures
Individuals to which the checks are addressed to are
responsible for the checks!
Students can NOT sign any contracts and can NOT
use outside vendors such as Paypal or Venmo to
collect payments
More Reminders
Do not collect any sensitive or personal information
Before traveling, speak to the CLFO office a month
in advance
Students are not encouraged to use their own money
Registration for conferences/competitions can be
paid through the TCU credit card
On a receipt, write the name of the person and the
group name that made the purchase. USE ALL
Reimbursements must be handed in within 30 days
of the purchase
Changes to the TPM this Year
TPM passed by acclimation on 9/13/2015
Gift Cards: gift card requires pre-approval from TCU
Treasurer and may only be used as a prize. A single
prize may not be valued at more than $150 and prizes
may not be awarded as cash. A gift card can NOT be
Speaker: a group may receive up to $5,000 in a fiscal
year for speaker related expenses, not including
facilities and AV costs
Academic Research: as defined in the TPM, the TCU
Treasury will not fund academic research or any
pursuits/activity pertaining to such research
No resources relating to academic research will be funded
Changes to the TPM this Year
Travel: two opportunities to travel (competition, conference,
etc.) in a fiscal year with funding to be conducted through
supplementary funding
Radius around Boston: 500 miles South, 300 miles North, 1,000
miles West
No funding for travel outside the United States
For each event, up to and no more than $100 per person will be
subsidized for explicit travel costs
In addition, for first event, registration and lodging will be
subsidized. For second second event, only registration will be
Personal contribution will still be factored in
Competition groups, will not be held to limit of opportunities but
are limited to the aforementioned funding restrictions.
Food & Alcohol
 For
most councils, the food cap is 20%. Exceptions are
councils I and IV, whose cap is 40%
 Calculate the food cap by dividing the total food
expenses by the total non-food expenses
 One
Gift Cards
According to University policy, student organizations
cannot buy gift cards
Therefore, you will not be reimbursed if you buy a
gift card for your group
In rare circumstances, the CFLO can buy a gift card
for groups if the sole purpose of the gift card is a
prize. This must purchase must be confirmed far in
advance so you can get Treasury approval
Travel Expenses
To be reimbursed for travel, you must have the
 An
itemized, original receipt of every purchase
 A boarding pass and/or ticket stub with the cost of
airfare printed on it (in USD$)
 Or two of the following:
 Boarding
 Travel itinerary
 Credit card statement
 Hotel bill identifying the dates of the trip and visit visisted
 Receipt of airfare purchase
MBTA Costs:
 If
you have money in your budget allocated for
transportation and want to use any MBTA service, you
must fill out an IDR during the office hours BEFORE you
embark on your trip
 Take the signed IDR to the OCL between the hours of
9:00am and 4:00pm
Renting a Car or Van
Zip Car: 18 and older and no membership fee will be
reimbursed. Purchase insurance! If 18-20, must have
parents/guardians sign insurance waiver
Hertz: 20 and older
Enterprise: 20 and older
If purchasing on your own (which you should avoid
doing), please purchase the full insurance coverage
We will choose the best and cheapest option for your
group, so please do your best to book vans 3 weeks
ahead of time!
The University does not provide insurance coverage to
students who drive their personal vehicles for group
Tax Exempt Card
If you are making a purchase for your group, you
are eligible to use the tax exempt card. Please sign
it out from the Treasury office or the CLFO office
 You
must pick up the card during office hours and sign it
back in when returning it
Application for Credit Card Form
If at all possible, use the Credit Card, as it is tax
For a food delivery order, please return the receipt
within a week
The only person that can approve the credit card for
it the Treasurer
the Associate Treasurer
 NOT the Assistant Treasurer
 NOT other Senate members
General Reimbursement Form
reimbursement is not guaranteed that you will be reimbursed.
Always ask for itemized receipts from every store/restaurant
Reimbursements under $50 will be reimbursed as petty cash
slips. Checks will be given out on a case-by-case basis
Do not include tax in reimbursements!
Whatever name is on the receipt is who should be
reimbursed (i.e., a parent’s name on airline tickets)
All reimbursements MUST be turned in within 30 days of the
expenditures, otherwise the reimbursement will not be
The Treasury will not reimburse food for a group who is
meeting for the purposes of planning
Independent Contractor Form
Used to pay groups or individuals from outside Tufts
(i.e. DJ, Band, Bus Company, Photographer, Outside
Caterer, Record Recording, etc.)
Always use a contract because IT PROTECTS YOU!
Please submit it three (3) weeks prior to the date of
the event
You can pick up a performance contract in the OCL
Contracts must first be signed by the payee and then
by the Director of the Office of Campus Life
No hiring members of your own group!
