Webinar for ABD (All But Dissertation) students conducted by Dr

Providing Life Lines for ABD
Marilyn K. Simon, Ph.D.
Jim Goes, Ph.D.
Where are you in your doctoral program?
• A) I am in a doctoral program and thinking about
my dissertation.
• B) I completed all my other course work and
requirements and I am getting ready to start my
• C) I am knee deep into my dissertation and hope to
finish at a reasonable time.
• D) I have been ABD for a while and I am concerned
about my progress.
• E) I am thinking of starting a doctoral program and
do not want to be ABD for a long time.
• F) None of the above
Research is not a linear path
. Permission obtained
Harburg, Ernest. (1966). Research Map. American Scientist, 54, 470
Harburg, Ernest. (1966). Research Map. American Scientist, 54, 470.
Being ABD means
• You have taken all the courses you need to take to
earn a Ph.D.
• You have taken your Ph.D. qualifying exam or
passed all requirements except the dissertation.
• You have successfully defended your dissertation
• You probably feel you deserve a degree, but ABD is
not a real degree offered by any university.
• You need to make it to the finish line and get that
doctorate along with those initials.
Being ABD  Ph.D./Equivalent
Can be Lonely
Requires motivation
Requires time management
Requires support
Requires dealing with the peaks and valleys
of research
• Requires working effectively with your
• Requires several lifelines
• You are intelligent enough to have come this
far, there is no reason to be ABD any longer
than you need to.
• The longer you stay ABD, the more difficult it
becomes to move forward.
• There are wonderful rewards waiting for you
when you complete your dissertation and
your doctoral program.
What do you need to move forward?
A) Better time management
B) Methodological support
C) Data Analysis support
D) Committee support
E) APA support
F) Stress Management
G) More hours in the day
H) A larger sample size
Lifeline: Time Management
• Time is a finite Resource
• Set a realistic date for DCD (Dissertation
Completion Date).
• Acknowledge non dissertation related activities that
need to be done in conjunction with your
dissertation research.
• Set daily/weekly/monthly goals
• Keep a dissertation journal
• Re-evaluate what you can give up temporarily or
permanently to make more time in your schedule.
Remember your Rocks
• A science teacher asked students to fill a
Mason Jar with big rocks until full.
• Teacher has them add gravel until full.
• Teacher has them add sand until full.
• Teacher has them add water until full.
Remember your Rocks
• Lesson: In our lives, we have big rocks, gravel,
sand and water. The natural tendency seems to
favor the latter three elements, leaving little space
for the big rocks.
• Make a list of your big rocks. Then make a plan to
ensure that your big rocks are put first. Block out
the time in your schedule for those activities.
Amazingly, the other stuff still gets done.
• Your dissertation is a big rock!
• Your Rocks cannot be larger than your jar
Lifeline: Choose the right methodology for you
• Take the test at http://tinyurl.com/6wmnchs
• Determine your research archetype.
– Conceptual Theorist
– Analytical Scientist
– Particular Humanist
– Conceptual Humanist
Conceptual Theorists
• Holistic and Imaginative.
• Prefers a testable framework with large
scale correlation.
• Many reasons why things happen that can
be discerned.
• Factor analyses, descriptive research,
correlational studies, repertory grid analyses,
Q-methodology, Delphi
Analytical Scientists
• Prefers precision, exactness, unambiguous
• Experimental Design, Quasi-experimental
Design, semiotics, trend analysis,
regression-discontinuity design.
Particular Humanist
• Prefers personal knowledge to rational
knowledge. Believes humans are too
complex to study as a whole. Believes you
must be passionate about your study.
• Case study, appreciative inquiry, grounded
theory, phenomenology, Delphi Method.
Conceptual Humanist
• Prefers holistic knowledge. Human behavior
needs to be studied through many points of
view. Constantly develop new approaches to
study humans.
• Grounded theory, phenomenology, grounded
theory, evaluative case study, content
analysis, Delphi Method
Lifeline: Data Analysis - Quantitative
• Familiarize yourself with the basics of Statistics – Triola,
• Consider obtaining a statistical coach:
• Analysis begins after all data are collected
• Deductive – theories/hypotheses are tested.
