CASL Communiqué December 2015 Strategic Development Update Since I first mentioned it at the Autumn Conferences a lot of work has been done on the CASL Accountability Framework and a task group has been formed with representatives from PHA, CASH, the LA, the dioceses, governance, the University of Cumbria, the Teaching Schools, MATs, EYFS and the LASLs. Our first meeting will be held on 26 January when we will formulate the consultation document which will be presented at the Spring Term LASL conferences in March. Following the feedback from those conferences the task group will meet again to discuss what you said and to finalise the framework which will then be presented at the CASL conference in the summer term, ready for implementation in September 2016. It is really exciting work and it will enable us to really show and measure the impact of the brilliant work which is going on in school to school support and in embedding the selfimproving education system across Cumbria. Dates for your diary LASL & CASL CONFERENCES 14 March LASL North Conference at Rheged 15 March LASL West Conference at Castle Inn, Bassenthwaite 21 March LASL South Conference at Castle Green Hotel, Kendal 14 June CASL Conference at Carlisle Racecourse Due to the popularity of the conferences we ask that you send a maximum of 2 delegates per organisation. Please do make sure your school and the governing body are represented at the consultation sessions in the spring term so that the task group knows the views of everyone involved. Liz Moffatt Strategic Development Officer Merry Christmas from all at CASL LASL WEST News from your area LASL West Update LASL West English Group Welcome to the LASL West, since the last CASL Communique, I am delighted to be elected as Chair for the next two academic years. I also have the privilege of working with Simon Jackson as LASL West Vice Chair. LASL West is co-ordinating the improvement of English across the county at both primary and secondary stages. Since September, a primary English group has been established and Primary SLEs from each LASL are part of the steering group alongside Rachel Laverack, General Advisor for the West and Vicki Hepburn-Fish, Chair. The secondary English group has been established for over twelve months and again has representation from each LASL and working with Rachel Laverack and Simon Jackson, Vice Chair of LASL West. Thank you to the communication cluster leads and the representatives at LASL West who are all working very hard to strengthen the self-improving education system for Cumbria. It has been exciting to hear about all the excellent practice in our schools and the support you have given each other across the cluster in West LASL. Each cluster has been asked to elect a vice chair to ensure that all LASL meetings are well attended and that no schools feel that they are not represented and are missing all the information. This term I have introduced a LASL newsletter which is aimed at helping strengthen the communication to all schools. LASL Conferences Thank you to everyone who attended the LASL West Conference at Castle Inn, near Keswick in October. It was well received and some key topics shared. Approx 85 delegates: both HT and Governors Topics were very relevant, including Ofsted and Prevent training. Receptive to hear about a co-ordinated approach to ‘better places for learning’. Governors keen to develop cluster working. Develop clerks working in clusters. CASL booklet is very informative. The next LASL and CASL conference dates for 2016 are: Spring LASL West 15th March 2016 at the Castle Inn, near Keswick Summer CASL Conference 14th June 2016 at Carlisle Racecourse Primary activities include: Delivering the new assessment expectations at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 for clusters led by Rachel Laverack and English SLEs. Case studies of effective practice in common areas such as subject leadership, improving boys’ writing and developing reading across the school. Once these have been finalised they will be available on the CASL website. Training event led by Gary Wilson aimed at raising boys’ achievement in association with Oxford University Press on 2nd February 2016. Secondary activities include: Subject Leader meetings Developing peer to peer support working at Subject Leader level Effective CPD opportunities for English for Cumbria. English Subject Leader Meeting – 1 December 2015 (North Lakes Hotel) 31 out of 37 Cumbrian secondary schools were represented at the English Subject Leader meeting on 1 December. This provided an excellent opportunity for CPD and networking. 93% of evaluation responses rated the event as either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. Sessions included: Update on changes to assessment in English at KS1 and KS2 Update from area networks including focus on assessing without levels Effective transition strategies in English between KS2 and KS3 Developing good practice at KS3 and strategies for stretching the more able Peter Thomas – Teaching the nineteenth century novel at KS4 Dates for future English Subject Leader meetings are as follows: 16th March 9.30am – 4pm, North Lakes Hotel, Penrith 30th June 9.30am – 4pm, Roundthorn Country House Hotel, Penrith. Early Years The Early years teams is currently working closely with the Ellen Teaching School Alliance to support schools who would like to extend their age range and support two year olds in their provision. There is a consultation process happening with the suggested increase in Nursery hours to 30 hours from September 2017. School may have received an audit as the County Council will need to look carefully at availability of places. Post 