Assesment Project


Nick Seidenberg



The purpose of this rating scale is to evaluate the correct techniques of a football pass/throw.


Refining the Problem

This scale will pertain to high school male students (9 th -12 th grade).


Most athletes have had a good amount of familiarity with football, but have not been taught correct techniques to throwing. This evaluation can be used in pretest, posttest and feedback to further expand the skills of the student.


I selected the throwing motion of a football because it is the number one factor in moving the ball on the field to win the game. It is also can be an easy technique to conquer once a student puts all the pieces together.

Instrumentation and methodology


The students will be evaluated through a scale 1to 5, one meaning there’s little to no improvement and five meaning the technique has been mastered.

A student may be able to throw the ball down the field, but the arm motion is lackadaisical and the ball comes out wobbled. Emphasize would go back to the techniques of holding the ball securely (tight to the dominant earlobe) and stepping towards target bringing your non- throwing hand downward in a follow through motion.


Using this scale effectively in analyzing throwing technique; instructor must have space for throwing can be a gymnasium or a field. There must be footballs and cones for designated targets. The test should only take 30 to 45 seconds when after everything has been taught to the student. Also it would be excellent if the instructor give a quick lesson on the top quarterbacks in the NFL such as Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.

Analysis of Results


I will not fail a student if they try and put full effort. I will also not grade each student the same, there are obvious talent differences in all students. I will also want to see improvement in all students; if a student scores a two the first time I want to see that go up to three the second time. This will be a formative because there are steps being taken to a final product; the throwing motion of a football.


"Improving a Quarterback’s Throwing Motion."

Smart Football . Web. 01 Dec. 2011.



Directions: Using scoring below to evaluate a student’s football throwing Motion.


No effort


Effort and student understanding basics


Effort of student improves, but student is still raw but slowly beginning to apply what learned.


Effort of student is good and can perform the task at 60 %.


Effort is great, and the student understands the techniques and applies them well. Almost able to hit the targets. Student performs the task at 80-90 %


Effort is fantastic, student has mastered the techniques and throws the ball great and is able to hit the targets.

NAME:_________________ DATE:____________ GRADE:______________ FINAL SCORE :_______


Ball placement



No effort

Hip torque No effort


*Hand placed incorrectly on ball

*Feet not parallel

*Does not step with dominant foot

*Not in athletic position.

No effort

*Elbows down

*Point of ball is crooked not straight down.


*Elbow drops below chest

*Feet parallel

*Step with dominant foot

*Does not follow through with back leg

*Elbows down and ball down

*Motion of arms is sideways at release point not overhead.

*Steps with dominate foot.

*Does not fully follow through.

*NO weight transfer from back to front

*Motion comes out up to down

(hammer to nail).

*High release point


*Ball tight to chest

*Feet parallel with shoulders.


*Hand placed on football laces.

*Feet parallel and knees bent.

*Steps with dominant foot.

*Follow through with correct

*weight transfer.

*Falls short of target.


*Both hands on ball, dominant hand on laces tightly compact to chest

*Elbows vertical;

*athletic bend at knees.

*Steps with dominant foot.

*Weight transfer and follow through excellent.

*Target is hit or just short.

*Elbows tight

*Ball at armpit area

*Up to down motion.

*Non-dominant arm swings downward.

*Elbows tight

*Up and down motion.

*Non-dominant arm swings downward then followed by arm coming through overhead.