• Remember: the null is the “no” hypothesis – no relationship,
no difference, nada.
• We always test the null to determine to either reject or fail to
reject the null.
• Doing statistics means never having to say you are certain.
Lifeline- Data Analysis- Qualitative
• Analysis begins after the first round of data
collection and continues until saturation.
• Inductive analysis -- critical themes emerge out of
the data.
• Consider qualitative software like Atlast Ti or NVivo
to help manage the data.
• Open Coding used to identify themes.
• Devise an audit trail to track data.
• Axial coding to link themes together.
• Translate to tell a story.
Lifeline: Problem Statement Creation
• Creating a viable problem statement is one of the most
important and challenging components of scholarly
Ask yourself: What is wrong that needs correcting?
What research can I do to solve part of a larger problem?
What is the gap in the literature I could fill by solving this problem?
What population is involved? How can I access that population?
What methodology can I use to solve the problem framed?
How will solving this problem be in accord with the university
– DO Not confuse a problem with a purpose or research question.
– Most problem statements are between 200 and 250 words. Be
precise and concise.
Lifeline: APA Support
Templates to assist with APA 6th formatting.
Hire an APA/dissertation coach early on.
Keep track of errors you make – no
copywrite on errors.
• Common errors: in-text citations; headings,
spacing; font; tenses…
• Partner with a student-colleague to review
each others work.
Lifeline: Stress management
We can’t eliminate stress from our lives, but we can learn how to manage it.
• o Prioritize. Make a list of the tasks you need to complete
in order of their importance. Then, do the most important
things first.
o Schedule yourself. Keep a schedule of all your
appointments and commitments. Give yourself ample time
for each appointment or project.
o Set deadlines. If you find yourself procrastinating, set a
deadline for yourself. Post a reminder in a highly visible
spot, such as your computer monitor.
o End clutter. Impose a little more order on your life, and
you’ll save time. Keep your important documents in
computer files – have a dissertation folder.
O Use a cloud back-up system like Carbonite or Dropbox.
Lifeline: Stress management
• o Communicate. If you do not have the
information you need to speak up.
• o Delegate. At work, if you have the power to
delegate tasks, do so. At home, make sure
everybody in the household has responsibilities.
Even young children can be assigned simple tasks.
• o Divide and conquer. Create smaller parts and
setting mini-deadlines, you will make the project
seem more manageable.
• o Plan breaks. Take regular breaks to unwind.
Lifeline: More hours in the day
• Unless you develop the power to bend the laws of space
and time, there will only be 24 hours in your day.
• What you can do is bend the ways you use the hours you
• If you look hard enough, you can discover time you didn’t
know you had.
• Perhaps you can get up 15 minutes earlier?
• Public transportation to work rather than drive?
• Audio books if you must drive?
• Put your favorite shows on a DVR or TiVo.
• Keep a book or article with you at all times if you get put on
hold or have to wait on line for something.
Lifeline: University Procedures
• Each university has its own special way they like things
done. Find out what the expectations are for your
dissertation. Speak to a recent graduate if possible.
• IRB – IRBs determine whether a study could bring any
harm to the participants, the researcher, or the university at
large. This affects the reputation of the university.
• Make sure you take each component of the application
– You will need to describe in detail the methodology, data analysis,
sample selection, etc.
– Everything must be consistent and precise.
– All permissions need to be obtained prior to data collection.
– Be ready to explain why you are
Lifeline: Increase your n (sample size)
• One of the challenges in scholarly research is to
have a large enough n (sample size).
• Some common ways to increase survey response:
– Make survey interesting
– No longer than need be
– Make sure the survey is readable
• Some not so common ways
– Present survey at a meeting where targeted population is
– Create a web site where survey can be completed.
– Provide a token incentive – raffle ticket small gift.
Remember the Benefits of obtaining a doctorate
Benefits to your career
New opportunities
Increased job security
Increased prestige
Increase Lifetime earnings
Increase your credibility
There is an inherent respect for a person who undertakes
and completes a rigorous course of study from a wellrespected program.
• There is a rippling affect – you will be more able to advance
positive social change by obtaining the highest level of