16 The CASL post 16 group has now been co-ordinated and the group are currently working through a process to ensure that all parties are represented. The group are working with representation from each LASL area alongside the senior advisor who has responsibility for post 16. Peer to Peer Update The majority of schools are now working effectively in a peer to peer in LASL West. It is pleasing to see so many reports now on the new CASL format and feedback has been positive about the process and support guidance that has been sent to all schools. Teaching School Alliances are also beginning to discuss key areas of school improvement across their alliances and provide collective school improvement and CPD across their alliances. Cluster Updates At every LASL meeting there will be an opportunity for each communication cluster lead to share best practice from the schools in their cluster. All new Headteachers will be contacted to offer support with organising a professional partner to work with. Ideally the support will come from an experienced Headteacher within the cluster. LASL newsletter will be produced after every LASL meeting to ensure that all key points are shared with clusters and schools across LASL west. Contact communication cluster leads for this information. Teaching School Updates The three West Teaching School Alliances work very closely together and are part of the LASL strategy group. They play a significant role in supporting school improvement across the West. All teaching Schools are keen to work closely with more schools. Please contact the teaching school directors for more information: Western lakes Teaching School Alliance Please contact Lynne Brownrigg West Coast Teaching School Alliance Please contact Vicki Hepburn-Fish Ellen Teaching School Alliance Please contact Karen Louden All TSA in the West LASL have produced a newsletter about their work and this has been shared with the CCLs to disseminate to their clusters. The three TSA are organising CPD events and sharing resources more effectively. The three TSA met with Steph Ward to plan support for pupil premium in the West. This was in response to significant gap of pupil premium children’s outcomes in the West and specifically Allerdale. PP conference planned to promote pp plan and train pupil premium leads for every cluster. LASL West Vicki Hepburn-Fish Lasl Chair Simon Jackson Vice chair Johnathan Johnson Western heads rep Richard Cox LA Senior Sue Leigh Governor support Manager Sarah Peck NLG West Lynne Brownrigg WLTSA Karen Louden Ellen TSA Tina Beddoe Ellen TSA Teri Eyre Diocese rep Shaun Monaghan Whitehaven CCL David Fasham Cockermouth CCL Frances Edmondson Workington CCL Nicky Corfield Solway plain & Wigton CCL Ralf Smits Keswick CCL Steven Herbert Clegheads CCL Sue Temple Uni of Cumbria Tom Ryan Catholic Diocese Yvonne Craig Maryport CCL Andy May Silloth CLL Gillian Temple Special Schools CLL Pauline Webster Millom CCL Danny Braithwaite Post 16 rep News from our Teaching Schools ELLEN Teaching School Alliance Lead School –Grasslot Infant School Initial Teacher Training (ITT) School Direct Primary ITT through CPTT 3-7 Pathway underway to the trainee teachers and schools with EYFS are offering placements in Nursery and Reception. Currently 5 trainees have signed up to do this course. Lectures to start after October half term. 25 new CPTT trainees for Primary Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) 4 NQTs have been registered with Ellen TSA for Primary Tina Beddoe is the lead for NQTs inthe alliance. CPD/Leadership Development Ellen Teaching School Alliance offers bespoke training packages these are: Leading Outside the Classroom A leadership course aimed at experienced and successful primary school class teachers who are ready for the challenge of working beyond their own classroom. They are teachers who are ready to contribute to the improved performance of their own school as well as schools in their wider community. Maths and Literacy Leader meetings Termly meetings include training, subject specific updates and support for all Maths and Literacy Leaders. Learning Network Meetings Working with Early Excellence in Huddersfield to set up Learning Network meetings for Early Years Co-ordinators, staff and Headteachers these will take place termly and will include update and any relevant information. Early Years Cluster project - High Quality Indoor provision 5 days training for 2 practitioners,2 x Yi day school based support and £1,300 of equipment. Leadership Development Leading Outside the Classroom course developed in partnerships with CEL Strategic Partners Grasslot Infant School Karen Loudon Maryport Infant School Tina Beddoe Netherton Infant School Lynn Millinqton Ellenborough and Ewanriaa Infant School Wendy Kendal CPTT Neil Rutledqe Alliance Partners Ewanriaa Junior School Yvonne Craig Maryport Junior School Hilda Beqqs Crosscanonby St John's Primary Steven Mitchell Hill Dearham Primary School Sam Kidd Our Lady & St Patrick’s Primary Jacqueline Hampson Silloth Primary Rachel lnqrams Richmond Hill Primary Helen Ford Broughton Moor Primary Peter Dawson Specialist Leaders of Education ELLEN Teaching School recruited 4 SLEs. 2 of the SLEs have attended the CASL West Conference and will be attending the Queen Katherine Teaching School Conference. Ellen SLEs: Name School Expertise Lisa Dempster Netherton Infant School Phonics Amy Barclay Grasslot Infant School EYFS Jayne Brown Maryport Infant School EYFS Rebeckah Maryport Infant School Morrison Research and Development EYFS Closing the gap through Numicon with Pupil Premium children. The project has been completed and the practice and principles from this research has been shared with other partners through maths co-ordinators group. 