UNIT 2: Mechanisms of Inheritance Topic: Structure of DNA Journal Entry • We often see diagrams and models of DNA in electronic and print media. How do you think scientists determined the structure of DNA? Introduction to DNA • DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid • http://www.khanacademy.org/science/biolog y/v/dna History of DNA • 1871 - Friedrich Miescher isolated nucleic acids from the nuclei of white blood cells. • 1888 -Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri suggested that the genetic material of the cell is contained in chromosomes (chromosomal theory of inheritance). • Chromosome: strand of genes that carry hereditary information (DNA) • Centromere joins two identical copies of DNA called sister chromatids • Found in the nucleus of our cells • 1910 -Phoebus Levene showed that DNA and RNA are distinct nucleic acids, but both are composed of long chains of nucleotides. • 1910 - Thomas Hunt Morgan et al. showed that genes are linear arrays on chromosomes. • 1928 - Frederick Griffith performed experiments indicating that DNA is probably the genetic material of the cell. • 1952 -Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase clearly showed that DNA is the genetic material of the cell. • 1952 - Edwin Chargaff demonstrated that the number of adenines always equals the number of thymines, and the number of cytosines always equals the number of guanines. • Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins used X-ray crystallography to show the helical structure of DNA. • James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the double-helix model of the DNA DNA Model • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/dna/dna_explorer/i ndex2.html • Quiz on these scientists Monday! • Matching format