BB-Template-Staff-Gu.. - University of Bradford

Blackboard Module Templates Guide: Staff
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Blackboard Module
Staff Guide
Contents of this document:
BLACKBOARD MODULE TEMPLATES: ........................................................................................................... 2
STAFF GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................... 2
ABOUT THE TEMPLATE...................................................................................................................................... 3
ABOUT THIS GUIDE .......................................................................................................................................... 3
ACCESSIBILITY................................................................................................................................................. 3
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 4
MENU PANEL .............................................................................................................................................. 5
CONTROL PANEL ............................................................................................................................................. 7
STUDENT PREVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 8
ANNOUNCEMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
LEARNING MATERIAL ..................................................................................................................................... 11
ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 13
MY GROUP.................................................................................................................................................. 14
MY GRADES................................................................................................................................................. 15
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 16
CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................................... 17
DISCUSSION BOARD ....................................................................................................................................... 18
QUICK LINKS AND HELP .................................................................................................................................. 19
E-ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
About the Template
Authored by Mehrun Nissa Javed, a University of Bradford student, on placement at the Centre for Educational
Development, as part of a student-led initiative to standardise the student experience in accessing the Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE).
This template has been designed to support the implementation of the new curriculum framework. It is
designed to give instructors a starting point on how their module should look and it gives students the
opportunity to get the most out of their VLE.
About this Guide
Authored by Mehrun Nissa Javed, a University of Bradford student on, placement at the Centre for Educational
Development, as part of a student-led initiative to familiarise staff with changes to the Blackboard Module
The following sections explain the way Blackboard Modules should be structured. It also explains the different
areas instructors will expect to see and use within the template. The aim of this document is to help
instructors develop a consistent approach to developing their modules for all students.
Initial issue
Add accessibility features.
C Higgison
24 July 2015
27 July 2015
Any queries should be directed to .
Look out for the ‘Hints & Tips’ sections.
Instructors may choose to customise their module; however remember modules must be accessible for all
users. Further details can be found in the Help Sheets in the IT Services section on the University of Bradford
website. The direct link is:
Hints & Tips:
Check that your browser is compatible with Blackboard by running the compatibility test available on
the log in page.
Check the list of compatible browsers
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Student Expectations
From a University of Bradford student perspective these guidelines will improve the students’ experience of
using the VLE by increasing consistency across their modules. It is expected that academic and administrative
staff will:
1. Explain to students what they can expect to see in their modules in terms of administrative information
(e.g. handbooks, assessment details, contact details, etc.) and how they are expected to use the VLE on
their program of study (i.e. which activities are optional and which are required).
2. Ensure that students have access to their modules on the VLE at least a minimum of 48 hours before the
scheduled start of the module/ session.
3. Ensure that information and resources provided in the VLE meet the University’s legal obligations in
relation to accessibility, copyright and data protection. Accessibility guidelines are available at; copyright advice is available from
the library online at and from your
subject librarian; and data protection advice is available from IT Services online at
4. Ensure each module contains the following information:
a. Welcome Announcement for students – it should include the module title.
b. Staff Contact Details including email, phone number, office location and office hours (optionally also a
c. Module Information, including the module handbook, learning outcomes, teaching and assessment
methods, assessment dates, module timetable and reading list.
d. Learning Materials/ Electronic Documents used on the module must be made available at least 48
hours in advance of their use. These can include presentation slides, notes or handouts that must be
accessible and portable across devices, e.g. in pdf format, and that meet the needs of all students
including those with Learner Support Profiles (available in e-Vision). These do not need to include
answers to learner tasks, activities, or tutorial or seminar exercises.
e. Assessment details including information about the provision of assessment feedback, dates, and
assignment submission link(s) if appropriate.
My Grades, if used (initially set to ‘Unavailable’ and not visible to students).
5. Make all modules ‘available’ to students at least 48 hours before the scheduled start of the module
6. Make modules easy to navigate, with items placed in a clear structure that is logically and consistently
labelled, (e.g. Place assignment submission links within Assessment area, reduce excessive scrolling or
nesting of folders by adding multiple documents to a single item).
7. Ensure that assignments submitted online, e.g. coursework, include a “Statement of Authenticity” must be
included in the ‘Description’ box for each VLE (Blackboard) assignment. This statement informs students
that by the act of submitting an assignment they are confirming it is their own work. This statement is
inserted automatically for TurnitinUK assignments (and e-Portfolio submissions in PebblePad).