2 year olds - partnership working with other agencies to complete the 2 year old check and also to develop 2 year old provision in Maryport. Governance Annual report was given to governors. Succession Planning and talent management Ellen TSA is fully involved in: CASL strategy, CASL, LASL strategy LASL School to School support An early years SLE has been deployed to work with two schools. Next Steps To evaluate and strengthen 2 year old provision in Maryport. Broaden the compliment of SLEs to include KS2 SLEs Lead professionals in Pupil Premium Support new Headteachers inthe partnership West Coast Teaching School Alliance Review against action plan 2015-2016 Initial Teacher Training (ITT)/ School Direct Primary ITT is operating through CPTT % who are employed Contract: 39% Regular supply: 49% Jobs outside teaching: 6% Non QTS: 6% Contract: 21, Regular supply: 21 33 Trainees in 2014/ 2015 have now passed with 58% grade A and 36% grade B. Building learning power is going to be run again for the new trainees. 2015-2016 25 new CPTT trainees for Primary New Early Years aspect of the course has been introduced to the trainee teachers and schools with EYFS are offering placements in Nursery and Reception. New mentor training for EYFS teachers. Recruitment 2016/ 2017 Applications open 27/10/15. Plan first interviews for end of November. Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) West Coast and West Lakes Teaching Schools have been working very closely together using experienced staff and SLEs to develop an ‘NQT Toolkit’. The hand book has been taken by Nick Hepburn-Fish to every NQT and a meeting has taken place with all mentors to set the expectation for their induction year. A new NQT hand book has been produced collectively with the West Teaching Schools. This is a comprehensive handbook that shares the expectation for the schools / mentors and NQTs. 6 NQTs have been registered with the WCTSA for Primary. Nick Hepburn-Fish from Hensingham Primary School is now the lead for NQTs in the alliance. Email for any enquiries. RQT This year we will continue a primary RQT group through CPTT. The Teaching School council have funded two places for RQTs in every alliance. RQTs have been registered and both successfully completed their training. Governance Governors update can be presented to Governing body. CPD - Leading beyond the school embraces Governors to play an active role in the programme. CPD/ Leadership Development WCTSA lead is part of the CASL CPD county wide group that co-ordinates CPD across all Teaching School Alliances and CASL partners to ensure a strategic approach. The West Coast also offers bespoke training packages and this has included the following: Building Learning Power level 1 Building Learning Power level 2 Leading a learning powered school Teaching Assistant Building Learning Power Research test and learn project “Does using Building Learning Power alongside teaching maths calculation improve learning outcomes?” North Yorkshire County Council Collaboration and federations Through CASL and disseminated through LASL we are carrying out a ‘collaborative approach to CPD/ leadership development and succession planning for leadership’ audit. West Coast Teaching School Alliance is offering table tops at the Innovation Teaching, Learning, and assessment conference on 11th November at QKS. We are delighted to share practice from both Primary and Secondary Schools in the alliance. West Coast Teaching School Alliance has presented at a North West Conference on Building learning power. Leadership Development 2014-2015 Successfully in partnership with CEL/ WCTSA/ WLTSA and Manchester university Middle leadership training. Successfully in partnership with CEL/ WCTSA/ WLTSA and Manchester university Senior leadership training. In partnership with CEL/ WCTSA/ WLTSA and Manchester Metropolitan University we are offering ‘Leading Beyond the School’ 2015/2016 In partnership with CEL/ WCTSA/ WLTSA and Manchester metropolitan university we are offering ‘Leading Beyond the School’ 2015/2016 Succession planning and talent management WCTSA is fully involved in: CASL strategy; CASL; LASL Strategy; LASL; English CASL group for Primary; Cumbria TSA; West Coast Teaching Schools The CASL English primary group is chaired by the lead of the Teaching School Alliance and we have involved SLEs within the WCTSA and county wide. LASL to audit good practice in English across the clusters and collate information to support the development of the English group’s needs. SLEs are being used to provide the SCITT- CPTT training for future teachers. Peer to eer Within the TSA the three secondary heads began a triad of peer to peer last year. Seven primary schools in the TSA work together and hold ‘Aspire’ meetings where we look at common ‘hot topics’. There are two triads for the schools and one other school is involved under the ‘cluster peer to peer’. School to school support WCTSA is a strategic partner in the LASL strategy group which the TS Lead chairs as Chair of LASL West. WCTSA successfully secured £15,000 to support a local Primary School. A LLE/SLEs have been deployed since January 2015. WCTSA successfully secured funding of £10,000 to a Junior School. NLE for the WCTSA co-ordinates and brokers the support in conjunction with the LASL strategy. Currently we have three SLEs deployed through CPD and support for other schools. SLE Specialist leader in Education In March the WCTSA and WCTSA recruited SLEs. The TS lead supported the Ellen TSA to recruit SLEs for their first time and to ensure the QA model was supported. SLE recruitment will now be through the TSA and based on the needs of the TSA. Marketing and promotion of the SLE role will not be funded as in previous years. The Cumbria TSA network is co-ordinating the recruitment times to ensure that it does not become competitive. Research and Development Closing the gap test and learn - research design module. Five schools have been involved in a closing the gap research project in partnership with TLO. The aim was to find out if “Does using Building Learning Power alongside teaching maths calculation improve learning outcomes?” See poster. The WCTSA was funded £5,000 to carry out this work. Since 2013/14 and 2014/15 the WCTSA has been involved in a two year test and learn project with ‘Achievement for All.’ This looks at intervention to support families of disadvantaged children and SEND. The WCTSA funded Netherhall, Dearham and Flimby Primary School to carry out a project and produce a case study to support transition. Leading beyond the TSA Attended International conference ‘Inspiring leadership’ in June to gain a greater understanding of system leadership across the world. Attended school-led system conference in October 2015. CASL - Ofsted training with HMI, September 2015. Next steps Develop the WCTSA website Update the MOU with clear strategic and alliance partners. Share the vision ‘Aspire to lead, aspire to learn’ that every pupil in our schools receives a good education. Strengthen the Governors in supporting the new Ofsted changes/ cluster Governor working within the WCTSA. Link closely with LASL strategy to ensure schools have equal access to the right support and through a co-ordinated approach. Link WCTSA action plan to the CASL/LASL plan. West Coast Teaching School Alliance Strategic Partners Victoria Infant & Nursery School Vicki Hepburn-Fish (Chair) Victoria Junior School Pauline Robertson Jericho Primary School Shaun Monaghan St James Infant School Jill Eaton Hensingham Primary School Nick Hepburn-Fish Flimby primary School Jacqui Wilson Seaton Junior School Amanda Dickinson Bransty Primary School Joanne Fearon St Joseph’s Catholic High School Tom Ryan West lakes Academy Vanessa Ray Netherhall Secondary School Johnathan Johnson CPTT Cumbria Primary Teacher Training Neil Rutledge CEL Centre for Educational Leadership Brendan Murden / David Sibbit Alliance Partners Distington Community Primary School Angela Quirk St Patrick’s Primary School Cheryl Slack Wreay Primary School Clare Render Holme St Cuthbert School Lynn Carini WCTSA SLEs Name School Expertise Lindsay Walker Dearham MFL Kirsty Barton Dearham EYFS, SEN Emma Ivison Dearham English Laura Todhunter Westfield Literacy, IT, NQT Carl Barnes Victoria Infant & Nursery Assessment, Curriculum Christine Humble Victoria Infant & Nursery NQT Stuart Robertson Victoria Infant & Nursery ICT Tony Clayton Victoria Junior English Rebecca Lewis Victoria Junior MFL Craig Hodgson Victoria Junior Maths Grant Townson Northside Primary Curriculum Kerri Newton Victoria Infant & Nursery Behaviour/ curriculum Louise Payton St Patricks Primary Workington English Mandy Hyland Hensingham Primary Phonics Western Lakes Teaching School Alliance Initial Teacher Training (ITT) / School Direct Secondary ITT Operational Group meet half termly – remit now includes NQT WLTSA common evaluation form is now used to evaluate and improve Secondary School Direct conferences and training Secondary ITT Mentor Training and Development includes monthly update, joint observations and face-to-facetraining Primary ITT through CPTT (School Direct and Core) University of Cumbria Collaborative Programmes – comprehensive Annual Evaluatory Report is available (reporting on WLTSA delivery in 2014/15) School Direct Action Plan 2015-16 produced following the review of programme operation in 2014/15 Mentoring and support for Assessment Only route established and staff in place – this will provide guidance to support future AO candidates in WLTSA schools Engagement with new schools/mentors joining the alliance Leadership andDevelopment CEL Middle Leader Programme validated by WLTSA/WCTSA/CEL Manchester Metropolitan University CEL Senior Leader Programme validated by WLTSA/WCTSA/CEL Manchester Metropolitan University CEL Senior Leading beyond the School Programme validated by WLTSA/WCTSA/CEL Manchester Metropolitan University. This is a new Training programme which will be available this academic year. Succession Planning and talent management (reference CPD/Leadership section) WLTSA fully engages with CASL (representing TSAs across the county) and LASL WLTSA attends Cumbria’s TSA and BBCL Meetings WLTSA staff are reps for CPD group and ITT group WLTSA has increased the number of NQT registrations School to School Support WLTSA continues to submit applications for funding for S2S Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) NQT/Mentor Handbook produced collaboratively with the West Cumbrian TSAs. This handbook and paperwork is available to NQT’s/Mentors once they have registered with a teaching school in West Cumbria (The paperwork is also available as PDFs on the website) 11 Primary/21 Secondary NQTs registered with WLTSA September 2015 Primary NQT/RQT CPD Programme in place for the third year Countywide NQT Mentor training – led by WLTSA Secondary NQT CPD and support network to include twilights and conferences and broker support to schools as appropriate in liaison with CASL and TSAs S2S grant success - £ 7,500 was received to support a secondary school. Action Plan requested from the Headteacher, identifying actions/costings closely linked to the SIP WLTSA has a range of SLE’s in place aligned with the CASL protocols from September 2015 Some requests have been made for additional non-SLE support Specialist Teachers in Education (SLEs) In March 2015 , the West Cumbrian TSA’s conducted joint Recently Qualified Teachers (RQT) Secondary RQT development group established Enquiry-based programme for RQT’S from September (reference R&D) – piloted in 3 Secondary schools TS Council Targeted funding for RQT Training Programme – 2 RQT’s / registered. 