Equations that allow a quantitative look at the OCEAN Equation of State: [S ,T , p ] u v w 0 Conservation of Mass or Continuity: x y z Conservation of Salt: S S S S S S S u v w K K K t x y z x x x y y y z z z Conservation of Heat: T T T T T u v w t x y z x x x y T T y y z z z Conservation of Momentum (Equations of Motion) Newton’s Second Law: a du dt dV dv a dt dt dw dt ma F F m u u u u u v w t x y z v v v v u v w t x y z w w w w u v w x y z t Conservation of momentum mV as they describe changes of momentum in time per unit mass 1 d dV mV a m dt dt z Circulación típica en un fiordo x a F m Aceleraciones z x u u u du u u v w t x y z dt Gradiente de presión z x Debido a la pendiente del nivel del mar (barotrópico) Debido al gradiente de densidad (baroclínico) 1 p g 0 g dz x x H x Fricción z x Debida a gradientes verticales de velocidad (divergencia del flujo de momentum) u Az z z Coriolis z x Debido a la rotación de la Tierra; proporcional a la velocidad fv Balance de momentum z x du 1 p u fv Az dt x z z dv 1 p v fu Az dt y z z 1 p g z Forces per unit mass that produce accelerations in the ocean: F Pressure gradient + Coriolis + gravity + friction + tides m Pressure gradient: Barotropic and Baroclinic Coriolis: Only in the horizontal Gravity: Only in the vertical Friction: Surface, bottom, internal Tides: Boundary condition REMEMBER, these are FORCES PER UNIT MASS F Pressure gradient + Coriolis + gravity + friction+ tides m Pressure gradient: Barotropic and Baroclinic Coriolis: Only in the horizontal Gravity: Only in the vertical Friction: Surface, bottom, internal Tides: Boundary condition REMEMBER, these are FORCES PER UNIT MASS z dz p p y p dx x dy x dx Net Force in ‘x’ = p dx dy dz x 1 p 1 p dx dy dz Net Force per unit mass in ‘x’ = x Vol x Total pressure force/unit mass on every face of the fluid element is: 1 p p p 1 , , p x y z Illustrate pressure gradient force in the ocean z Pressure Gradient Gradient? z Pressure Gradient Force 1 2 x Pressure of water column at 1 (hydrostatic pressure) : P1 g z Hydrostatic pressure at 2 : P2 g z z Pressure gradient force caused by sea level tilt: 1 p 1 P2 P1 gz z g x x x x BAROTROPIC PRESSURE GRADIENT Descarga de Agua Dulce Precipitación pluvial y Ríos Aporte aproximado por lluvia: 2000 mm por año area superficial: 350 km por 10 km = 3.5x109 m2 200 m3/s Aporte aproximado por ríos: 1000 m3/s 1 p g 0 g dz x x H x Milliman et al. (1995) Dirección Meteorológica de Chile F Pressure gradient + Coriolis + gravity + friction + tides m Pressure gradient: Barotropic and Baroclinic Coriolis: Only in the horizontal Gravity: Only in the vertical Friction: Surface, bottom, internal Tides: Boundary condition REMEMBER, these are FORCES PER UNIT MASS Acceleration due to Earth’s Rotation Remember cross product of two vectors: A (a1, a2 , a3 ) and B (b1, b2 , b3 ) iˆ jˆ kˆ A B a1 a2 a3 iˆ(a2b3 a3b2 ) jˆ(a3b1 a1b3 ) kˆ (a1b2 a2 b1 ) b1 b2 b3 C (a2b3 a3b2 , a3b1 a1b3 , a1b2 a2b1) r Now, let us consider the velocity V of a fixed particle on a rotating body at the position The body, for example the earth, rotates at a rate ,r V V r To an observer from space (us): drf drE rE dt dt This gives an operator that relates a fixed frame in space (inertial) to a moving object on a rotating frame on Earth (non-inertial) d f d E dt dt E This operator is used to obtain the acceleration of a particle in a reference frame on the rotating earth with respect to a fixed frame in space V d f d E E dt dt drf drE rE dt dt d drf dt dt 0 d d r d d r d r E E E rE rE dt dt dt dt dt dVf dVE 2 VE rE dt dt Acceleration of a particle on a rotating Earth with respect to an observer in space Coriolis Centripetal r The equations of conservation of momentum, up to now look like this: dVE 1 2 VE rE p other forces dt Coriolis Acceleration E W , N S , v 0,Ch ,Cv Ch sin90 cos Cv cos90 sin 0, cos , sin 90 Cv iˆ 2 V 2 0 u jˆ kˆ cos v sin 2 cos w 2 sin v , 2 sin u , 2 cos u w Making: f f 2 sin 2 24h is the Coriolis parameter 2 V 2 cos w fv , fu , 2 cos u This can be simplified with two assumptions: 1) Weak vertical velocities in the ocean (w << v, u) 2) Vertical component is ~5 orders of magnitude < acceleration due to gravity 2 V fv , fu , 0 2 V fv , fu , 0 Eastward flow will be deflected to the south Northward