Some thoughts on international strategic partnerships What has been achieved? • • • • • Many student and teacher exchanges Dynamic community of IRCs in AEC Intensive Programmes First joint programmes Various tools (Qualification Framework, handbooks, code of good practice, etc) developed by AEC, ‘Polifonia’ and other projects But then: • Is current mobility effective? • Have opportunities for joint curriculum development been sufficiently explored? • How about Continuing Professional Development? • Strategic use of international relations (see EUA report “Internationalisation in European Higher Education: European policies, institutional strategies and EUA support”) SO WHAT IS NEXT? Context and literature • Application to ECHE for ERASMUS + • EU Communication “European Higher Education in the World”(July 2013) • EU Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals • LERU Advice Paper “International Curricula and Student Mobility”: exchange mobility -> embedded mobility CONNECTING INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS TO INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES, BUT HOW? ARE WE GOOD? HOW to do it? • International mobility • Inclusive <-> exclusive partnerships • Curricular innovation: international advice, IPs and joint programmes • Continuing Professional Development of teaching staff with an international dimension • International comparisons – International external examiners – AEC reviews – RNCM benchmarking exercise STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS ARE NEEDED! Some possible themes (I) • Continuing professional development of management, teachers and non-academic staff (ICON-style?) • International standards: international exchange of external assessors • Sharing weak/strong points (exchanges, joint modules, joint appointments) • Focused mobility Some possible themes (II) • Curricular innovation in (e.g.) – Master research – ‘Performance science’ – Music theory (incl. eLearning) – 1-to-1 teaching, pedagogical skills artist faculty – Entrepreneurship – Internal quality assurance – Specific subjects (early music, collaborative piano, etc) And the good news is… There may actually be money for it! SO WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? Today… • Explore ideas on ways to improve ourselves by cooperating with others • Based on institutional priorities, challenges & dreams • Discuss future status of this group, possibly by the formulating a ‘charter’? • Explore concrete possibilities of cooperation supported by ERASMUS+ A PENTACON+ charter? • Institutions subscribe to shared values, e.g.: o Commitment to artistic excellence o Commitment to intensified international cooperation to exchange and develop expertise o Commitment to continuous improvement through curricular innovation o Permanent search for new approaches and methods for teaching, assessment and research o Joint permanent reflection on position within society o Entrepreneurship, links profession???? o Focus on student-centred learning??? A streamlined architecture : 3 key actions in a single programme Lifelong Learning Programme: Grundtvig Erasmus Leonardo Comenius International higher education programmes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, Bilateral Programmes Erasmus+ 2. 3. 1. Learning Cooperation Policy projects Support Mobility Youth in Action Programme Education Date: in 12 pts + Sport, Jean Monnet About 14,5 billionErasmus+ euros for the next 7 years: +40% budget increase in EU funding for education and training: 4 million people to study, train or teach abroad Education Date: in 12 pts Strategic Partnerships Sectoral / cross-sectoral, structured cooperation, applying innovative solutions, leading to institutional modernisation and to high quality in teaching, training and youth work Ranging from small to large scale projects Fully decentralised management DG EAC Date: in 12 pts Policy objectives for Higher Education I. Foster intense and long-term cooperation among HEIs and with key stakeholders (e.g.: enterprises; local/regional authorities; social partners; youth organisations and other relevant actors) Promote cross-sector cooperation between the different educational sectors Education Date: in 12 pts Policy objectives for Higher Education II. Support HEIs to achieving the objectives set under the HE Modernisation Agenda: 1 - Increasing attainment levels 2 - Improving the quality and relevance of higher education 3 - Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation 4 - Linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development Date: in 12 pts 5 - Improving governance and funding DG EAC Possible work areas Development & delivery of joint study programmes and curricula, IPs, joint modules and new teaching materials (incl. ICT) Project-based international collaboration between HEIs & enterprises Cooperation and exchange of practice either between HEIs or HEIs & other sectors Promote entrepreneurship Education Date: in 12 pts Mobility Activities Only if added value for achieving project objectives, e.g.: Intensive Programmes Blended mobility of students combining short term physical mobility (< 2 months) with virtual mobility Long term teaching assignments (2 - 12 months) Short term staff training events (5 - 60 Date: in 12 pts Education days) Partnership and Duration Benefit from the different experience, profiles and expertise of a diverse range of organisations Partnerships can last 2 to 3 years, (depending on the objective and the type of activities foreseen) starting Sep 2014 Education and Culture Date: in 12 pts PARTICIPATION Min. 3 organisations from 3 different programme countries In addition, 3rd country organisations may participate, provided they bring a genuine value added to the project AEC for dissemination? Education Date: in 12 pts FINANCING Max. funding: 2 years 300.000€, 3 years 450.000€ (no co-financing needed!) Unit costs per activity (management, meetings, multiplier activities, mobility) Clearly formulated assessment criteria Application through ERASMUS National Date: in 12 pts Agencies Education … in other words Counting down Deadline for applications: 30 April 2014 General Call and Programme Guide: December 2013 Inter-institutional agreement forms: July 2013 Deadline for ECHE applications: May 2013 Education Date: in 12 pts Current possible initiatives (I) 1. New Audiences and Innovative Practice – NAIP (Reykjavik) 2. European Chamber Music Academy (Vienna or Oslo) 3. Improvisation (Tallinn) 4. Contemporary Music Performance & Early Music (The Hague) 5. Performance science (?) Date: in 12 pts Current possible initiatives (II) 6. Entrepreneurship (Arhus) 7. Pentacon+ (who?) 8. Research/3rd cycle? Date: in 12 pts