1 completed the training CPD/Leadership Development WLTSA – member of the CCPD Group – contributing to county wide CPD Traded Services CPD Directory as well as bespoke training that has been identified within the TS WLTSA initiated the collaborative approach to CPD/Leadership planning document (to be disseminated via CASL) WLTSA schools’ contribute to BBCL conference providing primary and secondary themed workshops recruitment SLE Programme is currently under review. The future of specialist leaders in education is still being determined as part of the broader picture. Marketing and promotion is the responsibility of teaching schools locally. There is no specific SLE Grant funding available. This information was provided in the Teaching Schools Newsletter September 2015. SLE NAME SCHOOL EXPERTISE Katy Birks Cockermouth School English Lisa Borrowdale Frizington Primary Early Years Abby Deeks West Lakes Academy English Barry Simpson West Lakes Academy Science Samantha Simpson Keswick School English Graham Wigginton Solway School SEN Gayle Wilkinson St Patrick's Catholic Primary West Lakes Academy Primary Chris Williams MFL Western Lakes Teaching School Alliance Lead School Research andDevelopment Bridekirk and Dovenby School Barry Hymer Conference, July 2015 was very successful as a stimulus for AR. Two conference sessions were provided and numerous requests for follow-up RQT AR Projects established in 3 secondary schools- Keswick/ St.Benedict’s / Ullswater Community College Governance WLTSA power point available for GBs Encourage COGs to become National Leaders in Education/NCTL-The National Leaders in Governance round is now open and closes on 6th November CPD- CEL ‘Leading beyond the School’ – embracing Governors of schools to play an active part in the programme Connecting with the wider community 3 September 2015 – WLTSA /Ellen School provided an information desk at the ‘Student AssertionWorkshop’ – Energus,Lillyhall Focus – ITT/School Direct – ‘Potential Teachers Recruitment Helen Tinnion, Headteacher Strategic Partners St Patricks School ( Primary ) Emma Jackson, Headteacher Mayfield School ( Special ) Gillian Temple, Headteacher Cockermouth School ( Secondary & Lead School for School Direct ) Dr Rob Petrie,Headteacher Keswick School ( Secondary) Simon Jackson,Headteacher University ofCumbria Alliance Partners (with regard to NQT Registration 2015-2016 ) Primary Bransty School Broughton School Bassenthwaite School Eaglesfield Paddle Primary Academy Montreal School St Joseph’s Frizington WLTSA will be supporting INSPIRA Event at Cockermouth School 6th October 2015 for the second year. Theme ‘World ofWork’-The aims of the day: Secondary Improve students’ understanding of the world of work Improve students’ understanding of the skills needed to St Joseph’s Catholic HighSchool make people employable Improve knowledge and understanding of the range of jobs in the labour market Enthuse students to achieve potential and aim as high as possible in their aspirations CASL – Ofsted training with HMI – September 2015 ‘The New Ofsted Framework’ Netherhall School Solway Community Technology College Ullswater Community College West Lakes Academy Whitehaven Academy Workington Academy St Benedicts RC High School Lynne CBrownrigg Director of WLTSA Ruth Buxton Initial Teacher Training Coordinator WLTSA Sarah Thurrell Administrator WLTSA Dawn Boyes Company Secretary Other priorities Attendance at Cumbria’s regional conferences and meetings have been, and will continue to be, a high priority. 8th October 2015 – ‘School Improvement Seminar’ Developing a Self-Improving Education System- Blackpool Sixth Form College 20th October – School Led Conference, Manchester 11th November 2015 – BBCL Teaching, Learning and Innovation Conference at Queen Katherine School, Kendal WLTSA Website The website has been refreshed and WLTSA administrator is engaging with social media to support marketing of School Direct. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to share experiences, successes and promote future events. @WLTSACumbria wltsaschooldirect LASL NORTH News from your area Progress and impact of activity on the LASL North Plan 100% of universal schools are involved in robust peer reviews which secure further improvement The vast majority of universal schools are involved in peer reviews. Those that aren’t, are mainly conducting self-evaluation with the support of an outside agency eg RLA. Supported schools- progress and impact of work done Several schools in the North LASL are now benefitting from support from system leaders in other schools whether this is brokered from the Teaching School or from schools in the cluster. The impact of this work is already being seen in both the receiving school and in the school providing the support. This is system leadership in action and is great to see! The 3 that we don’t know about are being contacted by the Cluster Communication Lead. Schools are reporting that an outcome is a greater focus on self-evaluation using the new Peer Review form. It is really encouraging to see an increase in the number of good and outstanding schools at both primary and secondary level over the last 18 months. Well done to all involved! Robust quality assurance processes are established in all areas of school improvement support work The LASL North