Michelle Moss Eastwood Middle School English 7 Assisting Teacher: Tiffany M. Bishop Biography and Autobiography Unit Plan March 4, 2013 – March 8, 2013 Overview: Monday, March 4, 2013: Introduction to Biography and Autobiography Tuesday, March 5, 2013: Biographies of Famous People (Chunking Text and Graphic Organizer) Wednesday, March 6, 2013: Group Project - Body Biography Thursday, March 7, 2013: Group Project – Body Biography Presentations and Vocabulary Review Friday, March 8, 2013: Lesson 26 Vocabulary and Biography and Autobiography Test Introduction to Biography and Autobiography March 4, 2013 Teacher: Michelle Moss Assisting Teacher: Tiffany Bishop Subject Area: English Grade Level: 7 Objectives: o Students will apply strategies to comprehend the use and importance of biographies and autobiographies as literary genres. ARMT Standards: o Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials. [1] Common Core Standards: o Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1] o Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2] Procedures Before: o Bell Ringer o (Modified) KWL Chart: What do you think you Know about biographies and autobiographies? What do you Wonder about them? How did you Learn about them? During: o Notes and Examples on Biography and Autobiography o Essential Questions: What is a biography? What is an autobiography? How are they similar and different? o See PowerPoint and Graphic Organizer Attached After: o If you were to write a biography about a person who inspires you, who would you write about and what adjectives would you use to describe him or her? Adjective Adjective Name Adjective Homework: o Study Vocabulary Lesson 26 Adjective Biography and Autobiography Essential Questions Biography (Definition) Biography (Word Work) Autobiography (Definition) Autobiography (Word Work) “Biography or Autobiography?” Challenge and Justification “Biography or Autobiography?” Challenge and Justification Biography March 5, 2013 Teacher: Michelle Moss Assisting Teacher: Tiffany Bishop Subject Area: English Grade Level: 7 Objectives: o Students will apply strategies to comprehend the use and importance of biographies and autobiographies as literary genres. o Students will read biographies of inspirational figures and use a graphic organizer to organize the information. ARMT Standards: o Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials. [1] Common Core Standards: o Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1] o Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2] Procedures Before: o Bell Ringer o Quick-Write: Choose one person from the following list of people. If you were to write a biography about that person, what are 3 things you would say about his or her life? Michael Jordan Barak Obama Beyonce Will Smith Oprah Winfrey During: o Graphic Organizer on a Biography of a Famous Person o Each group will be reading a biography of a different person. We will be working through the graphic organizer as a class, so that each student will work at the same pace no matter which biography the group has. o The text will be chunked into manageable portions for reading. o See Biographies and Graphic Organizer Attached After: o 3-2-1 3 facts about the person 2 connections to the person/text 1 lesson/inspiration from the person Homework: o Study Vocabulary Lesson 26 Name of Person Author of Biography Heart: What does this person love the most? What means the most them? Music, politics, sports, etc. Use evidence from the text! Backbone: What motivates this person? Money, family, fame, etc. How do you know? Use evidence from the text. Hands: What does this person hold in their hands? Explain. For example: Michael Jackson holds a microphone because he loved to sing. Feet: What is this person standing on? What do they spend most of their time doing? For example: Nick Saban spends most of his time on the football field. Background: Quotation: How does this person inspire you? Write down one quote from this How has their life impacted yours? person. Body Biography March 6, 2013 Teacher: Michelle Moss Assisting Teacher: Tiffany Bishop Subject Area: English Grade Level: 7 Objectives: o Students will apply strategies to comprehend the use and importance of biographies and autobiographies as literary genres. o Students will work in small groups to produce life-size visual representations of a person from reading their biography. ARMT Standards: o Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials. [1] Common Core Standards: o Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1] o Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2] Procedures Before: o Bell Ringer o Think-Pair-Share Think back to the person’s biography you read yesterday. What are three things that stood out to you the most about that person? Examples may include career, quotes, family, etc. During: o Body Biography Project o After students have read a biography and have organized notes