With Love, Little Red Hen

Literacy / Technology
By Megan Starzl
With Love,
Little Red
By Alma Flor
Created by Miss Megan Starzl
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South Dakota
South Dakota
• 3.W.3.1
Goals & Objectives
•Goals for the Unit: To have students
view fairy tale characters in different
•Objectives: Upon completion of the
unit, the students have completed at
least one activity in each subject area
and earn at least a 70% or above in all
of the activities.
 Students must read With Love, Little Red Hen
 Individually, students will then complete one
activity from different subject areas.
 One activity should be completed every week,
and turned into the teacher.
 When the unit is completed, The class will have
a day to share what you have done. So make
sure you do your best, and proofread and edit
your work.
Alma Flor Ada
Alma Ada Flor is a professor at University of San
Francisco. She has written many children's book in
both English and Spanish, and some in both
languages. She has designed several reading
programs some that are even in Spanish.
To learn more about Alma Flor Ada do the web quest
Find more about her at her website:
Pre Assessment
 Quickwrite:
Write for 15 minutes about what
you think of when you think of Little Red
Hen and the Big Bad Wolf? How do you
think they are like, and how would they
act in a different situation?
With Love, Little Red Hen
In this book, Little Red Hen moves to a new forest. She
writes about her new experiences to her friend. The
fairy tale characters come together in this book to have
wonderful adventures. The character have to act in a
different way because they are in a new situation. How
do you act in different situations? What would you do if
you were in this situation?
 Students will work on the activities
independently using technology.
 When the students have completed the
Unit there will be a day of sharing at the
Hidden Valley Picnic
Culminating Activity
 When the unit is complete we will get
together for a day of sharing at the
Hidden Valley Picnic. Each student will
be invited to bring guests. We will have a
picnic in the classroom. Each students is
bring one item for the picnic to share for
everyone. We will share with our guest all
the hard work that we did through this
Language Arts
 (*) Write your own story using characters from fairy tales. Your
story should be at least one page in length and typed in Microsoft
Word. It should have a problem and a solution. It should have a
least three characters from fairy tales. We will share the stories in
a class book.
 (!) Using Excel, make graph comparing at least three characters
out of the book. Explain what each character is like, how they are
different, and why they are they way they are. We will post the
charts on the wall when they are completed
 (#) Write an email to Little Red Hen telling her what new situations
you have been in lately. It can be as simple as learning to ride
your bike, or coming to a new school. Send the email to your
teacher. When they are completed they will be put in a book to
share at the picnic.
Social Studies
(#) Pick a place where you would like to move to if you could. Research
the place by using the Internet. Then make a poster drawing at least five
things that you learned about the place. The poster will be shared at the
(*) Take on one of the characters in the book, and in a group have the
character be a member of the community doing a service job, for
example, a police officer, or a nurse. Then do a reader’s theatre. You will
video tape it, and it will be shown at the picnic.
(!) Draw a map of what you think Hidden Valley looks like. Make sure that
you have all the characters that live in Hidden Valley and their houses.
After your map is completed, record your voice telling directions from one
of the characters houses to another. At the picnic, students will listen to
your directions and see if they can get to the characters house that they
need to get to.
 (*) Plant some corn, and watch it grow. Chart the growth of the
corn in Excel. We will put the charts together in a book, and it will
be available at the Hidden Valley Picnic.
 (#) Research Wolves using the Internet. Find out what they like to
eat, where they live, and other interesting facts about them. Then
create a poster to help saves wolves. We will hang this up at the
 (!) Go to http://content.fsa.usda.gov/fsakids/haynow/haynow.html
and play a fun game on life on the farm. Then make a poster
telling some fun facts that you learn about life on the farm. We will
post this posters at the Hidden Valley Picnic
(#) Using
double the recipe for chicken noodle soup. Type it up using Microsoft
word. Then we will make the soup for our Hidden Valley Picnic.
(!) Design a garden, make sure that you plant at least 5 different
vegetables when you are completed make a chart using Excel to show
what fraction of the garden is each vegetable. We will hang these charts
at the picnic.
(*) Write a letter using Microsoft works. When you send the letter decided
how much distance the letter has to travel. Use the internet to search to
see how many miles the letter must go. Remember that the letter usually
has to go to a central post office first. We will present how far the letter
traveled at the picnic.
 (#) Make a collage using the digital camera. Take
pictures of things that you would want to have if you
moved to a new place. We will hang these at the
 (*) Design a scene that was left out of the book. Using
the camcorder, record the scene. We will watch it at the
 (!) Using a paint program on the computer make a
drawing of one of the character in a different situation.
We will hang these pictures at the Hidden Valley
 (*) Create a theme song for the book. Write the words to the song
on Microsoft Word, and record the song on a tape player. We will
listen to the song at the Hidden Valley Picnic.
 (#) Design a sound for each character using items around the
room. For example the Wolf might be a book dropping on the
ground. While video taping, read the book and use the sounds of
each character. We will watch the tape at the Hidden Valley Picnic.
 (!) Research the Internet and find at least 7 different songs that
have to deal with the characters in the book. When you have
found them, list the song titles on a poster and we will hang the
posters at the picnic.
Physical Activities
 (#) Research the Internet the different ways to play duck duck
goose, then play all the different ways. At the picnic you will be
asked to teach and play your favorite version.
 (!) Run back and forth 5 times in the gym. Use a stop watch to
watch your times. Then make a list of your times using Excel. We
will combine the times and put them in a book which will be
available at the picnic to see.
 (*) Using a pedometer, count how many steps you take for three
days. Make a graph using Excel. We will post the graphs at the
Hidden Valley Picnic.
 (*) Keep a journal of what you eat for a day. Then research the
internet to find out if what you ate was healthy and what was not.
Present your finding to the class at the picnic.
 (#) Make a poster that promotes healthy eating. Make the poster
using a program on the computer. Be sure to include clip art. The
posters will be hung at the Hidden Valley Picnic.
 (!) Write a letter to one of your friends using Microsoft Word. Tell
your friend why it is important to your health to have friends. The
letters will be put into a book that will be available to read at the
Post Assessment
 Response Journal
In your journal reflect on all the
projects that you completed in this unit. Tell
me what you liked, did not like, and what you
learned. In the journal make sure that you
answer the purpose question in the
introduction. How differently do you act in
different situations? What would you do if
you were in this situation?
Bibliographic References
 Ada, A. (2001) With love, little red hen. New York, NY: Aladdin
 http://southernfood.about.com/od/chickensouprecipes/r/bl40329w.
htm (2007) About Inc. New York, NY: A New York Times