Strategy Group is now established and all partners are fully engaged. The LASL Chair and Senior GA are in regular communication and developing an effective working relationship. Schools are becoming increasingly clear on LASL procedures and expectations. Clusters are increasingly involved in the provision of school to school support. Disadvantaged Pupils Project to lead to rapid improvement and impact on outcomes There were disappointing PP results for the county from academic year 2014-15. However there is now a robust PP plan in place to tackle the issues. All clusters are aware of the importance of PP work and are developing their practice PP CPD is delivered through conferences and lectures at undergraduate and post graduate level. Clusters are reviewing the support they can provide to schools which are in need of support. Efforts are being made to place a PP reviewer in every cluster in Cumbria. Feedback from the Conference 65 delegates attended on the Friday afternoon before half term. The date was unfortunate and it did adversely affect numbers. The speakers were well received and several requests for information from heads unable to attend have been received. The Prevent duty talk was particularly well received as well as the new Ofsted information. LASL SOUTH News from your area Sunday Times Festival of Education 18 June 2015 at Wellington College, Berkshire ‘The Sunday Times Festival of Education brings together the very best of education’s most forward thinking advocates, practitioners of change and policy makers. This two day festival has become one of, if not the leading forum for thought leadership, CPD and debate in the Education sector.’ Keynote Speakers were: Nicky Morgan Secretary of State for Education Piers Morgan Journalist Carol Dweck Professor Stanford University Sir Michael Wilshaw Her Majesty's Chief Inspector Ofsted Sir Ken Robinson Author Vicky Beer National Teaching Schools Council I was asked to speak, as part of a panel, with Kevan Collins CEO, Education Endowment Fund around ‘My future, my community – helping young people take positive social action. Young people can transform themselves and their communities through social action – what is education’s role?’ The Prince’s Trust, who are very interested in our work in school, and the work we have done to engage schools across Furness in partnership work with the business sector, invited me to be their guest speaker. This was an excellent opportunity to share the work we are doing in Furness schools and so I made my way to Berkshire. I talked about the improving economic picture in the area and the opportunities that will be available for our young people. How we are wrapping our curriculum and learning opportunities around the transferrable skills employers tell us they are looking for and how closely these skills align to high order learning skills and those skills required to carry out successful youth social action. I talked about the Win Win nature of this work if we can shift our learning culture to a true partnership with employers - a skilled future workforce for employers and an enhanced curriculum offer for schools. We know from our work, cross phase, that this approach to purposeful and relevant learning engages even the most disaffected youngsters and has a very real impact on attainment outcomes. I showed how our approach fits directly with the new Ofsted Inspection Framework; teaching students explicitly how to learn, working with employers to skill up young people, creating a localised curriculum that is relevant for young people. Through partnership with employers we can raise awareness of career opportunities in the locality but more than that, we can put young people directly into the world of work thus breaking down barriers that limit future choices. I gave the examples of a joint schools Children Leading Change Project we recently led, involving around 250 pupils and also about the Furness Future Leaders Academy taking place for 3 weeks during this Summer (primary students form 23 schools working together with businesses to develop leadership skills) in which we are no longer aiming to inspire and up skill future employees but future CEOs and employers! Kevan Collins fed back how impressed he was with our innovative approach to solving local problems and that although schools work with businesses across the country none do so in a co-construction partnership model as ours. He also commented on our commitment to shaping educational culture as we have worked for about 8 yrs to develop this model and support other schools; primary, secondary and FE, to develop the practice. He is very eager to schools in Furness. The Prince’s Trust are also extremely interested in this approach and how it can be effective as a model for schools to work in partnership with their community, to develop youth social action. I recently shared the thinking I have outlined at a Prince’s Trust ’50 Inspirational Heads’ event and have, as a result, been asked to be the Primary Chair for a Prince’s Trust national Headteacher Advisory Group. I am also now sitting on the Prince’s Trust Education Steering Group for the Step Up to Serve Campaign (with DfE, Ofsted, Citizenship Foundation, Action for Children, Whole Education, The Jubilee Centre etc …lots of Movers and Shakers!) Although I do worry a little about becoming distracted from my day job, it is very important that schools in Furness have a voice in national educational policy making circles and it is very positive that the work we are doing here is thought to be highly valuable. Caroline Vernon Headteacher at Victoria Academy News from our Teaching Schools The Queen Katherine Teaching