جمهورية العراق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي جهاز االشراف والتقويم العلمي الكوفة: الجامعة الطب البيطري: الكلية االمراض: القســم الثالثة: المرحلة بشرى حمزه فارس: اسم المحاضر الثالثي مدرس: اللقب العلمي دكتوراة: المؤهل العلمي كلية الطب البيطري: مكان العمل جدول الدروس االسبوعي Bushra Hamza Fares Bushrah.fares@uokufa.edu.iq pathology االسم البريد االلكتروني اسم المادة مقرر الفصل The aims of pathology is to study and understanding various aspects of pathology with the specialised knowledge of the scientific basis of disease. pathology is the study of morphological and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs by use (gross and histopathological) techniques. اهداف المادة التفاصيل االساسية للمادة Also,the pathology group is responsible for teaching veterinary (systemic) pathology to veterinary students The focus is first on general pathology . later on organ pathology and systemic disease. Pathology of domestic animal by Jobb ,Kenndy and Palmers.Fifth edition. 2008 1-Rubbins basic pathology 2- MuirMuir's Text Book of pathology by David A. LevisonRobin Reid 14th edition 2008 Hooder Arnold1-Robbins Basic pathology by Vinay Kumar , .Abdul KAbbas. 8th edition 2007 Saunders 3- Related web sites الكتب المنهجية المصادر الخارجية الفصل الدراسي تقديرات الفصل %15 المختبر االمتحانات اليومية %15 %10 المشروع - االمتحان النهائي %60 معلومات اضافية جمهورية العراق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي جهاز االشراف والتقويم العلمي الجامعة :الكوفة الكلية :الطب البيطري اسم القســم :االمراض المرحلة :الثالث اسم المحاضر الثالثي :بشرى حمزة فارس اللقب العلمي :مدرس المؤهل العلمي :دكتوراه مكان العمل :كلية الطب البيطري جدول الدروس االسبوعي 1 2014/9/28 An Introduction of pathology Solutions and fluids used in fixation and preservation of tissue samples used as preservative samples. 2 2014/10/5 Degeneration and necrosis, acute cellular degeneration. 3 2014/10/1 2 Causes of degeneration and cloudy swelling 4 2014/10/19 Hydropic, fatty, amyloid, fibrinoid االسبوع التاريخ المادة النظرية المادة العلمية Methods of processing and preparation of tissue for microscopically examination . Methods of embedding and preparation of tissue blocks. Methods of cryostat for المالحظات frozen sections. Methods of reaction and special tissue stains. Frozen section microtome for pathological detection of fat and enzymes Liver necrosis, liver cirrhosis, abscess, parasitic infection of liver and bile duct and gall bladder. Histological section and fixed gross samples of endocarditis and myocarditis and pericarditis caused by bacteria and parasites Pathological affection of digestive system including gingivitis and other mucosal epithelial affection (foot and mouth diseases, and wooden tongue). Gastroenteritis, parasitic affection of stomach, intestinal obstruction, coccidiosis (gross and histopathological practice). Liver necrosis, degeneration Causes and types of necrosis 2014/10/26 5 Caseous, liquefactive, coagulative, fat necrosis 2014/11/2 6 Disturbance of pigmentation, jaundice types and causes. Hemasiderin and melanin 2014/11/9 .7 2014/11/16 8 Calcification types and causes 2014/11/23 9 Disturbance of growth, atrophy, hyper atrophy Hyperplasia, hypoplasia and Metaplasia 2014/11/30 . 10 2014/12/7 11 Aplasia, congenital anomalies 2014/12/14 12 Inflammation definition liver cirrhosis, abscess, parasitic infection of liver and bile duct and gall bladder. causes Microscopic slides of metritis and salphangitis, supportive metritis and mastitis Types of inflammatory cells 2014/12/21 13 Types of inflammation and classification Healing and repair Disturbance of circulation, congestion and hemorrhage types and causes 2014/12/28 14 2015/1/4 2015/1/11 15 . 16 Thrombus and emboli types and causes Infarction embolism 2015/1/18 17 Microscopic slides of bone infection, and cartridge, joints, osteomalaysia, vitamin D deficiency 2015/1/25 18 عطلة نصف السنة Immunopathology and hyper sensitivity Microscopic slides from general diseases Histologic characters of tumors, 2015/2/22 Types and diseases of Immunopathology Tumors, definition, theories of origin and classification Differentiation between benign and malignant tumors Histologic characters of tumors, method of transmition Histopathological Diseases of respiratory practice for tract, upper respiratory examining of tract. upper respiratory tract . Histopathological Diseases of lung and practice for pleura examining of lower respiratory 19 20 2015/3/1 21 2015/3/8 22 2015/3/15 23 2015/3/22 .24 2015/3/29 .25 tract . Histological section and fixed gross samples of endocarditis and myocarditis and pericarditis caused by bacteria and parasites Pathological affections of aorta and other blood vessels (gross and histopathological section Microscopic slides of pathological infection of kidney urethras and urinary bladder. Hematueria in farm animals , skin infection, myocytic and parasitic infection of skin . Microscopic slides of male and female genital system, testis and urinary tract Practical training in examination and diagnosis of many pathological conditions as histological section, lintin slides, digital photos and fixed Diseases of cardiovascular system. Epicardium, myocardium, pericardium 2015/4/5 Diseases of blood and lymph vessels Diseases of haemopoitec and lymphatic tissues, lymphatic, spleen, thymus 2015/4/12 Diseases of digestive system, Diseases of liver and pancreas Diseases of urinary system, 2015/4/26 .26 27 2015/4/19 28 29 2015/5/3 30 2015/5/10 31 Diseases of skin and accessory 2015/5/17 Diseases of male genital system 2015/5/24 32 .33 diseases of female genital organs 2015/5/31 .34 samples (gallery samples) . توقيع االستاذ : توقيع العميد :