Inter-Department Requisitions (IDR)
Used to request and pay for supplies or services
from other Tufts University Departments
For example, if you need a police officer at an
event, you will use an IDR
Other examples:
 Dining
Expense Transfer Entry Form (ETEs)
Used to transfer funds from/to other Tufts University
Example: if the Anthropology Department gives you
$100 to go to a museum, use an ETE
 Co-sponsorship
 Cost
Tufts Daily Requisition Form
Used to place advertisements in the Daily
Must be submitted at least two days in advance (this
is a Daily rule, not the Treasury’s rule)
Get the form signed by a member of the Treasury
and take the form to the Daily office
Gnomon Copy Form
Used if a group needs anything to be copied (flyers,
programs, etc.)
A group member must have it signed by a Treasury
member and then bring the form to gnomon
If left in the “Drop-Off” bin, a member of the
Treasury who signs the form will leave the form in
the “To be Delivered” bin, awaiting pick-up by a
group member
Deposit Form
Used if a group wishes to deposit income into their
budget. Examples:
 Fundraising,
donations, etc.
 If donation, mark donation on the form
If your group has income budgeted into the event,
this will be how to get the money back into your
BIN! The form must be delivered during office hours
Request to Disburse Charitable Funds
Used if a group wishes to hold an event for the
purpose of donating to a charity
This event must first be approved by the Treasurer
These events still must net to zero! The profits (if
there are any) can be donated to a charity
When submitting the form, attach proof of nonprofit organization
Attach print-out of proof of non-profit to form
Must submit a work order for facilities
Go to see Ashley Murray in the OCL
Receiving Money through the
Allocations Board (ALBO)
Supplementary Funding: Meet with ALBO!
 Unforeseen
expenses (3 times per year, twice per
 Speakers (as many times as budgeted in initial budget)
 Events (once per semester per group)
 Collaborative Event (once per semester per group)
 Decisions can always be appealed to the full Senate,
pending a meeting with the Treasurer
 ALBO meets every Wednesday at 8:00pm to discuss
supplementary funding requests. Requests must be
handed in by the end of Monday of that week
Student Support Fund
Personal contribution that comes with supplementary
funding may be too much of a burden for some. SSF
is in place for students who receive grant-based
financial aid, who are part of a TCU funded group
that has received funding through the Allocations
This fund can cover personal contribution for trips,
must apply and get it approved prior to the trip
with the OCL. Ask the Treasurer for details when/if
the situation arises
Fund will transfer to group’s account, not to student
Inventory List
Every group must submit an inventory list (with a
purchase date is possible)
Pick up the sheet in the treasury office
These are due in the treasury office by Friday,
October 2
Must disclose location of supplies
General Interesting Meetings
Maximum of $30 for food for each GIM, one in the
Fall and one in the Spring
 This
is $60 total
Following this meeting, once the signatory list ha
been compiled, groups who had a deficit from last
year will be contacted in order to set up a meeting
time to discuss the penalty
 IF
Do NOT worry about budgeting yet! More
information will come but it is later down the road
Make a note if there is something is not in your
budget that you want to include next year
Miscellaneous Information
If a form has an issue, the group’s signatory and/or
student who filled out the form will be emailed with
a message stating the the form is in the “Incomplete
Forms” bin on the Treasury office door. Simply fix
the error and put it back in the Drop-Off bin
For A/V services, submit the request three (3) weeks
in advance
There is a penalty of $100 if your A/V request is
submitted two (2) weeks prior to the date of your
Event Planning Meeting
Every Friday at 10:00am, a group having an event
must register with the OCL
This is a way to simplify the process and get
feedback from OCL
IDRs can be signed on the spot with the police,
facilities, Tufts Catering, etc.
Contacting the Treasury
Email: tcutreasury@tufts.edu
 Do
NOT email us personally, we will NOT respond if you
do not email us at tcutreasury@tufts.edu
Office Hours
 Shai
 Monday
– Friday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm
 Jack
 Monday
& Wednesday from 12:00pm – 1:00pm
 Tuesday & Thursday from 10:45am – 11:45am
Financial Stewardship Workshop
If you are interested, take a handout! Or email Joe
This is a good way to get training on how to manage
a budget
Located in the Campus Center, Room 12
 Monday
September 28th  Noon – 1:00pm
 Wednesday
October 7th  Noon – 1:00pm
Final Words of Advice
PLAN AHEAD!!! Use the TPM, it is here to help you!
Sign in if you have not done so already!
Fill out a Signatory Authorization Form!
Attend the Financial Stewardship Workshop!
Create an Inventory List and submit it!