School Alliance It has been a busy start to the year and many thanks to everyone for their contributions so far. We welcome Furness Academy to the Teaching School Alliance and congratulate Yarlside Primary Academy on their successful designation as a Teaching School. We look forward to working together and enhancing the opportunities over in the Furness area. Initial Teacher Training Trainee Teachers 2015/16 The trainees from last year are all settling in to their new teaching positions and we look forward to hearing from them during the year. Sasha (Primary) and Peter (Secondary) have already met the new trainees to share their experiences with them. 8 primary and 12 secondary trainees have started this year and early indications are extremely positive about their potential to be high quality teachers. The secondary cohort are the first South Cumbria SCITT cohort, where we accredit the ITE element and are working in collaboration with the University of Cumbria for the PGCE and subject pedagogy. We welcome Lancaster Royal Grammar School (LRGS) to the South Cumbria SCITT partnership and look forward to working with them this year. Thank you in advance to all the teachers and schools who contribute to the high quality training of our trainee teachers, it really is appreciated and wonderful to see them develop into strong teachers. Recruiting for 2016/17 The allocation methodology has changed this year, we have permission to recruit up to 15 primary (including an early years and SEN) and up to 25 in Secondary (6 English, 6 mathematics, 3 physics, 3 chemistry, 3 geography, 2 history and 2 biology) for 16/17. Newly Qualified Teachers We have over 40 NQTs registered with the Appropriate Body, a number have continued from last year as they are part time. This year we have extended the NQT+ training sessions which has been long established in Furness to the Kendal and Dallam areas. These sessions are voluntary and free. We have extended the invitation to any NQTs in the area, even if they are not registered with the QKTSA. There will be two NQT conferences this year (November – Secondary morning and open to all in the afternoon, February – Primary morning and open to all in the afternoon). School to School Support We currently have 8 successful grant bids from the NCTL for school improvement; five in the completion stages from last year and three new grants. All projects are progressing well and the funding and opportunities to work with partner headteachers and colleagues to access professional development has been welcomed by the schools. South LASL leads on behalf CASL on the priority of raising attainment and progress in Mathematics Key Stages 2 and 4. One of our objectives was to apply for Maths Hub Status for BBCL. At the end of last term we found out we were successful, with Lancaster Royal Grammar School being the lead school. South Lakes Federation Teaching School Alliance Peer Reviews & School to School Support We are pleased to welcome Helen Gaunt to the South Lakes Federation and Teaching School in a consultancy capacity. Helen is a former Headteacher and lead OFSTED inspector and will be working with us for the equivalent of three days per week to provide extra capacity in relation to school improvement and associated professional development and training. All schools within the alliance are grouped in threes to conduct the annual peer review. All reviews will be completed by the end of the first week in November. Three schools have opted for an extended two day review comprising data analysis, lesson observations, interviews with Heads of Dept/pastoral leads, meetings with students and governors followed by a full written report calibrating school selfevaluation judgements, identifying areas for further improvement and, where appropriate support from within the partnership to address those priorities. A further two day review for a fourth school is scheduled for the Spring Term 2016. Two Deputy Heads have also been involved in the process as part of their on-going professional development. Governor Training 30 Governors attended a training session in September on the new OFSTED framework with particular reference to the role of governors in the process and the types of question they are likely to be asked. ITE We continue to work in partnership with two neighbouring Teaching Schools to develop our SCITT. For the current Academic year we have recruited 12 trainees. South Lakes Rural Partnership Teaching School Alliance New Alliance members SLRP is delighted to welcome a number of new schools from the Millom area into our Teaching School Alliance. Haverigg, Thwaites, Captain Shaw’s Primary Schools, Black Combe Junior and Millom Infants. There are now 34 primary schools in the Teaching School Alliance with a further six secondary schools part of the wider SLRP Alliance. Peer Reviews & School to School Support All Schools within the alliance are now grouped in nine clusters of 3/4 to conduct peer reviews. The format of the report has been adjusted to take account of the OFSTED requirements and the increased emphasis on the performance of current cohorts in the school rather than being based on historic data and end of key stage performance. A new target setting language has been agreed to take account of the move away from levels and we have settled on a completion date of Christmas 2015 for all peer reviews. In some instances schools have opted to incorporate Headteacher performance management into the process in consultation with their governing bodies. As in previous years we will use the outcomes from the process to determine CPD priorities for our partnership which we mainly deliver through our