Links between Toxic in the Air and Children’s School Performance Presented by Dr. Byoung-Suk Kweon, University of Maryland Other Principal Investigator Dr. Paul Mohai, University of Michigan Post-doctoral Research Fellow Dr. Sangyun Lee, University of Michigan Sponsor The Kresge Foundation June 20, 2012 Article in Health Affairs examining air pollution burdens from industrial sources around schools available at: ( Locations of 3660 public schools in the State of Michigan Locations of 594 RSEI facilities in the State of Michigan Total toxic concentration contours in the state of Michigan (2006 RSEI) Contours based on accumulated area of 1 km by 1 km grid cells in ascending order of total toxic concentration from 2006 Risk Screening Environmental Indicator Total toxic concentration contours in the state of Michigan (2006 RSEI and Top 10 Percentile) Contours based on accumulated area of 1 km by 1 km grid cells in ascending order of total toxic concentration from 2006 Risk Screening Environmental Indicator Estimating toxic air concentrations from industrial sources within 2 km of schools using areal apportionment Mean air toxic concentration within 2 km circle of the school = n ∑=1%CGi * TCi i %CGi = Percent of area of the 2 km circle captured by grid celli TCi = Total toxic concentration in grid celli Top 12 chemicals in areas within 2 km of schools Develop Cardiov Carcino Respirat Neurolo mental ascular genic ory gical Diisocyanates Yes Manganese Yes Sulfuric Acid Yes Nickel Yes Chlorine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cobalt Glycol Ethers Yes Yes Chromium Trimethylbenzene Hydrochloric Acid Molybdenum trioxide Lead Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Data obtained from Scorecard: 8 Changes in median air toxic concentrations, 1999-2006 450 360 270 180 90 0 1999 Michigan 2000 2001 Metro 2002 Detroit 2003 2004 Schools (Metro) 2005 2006 Schools (DET) Schools (Metro) = areas within 2 km of schools in Detroit Metro Area Schools (DET) = areas within 2 km of schools in Detroit Deciles of total toxic concentration in Michigan and school-based demographics Deciles of TC by land area (sq km) 1st Decile 2nd Decile 3rd Decile 4th Decile 5th Decile 6th Decile 7th Decile 8th Decile 9th Decile 10th Decile Total Schools % 65 1.8 78 2.1 95 2.6 147 4.0 182 5.0 233 6.4 268 7.3 305 8.3 514 14.0 1773 48.4 3,660 All Students African Students in White Hispanic American Free Lunch Students Students Students Program % % % 16,754 13,228 170 1.0 1.1 0.1 23,118 21,793 193 1.4 1.9 0.1 32,269 30,354 337 2.0 2.6 0.1 50,165 46,124 1173 3.1 4.0 0.4 71,208 63,349 2074 4.4 5.5 0.6 100,045 89,117 4064 6.1 7.7 1.3 109,229 87,444 14,545 6.7 7.5 4.5 129,906 113,023 8,315 8.0 9.7 2.6 233,399 181,574 28,641 14.3 15.6 8.9 863,629 515,839 262,685 53.0 44.4 81.5 1,629,722 1,161,845 322,197 % 129 0.2 405 0.5 537 0.7 1370 1.8 3,274 4.3 3,921 5.2 3,946 5.2 4,700 6.2 10,413 13.8 47,046 62.1 75,741 % 5732 1.2 7,043 1.5 9,441 2.0 11,666 2.4 15,978 3.3 21,319 4.4 28,470 5.9 30,525 6.4 51,645 10.7 298,984 62.2 480,803 Total toxic concentration estimates are based on 2006 Risk Screening Environmental Indicator (RSEI) data. Schools whose toxic concentration (TC) are greater than their districts’ Deciles of TC by school %Schools whose TCs Ave. TC of exceed their Districts’ Schools TC of District 1st Decile 0.00% N.A. N.A. 2nd Decile 10.26% 0.62 0.48 3rd Decile 11.58% 1.25 0.80 4th Decile 17.69% 2.88 1.16 5th Decile 19.23% 4.91 2.11 6th Decile 40.77% 8.54 2.54 7th Decile 31.34% 13.82 4.13 8th Decile 39.34% 20.88 6.96 9th Decile 63.42% 37.01 13.81 10th Decile 91.54% 229.40 22.46 Total toxic concentrations based on 2006 RSEI-GM and are within 2 km of schools. 11 Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards for English by percentiles of total toxic concentration MEAP scores are for 2007. Pollution estimates come from 2006 RSEI. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards are based on averages across all schools in Michigan. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards for math by percentiles of total toxic concentration MEAP scores are for 2007. Pollution estimates come from 2006 RSEI. