Study Guide: Pressure, Friction & Gravity

Study Guide: Pressure, Friction & Gravity
Key Questions
What is the Law of Universal Gravitation states…
The force of gravity between two objects depends on
the _________________ of the objects
the __________________ between the objects.
Greater mass results in __________________ force
Greater distance results in _________________ force
How fast do objects accelerate toward the earth? __________________________________________________
What are two ways to…?
Don’t memorize this chart! Think it through using the examples from class!
Increase friction
Ex. Friction Boards
Decrease friction
Increase gravitational pull
Ex. Think of magnets
Decrease gravitational pull
Increase the effect of air
Ex. Crumpled vs regular
Decrease the effect of air
Decrease pressure
Ex. Water Bottle with
different amount of water
And water standing on side
or top
Increase pressure
How and why does air pressure change with altitude?
How and why does water pressure change with depth?
What is Bernoulli’s principle?
What creates the buoyant force in fluids?
A child stands on his toy box. The combined weight of the child and the toy box is 220N. The base of the toy
box is .22 m2. What pressure does the child on the box exert of the floor? Show all of your work below. Use
proper units!
The air under the airplane wing moves slower than the air above the wing. Using Bernoulli’s Principle, label the
areas of high and low pressure. Then explain what creates the lifting force to keep the airplane in the air.