8. Ensure their module(s) adopt the uniform presentation style agreed for the programme modules (where
exclusions apply, these must be documented and communicated to students, e.g. electives).
Hints & Tips:
We recommend either Firefox or Chrome for optimal browsing experience for viewing Blackboard.
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Menu Panel
This section explains the key symbols used in the Menu Panel in your Blackboard Module template (Figure 1 staff view; Figure 3 – student view).
The square with a slash through means that specific tab is hidden from the Student View.
The dividers help to differentiate the sections in the Module.
Sub headings (in bold) show what content/ information the sections hold.
Dividers and sub headers reduce confusion between links for students.
To add more items to the Menu Panel, click the plus sign on the top left of the Menu Panel (Figure 2).
To change the position of a tab on the menu panel there are arrows on the left hand side of each tab, drag
and drop the tabs to change position.
To delete a tab: Scroll over the tab to reveal a small grey arrow. Click on the arrow to reveal the menu item
Figure 1: The different aspects of the Menu Panel - staff view.
Current control panel
viewed by the instructor
Use the plus
sign to add
to the
control panel.
Hidden from
Sub-headers used
to show sections
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Figure 2: The drop down menu to edit the Menu Panel.
This is the drop down menu that will
appear when instructors want to
edit the Menu Panel.
Figure 3: The Menu Panel in student view.
This is the current Menu Panel that
students will see. Instructors can
add, delete or hide Content Area of
their choice.
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Control Panel
The module Control Panel can only be seen by staff; it is hidden from the student view. Within the control
panel you can:
Search within the Content Collection to find documents you may need.
Check activity within your Module and gain reports using the Evaluation tab.
Find assignments that need marking and view the Grade Centre.
Users and Groups – this function is not available.
Customise your Module (following accessibility guidelines).
Export or import files within Blackboard.
Figure 4: The Control Panel (staff view only)
Control Panel
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Student Preview
To view a Module in Student View, click the Student View icon. It is placed at the top right hand side, above
the module main window.
The Student View shows the students view of the module, ie what they will see. It is very flexible and can be
used to test assignment submission areas, discussions, wikis, blogs and group features.
Figure 5: The ‘student view’ icon.
Student View
Hints & Tips:
For further details please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Announcements helps to keep students up-to-date with key tasks and events and to notify them if something
has changed, for example, if a lecture has been cancelled. Regular, informative announcements help to keep
students informed about the module and encourage them to visit the VLE regularly (Figure 6).
Specific Announcements can be kept on top, by dragging and dropping them to the desired position using
the arrows on the left hand side of the Announcement to where you want students to see it.
To delete an Announcement scroll over the Announcement and a small arrow menu will appear. Click on
the arrow to reveal options to edit and delete.
Figure 6: shows the create announcement tab
Create an
Help on announcements
Further help on announcements is available on the template (Figure 7).
Announcements need a title for the subject.
Below the subject title is a box for the Announcement.
The Announcements can also have date restrictions so you can setup when they should show up on the
Student View and at what date they should be removed.
Blackboard can also email students the Announcement: This is done by ticking the email announcement
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Figure 7: Shows aspects of the create announcement menu.
Subject of
Sending the
by email
Hints & Tips:
This is a quick and efficient way of emailing all students on the module in a single email.
For further guidance please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Learning Material
Learning material is organised in folders, one folder for each semester, and then organised in weekly
folders within each semester (Figure 8).
Folders can be date restricted to hide content from students until the appropriate time. This works in a
similar way to dates on Announcements.
Content can be added to the folders using the build content button (Figure 9).
A weekly structure keeps the module organised and helps students understand where everything is.
Figure 8: Structure of Module Learning Materials Content Area
The current folder system
within the template
Lecture Slides
Week 1 (Title of
subject area)
Semester 1
Lecture Slides
Week 2 (Title of
subject area)
Lecture Slides
Week 1 (Title of
subject area)
Semester 2
Lecture Slides
Week 2 (Title of
subject area)
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Figure 9: The Build Content tab.
Build Content
Hints & Tips:
Adding the most current, relevant and interactive content within the Learning Materials areas will
enable students to better engage with your module.