networks. Reviews are also used to identify priorities for SLE deployment. All Headteachers have approved our Quality Assurance arrangements including an open invitation to senior/ general advisers to attend meetings of our Executive Board to discuss and evaluate completed reports in the spring and summer terms. In addition to the annual peer reviews which all schools participate in, a number of schools have requested longer two day visits incorporating lesson observations, book scrutiny, meetings with subject leaders, students and governors. We are able to deliver this as a costed service with monies used to cover the cost of Headteacher deployments to conduct the review and complete the written report. System leaders have worked in partnership with the LA in one such review. Impact - more rigorous self-review supports school improvement (2 /34 schools currently not judged to be good and improvements noted in both schools). ITE Our ITE strand will once again be led by Burton Morewood School and we are currently in the process of recruiting for 2016 /2017. Last year we successfully trained 11 students and we are updating our employment records for those trainees. For cohort 1 trainees 90% secured full time employment within six months of completing their training. Yarlside Teaching School Alliance After attending the National Induction Event in Nottingham the action plan for Yarlside Teaching School Alliance (YTSA) has now been completed and submitted to the Teaching School Council. This terms priorities along with the nine strategic partners is to; establish the Teaching School’s vision, develop robust procedures for collecting data, appoint an administrator and start the process of appointing SLEs. Work has started in terms of prioritising CPD needs within the Barrow and Furness area with a particular focus needed within raising standards, preparing for changes to end of key stage assessments and social issues. The Teaching School has been well received within the area with lots of interest from additional schools in becoming strategic partners and alliance members. Closing the Gap for Children Looked After: Successes and stubborn issues The 2015 outcomes for Children Looked After (CLA) present a very mixed picture with some big improvements and some stubborn issues. In the Early Years CLA 46% achieved a good level of development, our best results ever and results also improved in Key Stage 1. At Key Stage 5 our young people achieved good results and seven young people have embarked on degree courses, including one studying veterinary science. Now, the stubborn issues. At Key Stage 4 results 5+ A*-C EM rose from 8% in 2014 to 13% in 2015 but this gap remains stubbornly wide. The target was 20% but several CLA narrowly missed achieving a C in maths. This together with the very low number making three levels progress in maths, just 13% (five of 38 students) show that maths is a key issue. This was also the case at Key Stage 2 where only 48% achieved level 4+ in Maths compared to 70% in Reading. The number making two levels progress was also low in 2015, just 62% made the expected level of progress. The Virtual School governing body now has representation from CASL and LASL and at our recent meeting it was suggested that I attend LASL meetings in the Spring term together the Achievement teachers from my team. The aim will be to share successful strategies and also look at these stubborn issues in the context of the current 2016 and 2017 cohorts in each LASL area and discuss how we can work together to close the gap for this vulnerable group. I look forward to this. Bev Redfern Virtual School Head Maths Hub Comes to Cumbria Cumbria and North Lancashire were the only areas in England without a Maths Hub. However our recent bid for Maths Hub Status for Cumbria and North Lancashire has been successful. Maths Hubs will enable and further develop: Maths Hubs – Cumbria and North Lancashire Key functions: Local picture: 32 Maths Hubs across England, none in Cumbria/North Lancashire 3 Maths Hubs in North West Region Some project work provided by NW2 Maths Hub To do as well as best in the world For all students to master mathematics For all students to carry on study of mathematics to age 18 School Improvement – support for all schools to improve: The teaching of mathematics The leadership of mathematics The school’s mathematics curriculum Mathematics Outcomes: Identify needs and agree strategic provision Ensure provision of high impact specialist mathematics support Critically evaluate quality and impact Main Hub Drivers: Ambition: School-led subject system leadership High impact collaboration and partnership Innovation in teaching and teacher development Effective use of specialised expertise and evidence Lead School – Lancaster Royal Grammar School, Chris Pyle Senior Leader – Stephen Wilkinson, The Queen Katherine Teaching School Alliance Maths Lead – Alison Scott, Dowdales School Six sub-hubs - CASL/LASL structure and other BBCL areas Strategic Group Above group Secondary Head and Primary Head leads from each sub-hub Operation Groups Improve levels of achievement Increase levels of participation Improve attitudes to learning Closing the gaps between groups Operational Group lead by secondary/primary leads for each sub-hub Co-ordinate work groups Report to Strategic Group sub hub LASL West sub hub North Lancashire The BBCL Maths Hub Proposed Structure Hub Lead School LRGS sub hub Blackburn with Darwen sub hub LASL North Senior leader QKS Maths Lead Dowdales School sub hub LASL South sub hub Blackpool W: E: T: 016977 45722 A: FAO CASL, William Howard School, Longtown Road, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 1A