on the information received, they will be divided in to groups based on the biography they have read. o Students will be given a six-foot length of newsprint or bulletin board paper and materials to incorporate in the project. o Students will trace an outline of one group’s member’s body on the paper. o Each group will then choose the best way to represent the following aspects of the character: the heart, the backbone, the hands, the feet, the background, and the quotations. (This information has already been recorded by each student from the previous lesson.) o See Rubric Attached. After: o 3-2-1 3 new things you learned about your person 2 things you already knew about your person 1 thing you would still like to know about your person Homework: o Study Vocabulary Lesson 26 Body Biography Rubric 20 Project is neat, well organized, and easy to Neatness read. 15 10 5 Project is somewhat neat, organization is sufficient, and it is easy to read. Project is either lacking in neatness, organization, or the handwriting is too sloppy or small Team members worked well at time, were off task at times Project is not neat, organized, or clearly written Team Work All team members work well and efficiently; no one was ever off task Team members work efficiently; at times a group member was off task Foldable Each member completed the foldable with thoughtful and correct information. Each member completed the foldable, but one or more was lacking in quality. One or more members did not complete the foldable. Foldables were altogether missing or did not following directions The body as well as the symbolic images were well done, colorful, and represented the person well. The body as well as the symbolic images were somewhat completed, colorful, and represented the person well. The visuals overall did not meet the requirements. The person’s body, clothing, and symbolic images portray Evidence an from Text understanding of the biography. The person’s body, clothing, and symbolic images are appropriately used from the biography. The body or symbolic images were either incomplete, not colored, or did not make sense based on the biography of the person. The person’s body, clothing, and symbolic images are somewhat appropriately used from the biography. Visual Team members did not work efficiently The body, clothing, and/or symbolic images are not appropriately used from the biography. Autobiography March 7, 2013 Teacher: Michelle Moss Assisting Teacher: Tiffany Bishop Subject Area: English Grade Level: 7 Objectives: o Students will apply strategies to comprehend the use and importance of biographies and autobiographies as literary genres. o Students will work in small groups to produce life-size visual representations of a person from reading their biography. o Students will write a “Bio-Poem” as an autobiography of their own life. ARMT Standards: o Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials. [1] Common Core Standards: o Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1] o Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2] o Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.4] Procedures Before: o Bell Ringer o Finish/Present Body Biography Project Students will wrap up the work they have done on their body biographies and turn them in. Groups will be called to present their projects. During: o Students will create their own autobiography by writing a “BioPoem.” Examples will be provided and we will write the poems together at an equal pace. The following format will be used: Line 1: First name: Line 2: Four traits to describe line 1: Line 3: Related to/sibling of: Line 4: Who cares about: (three things) Line 5: Who feels: (three things) Line 6: Who needs: (three things) Line 7: Who gives: (three things) Line 8: Who fears: (three things) Line 9: Who would like to see: (three things) Line 10: Resident of: Line 11: Last name After: o After Activity: Transfer the rough draft of your poem onto a final draft. You may then draw a picture to illustrate your poem. Homework: o Study Vocabulary Lesson 26 Biography and Autobiography March 8, 2013 Teacher: Michelle Moss Assisting Teacher: Tiffany Bishop Subject Area: English Grade Level: 7 Objectives: o Students will apply strategies to comprehend the use and importance of biographies and autobiographies as literary genres. o Students will be tested on their knowledge of vocabulary words and biographies and autobiographies. ARMT Standards: o Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials. [1] Common Core Standards: o Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1] o Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.2] Procedures Before: o Bell Ringer o Vocabulary Review During: o Vocabulary Lesson 26/Biography and Autobiography Test o See attached. After: o Lesson 27 Vocabulary: 1. Define each word. 2. Write a sentence using each work correctly. 3. Write an example for each word. 4. Write a non-example for each word.