flow will be deflected to the east f increases with latitude f is negative in the southern hemisphere f 2 sin F Pressure gradient + Coriolis + gravity + friction + tides m Pressure gradient: Barotropic and Baroclinic Coriolis: Only in the horizontal Gravity: Only in the vertical Friction: Surface, bottom, internal Tides: Boundary condition du 1 p fv C x x dt dv 1 p fu Cy dt x dw 1 p dt 0 x other forces F Pressure gradient + Coriolis + gravity + friction + tides m Pressure gradient: Barotropic and Baroclinic Coriolis: Only in the horizontal Gravity: Only in the vertical Friction: Surface, bottom, internal Tides: Boundary condition REMEMBER, these are FORCES PER UNIT MASS Centripetal acceleration and gravity dV 1 2 V r gf p other forces dt r gf g r r gf g (0, 0, g ) g has a weak variation with latitude because of the magnitude of the centrifugal acceleration 2 r cos g is maximum at the poles and minimum at the equator (because of both r and lamda) Variation in g with latitude is ~ 0.5%, so for practical purposes, g =9.80 m/s2 1 dV 2 V g p other forces dt du 1 p fv 0 dt x dv 1 p fu 0 dt x dw 1 p dt 0 x g friction Friction (wind stress) z W Vertical Shears (vertical gradients) u Friction (bottom stress) z u Vertical Shears (vertical gradients) bottom Friction (internal stress) z u1 Vertical Shears (vertical gradients) u2 Flux of momentum from regions of fast flow to regions of slow flow Shear stress is proportional to the rate of shear normal to which the stress is exerted u z u z at molecular scales µ is the molecular dynamic viscosity = 10-3 kg m-1 s-1 for water is a property of the fluid Shear stress has units of kg m-1 s-1 m s-1 m-1 = kg m-1 s-2 or force per unit area or pressure: kg m s-2 m-2 = kg m-1 s-2 z u z u y y u y dy dz u x u y y dy u u dz z z z x dx u u dx x x x z u z u u dy y y y dz u x u y u u dx x x x y dy u u dz z z z x dx Net force per unit mass (by molecular stresses) on u Fx 1 u x x y u u u u u y z z x x y y z z kinematic molecular viscosity 10-6 m 2 s If viscosity is constant, Fx u u u becomes: x x y y z z 2u 2u 2u 2 Fx u 2 2 2 x y z And up to now, the equations of motion look like: 1 dV 2 2 V g p ( )V dt These are the Navier-Stokes equations Presuppose laminar flow! Compare non-linear (advective) terms to molecular friction u U 2 u ~ x L 2u U 2~ 2 x L U 2 L UL Inertial to viscous: Re 2 U L Reynolds Number Flow is laminar when Re < 1000 Flow is transition to turbulence when 100 < Re < 105 to 106 Flow is turbulent when Re > 106, unless the fluid is stratified Low Re High Re Consider an oceanic flow where U = 0.1 m/s; L = 10 km; kinematic viscosity = 10-6 m2/s Re 0.110000 109 6 10 Is friction negligible in the ocean? Frictional stresses from turbulence are not negligible but molecular friction is negligible at scales > a few m. T T T' T T T 'T ' 0 T T' 0 T T' 0 - Use these properties of turbulent flows in the Navier Stokes equations -The only terms that have products of fluctuations are the advection terms - All other terms remain the same, e.g., u t u t u ' t u t 0 u u u u u ' u ' u ' v w u' v' w' x y z x y z du dt u' u' u' v ' u' w ' x y z u' u ' u ' u ' u ' v ' w ' v' w' u' u' u' x y z x y z u ' v ' w ' u' x y z u' u' , u' v ' , u' w ' are the Reynolds 0 stresses arise from advective (non-linear or inertial) terms u ' u ' Ax u x u ' v ' Ay u y u ' w ' Az u z This relation (fluctuating part of turbulent flow to the mean turbulent flow) is called a turbulence closure The proportionality constants (Ax, Ay, Az) are the eddy and are a property of the flow (vary in space and time) Fx u Ax x x y (or turbulent) viscosities u u Ay y z Az z Fx u Ax x x y u u Ay y z Az z Ax, Ay oscillate between 101 and 105 m2/s Az oscillates between 10-5 and 10-1 m2/s Az << Ax, Ay but frictional forces in vertical are typically stronger eddy viscosities are up to 1011 times > molecular viscosities Equations of motion – conservation of momentum du 1 p u fv Ax dt x x x y u u Ay y z Az z dv 1 p v v v fu Ax Ay Az dt y x x y y z z dw 1 p w g Ax dt z x x y w w Ay y z Az z ma F du 1 p u fv Ax dt x x x y u u u Ay y z Az z v dv 1 p v v v fu Ax Ay Az dt y x x y y z z p g 1 p z u v w 0 x y z w S T S S S S S S S u v w K K K t x y z x x x y y y z z z T T T T T u v w t x y z x x x y [S ,T , p ] T T y y z z z