Creating a lesson plan will help remind students what has been covered in face-to-face sessions.
Using the date availability function on folders will allow control of when student material becomes
visible - minimum available 48 hours in advance - which allows flexibility of when teaching materials
are uploaded, eg. at the start of the semester or weekly.
For further help see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
The Assessment Content Area in the menu panel allows instructors to set assessments and their online
submission areas, including online tests and exams (Figure 10).
The type of assessment can be selected via the Assessment tab and there are 6 types of assessments
available for you to choose from (Figure 10). The most commonly used are:
o Turnitin Assignment for formative feedback to students on their academic practice (originality
checking/ referencing);
o Assignment/ Turnitin Assignment for e-submission of coursework;
o Test to add e-assessments.
Each assessment should be in a separate folder within the correct semester in the Assessment Content
For e-submission both a draft and final submission area needs to be set up and available for Students.
Figure 10: The options available under the Assessment tab.
Type of
Hints & Tips:
Using the assessments within Blackboard will automatically show up in your students Blackboard
For further information and guidance please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
My Group
If students need to work together this tool will allow groups to be created quickly (Figure 11).
The My Group Content Area is currently hidden from the Student View.
The group tool allows groups to be set up by importing a Spreadsheet file when saved as a CSV1 file into
Blackboard (
Instructors can choose to configure the group settings so that students cannot create their own groups.
The 3 tabs for viewing groups allow instructors to view groups by:
o Sets,
o All Groups or
o All Users.
Figure 11: Options for setting up the ‘My Group’ Content Area.
Import groups through a CSV file
Group settings
Create a group
Hints & Tips:
Creating a group through Blackboard will allows groups to be created quickly and students are
randomly allocated to these groups.
Create new groups whenever using the create tab.
For further guidance and information
CSV – comma separated variables.
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
My Grades
The My Grades tab is initially hidden from the Student View and the instructor decides when and if to make
this content area available to students (Figure 12).
The My Grades tab should be made available when student’s assessments are marked.
My Grades is a student facing function and Instructors cannot see any results within the My Grades area.
Figure 12: My Grades hidden from student view.
My Grades
currently hidden
Hints & Tips:
Using the assessments within Blackboard will automatically show up in your students Blackboard
For further information and guidance please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Additional Resources
The Additional Resources tab can be used to provide any useful additional links and resources that may benefit
your students (Figure 13).
There are 4 types of resources that you can offer: Books; Documents; Web Links; and Past exam papers (if
their module contains exams).
The Glossary tab within the Additional Resources tab provides an easy way of adding definitions of key and
important terms for students to see and revise from.
If any of these folders are not required they can be deleted of hidden from the student view.
There is a tab called Partner Content which will allows a book to be entered manually.
Figure 13: the Content Area for Additional Resources.
Adding a book
in manually
Glossary – add terms
Hints & Tips:
The Module Handbook should be added as a file into the Content Area using the Build Content tab.
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Instructors need to provide their contact details and office hours available to their students (Figure 14).
Contact details should be provided to students include:
Work phone (extension number).
Office location.
Office hours.
Photo (optional).
Figure 14: Create contacts using the Create Contact tab.
Create your
contact details
Hints & Tips:
For further information and guidance please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Discussion Board
The Discussion Board creates space online to enable your students to discuss topics together.
Discussion boards may help instructors understand where students may be struggling; they also allow
students to discuss module related issues with fellow students.
Figure 15: The Create Forum button within the Discussion Board tab.
Create a forum
to discuss
Hints & Tips:
Further help on the Discussion Board is available in the module template in Blackboard and online at
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Quick Links and Help
Students will benefit from links to relevant extra resources and these can be added by using the add sign
on the Menu Panel (Figure 16).
Naming the link and typing the correct URL (web address) will create a new link on the Menu Panel (Figure
All links within the Menu Panel open in a new browser window.
Figure 16: This shows the Quick Links and Help area on the Menu Panel.
Quick Links
Help Links
Figure 17: Adding a web link to the Menu Panel.
Adding a web
link to the
control panel
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates
University of Bradford
Centre for Educational Development
Formative tests and quizzes should be added into the learning materials content area within the modules.
Summative online exams must be added to the assessment content area.
For further information and support please see
Updated: 24 July, 2015
Blackboard Module Templates