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards are based on averages across all schools in Michigan. Regression analysis of percent of students not meeting 2007 MEAP standards by total toxic concentration from 2006 RSEI English N=2574 Total TC (1-58) Total TC (59-86) Total TC (87+) Math Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Beta Beta Beta Beta — — — — 0.20*** 0.07*** 0.18*** 0.06*** 0.39*** 0.07*** 0.37*** 0.08*** Rural areas — — Central cities 0.09*** 0.08*** Suburbs 0.06** 0.01 Student attendance rates Total Expenditure per pupil (district) -0.10*** -0.11*** -0.01 0.00 #Students 0.07*** 0.13*** Student/Teacher Ratio 0.03 0.05*** %Free lunch students 0.66*** 0.56*** R2 0.151*** * P < .05; ** P < .01; *** P < .001 0.573*** 0.132*** 0.479*** Respiratory risk contours in the state of Michigan (2005 National Air Toxics Assessment) Contours based on accumulated area (in square kilometers) of census tracts in ascending order of respiratory risk estimates from 2005 NATA Respiratory risk contours in the state of Michigan (2005 NATA and Top 10 Percentile) Contours based on accumulated area (in square kilometers) of census tracts in ascending order of respiratory risk estimates from 2005 NATA Estimating cancer risk within 2 km of schools using areal apportionment Mean cancer risk within 2 km circle of the school = n ∑=1%CTi * CRi i %CTi = Percent of the area of the circle captured by the tracti CRi = Cancer risk for the tracti Deciles of respiratory risk in Michigan and schoolbased demographics Deciles of respiratory risk by land area (sq km) 1st Decile 2nd Decile 3rd Decile 4th Decile 5th Decile 6th Decile 7th Decile 8th Decile 9th Decile 10th Decile Total Schools % 29 0.8 23 0.6 44 1.2 105 2.9 97 2.7 144 3.9 197 5.4 289 7.9 484 13.2 2248 61.4 3,660 All Students African Students in White Hispanic American Free Lunch Students Students Students Program % % % 4,986 3,876 26 0.3 0.3 0.0 5,618 4,681 35 0.3 0.4 0.0 10,083 9,230 86 0.6 0.8 0.0 25,863 23,950 220 1.6 2.1 0.1 29,960 28,073 347 1.8 2.4 0.1 43,507 40,567 696 2.7 3.5 0.2 66,021 60,557 771 4.1 5.2 0.2 108,515 98,786 2,289 6.7 8.5 0.7 208,595 188,342 7,260 12.8 16.2 2.3 1,126,574 703,783 310,467 69.1 60.6 96.4 1,629,722 1,161,845 322,197 % 27 0.0 34 0.0 57 0.1 384 0.5 624 0.8 1,267 1.7 3,047 4.0 4,759 6.3 7,513 9.9 58,029 76.6 75,741 % 1264 0.3 2,073 0.4 2,971 0.6 9,180 1.9 9,606 2.0 14,787 3.1 18,647 3.9 26,214 5.5 43,518 9.1 352,543 73.3 480,803 Respiratory risk estimates are based on 2005 NATA and include major, area, on-road mobile, non-road mobile, and background sources Percentage of schools whose respiratory risk ratios are greater than their districts’ Deciles of RRR by school %Schools whose RRRs exceed their Districts’ Ave. RRR of Schools RRR of District 1st Decile 18.31% 0.561 0.462 2nd Decile 39.34% 1.015 0.565 3rd Decile 47.27% 1.502 0.724 4th Decile 63.39% 1.965 0.952 5th Decile 63.93% 2.578 1.273 6th Decile 74.59% 3.455 1.474 7th Decile 81.97% 4.436 2.040 8th Decile 93.72% 5.719 1.798 9th Decile 100% 6.966 1.080 10th Decile 100% 8.269 0.913 Respiratory risk ratio is based on 2002 NATA and includes major, area, on-road19 mobile, non-road mobile, and background sources Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards for English by percentiles of total respiratory risk MEAP scores are for 2007. Pollution estimates come from 2005 NATA. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards are based on averages across all schools in Michigan. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards for math by percentiles of total respiratory risk MEAP scores are for 2007. Pollution estimates come from 2005 NATA. Percent of students not meeting MEAP standards are based on averages across all schools in Michigan. Regression analysis of percent of students not meeting 2007 MEAP standards by total respiratory risk from 2005 NATA English N=2574 Total respiratory risk (1-53) Total respiratory risk (54-82) Total respiratory risk (83+) Math Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Beta Beta Beta Beta — — — — 0.12*** 0.03* 0.11*** 0.02 0.43*** 0.11*** 0.39*** 0.11*** Rural areas — — Central cities 0.09*** 0.08*** Suburbs 0.06** 0.01 Student attendance rates Total Expenditure per pupil (district) -0.16*** #Students -0.17*** -0.01 0.00 -0.03* 0.05** Student/Teacher Ratio 0.05*** 0.07*** %Free lunch students 0.63*** 0.53*** R2 0.168*** * P < .05; ** P < .01; *** P < .001 0.629*** 0.139*** 0.504*** Michigan school siting factors Norton, 2008 Policy implications • Ensure cooperation among federal, state and local agencies • Analyze potential school sites • Require minimum distances between schools and environmental hazards • Adopt environmental mitigation policies