Java … Present & Future BY: Students of the College of Computer Eng. & Sciences Supervisor Dr. Hikmat A. Jaber Java … Present & Future Outlines: • • • • • Introduction Why Java Java in the Educational Institutions Quota of Java in the Marketplace Conclusion Introduction: Programming Language Paradigms Environment of Java Introduction … Programming Language Paradigms • A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming. This means the manner or approach used in the programming. • Based on programming paradigms, programming languages are broadly classified into two levels: low-level languages and high-level languages. • High-level languages are classified into four programming paradigms: imperative, functional, declarative and object-oriented. [1], [2] Introduction … Programming Language Paradigms Programming languages Low-level languages High-level languages Machine language Assembly language Object-oriented languages (First-generation language) (Second-generation language) (Fourth-generation languages) Imperative languages Functional languages (Third-generation languages) Declarative languages Introduction … Programming Language Paradigms There are several key concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP): • Data Abstraction • Encapsulation • Inheritance • Polymorphism [3] Introduction … Environment of Java Java development environment is used to edit, compile and execute java applications If there are no errors Edit program Compile program Execute program If there are errors Program output Introduction … Environment of Java The overall process of the typical Java development environment: [4] Sample.class If there are no errors Editor Java source code file Compiled by Java Compiler generates If there are no errors Java bytecode executable file If there are errors If there are errors Executed by JVM Why Java What Java Can Do? What Java Cannot Do? Why Java … What Java Can Do? [4],[5] Java is platform-independent Java is Portable (WORA) Java is Object-Oriented Java is Interpreted Java is Robust Java is Distributed Java is Secure Java is Multithreaded Java is Dynamic Why Java … What Java Cannot Do? [6] • • • • • • • Java can't convert an int to a boolean value, Java has no 8-bit unsigned byte, Java has no first class methods, Java has no pass by reference semantics, Burn a CD/DVD, Copy or move a file (with all metadata intact), Raw console access; e.g. curses, clear screen, etc. In general it lacks in low-level programming (not designed to write OS, compilers, etc.) Java in the Educational Institutions Share of Java in National Institutions Share of Java in International Institutions Java in the Educational Institutions… Share of Java in National Institutions [7] University Language used 1. King Saud University C++ , JAVA 2. Imam University C++ , JAVA 3. King Abdulaziz University JAVA 4. King Faisal University C 5. King Khalid University C++ , JAVA 6. King Fahd of Petroleum FORTRAN , C 7. Islamic University JAVA 8. Qassim University JAVA 9. Umm Al Qura University C++ , JAVA Java in the Educational Institutions… Share of Java in National Institutions University Language used 10. Taibah University JAVA 11. Taif University C++ , JAVA 12. Hail University JAVA 13. Jazan University C++ , JAVA 14. Al-Jouf University C++ , JAVA 15. Baha University C++ 16. Tabuk University C# , C++ 17. Najran University C , C++ 18. Majmaah University C++ 19. Salman bin abdulaziz University C++ , JAVA Java in the Educational Institutions… Share of Java in National Institutions Percentiles of the Use of Programming Languages in National Universities JAVA C++ C others 43.33 % 40 % 10 % 6.66 % Java in the Educational Institutions… Share of Java in International Institutions Name of University Ankara University (Turkey) [8] JAVA C++ C √ √ √ United Arab Emirates University(UAE) √ New York University(USA) √ California Institute Of Technology(USA) √ Cambridge University(UK) √ √ √ Tsinghua University(china) √ √ √ Australia National University(Australia) √ University Of DERBY (UK) √ Lobachevsky State University Of Nizhny Novgorod(Russia) √ Computer science and Information Technology(Sudan) √ Percentiles √ 50% √ 33.33% 16.66% Quota of Java in the Marketplace Top 10 Programming Languages to Know 10 Programming Languages to Keep you Employed Quota of Java in the Marketplace … Top 10 Programming Languages to Know ent/398363/whats-best-firstprogramming-language-learn ws/top-10-programming-languagesfor-job-seekers-in-2014.html/ x.php/content/paperi nfo/tpci/index.html best-programminglanguage-learn-2014/ JAVA JAVA C JAVA C# C JAVA C PHP C++ Objective-C C++ Ruby SQL C++ C# Python JavaScript C# Objective-C Objective-C PHP PHP PHP C++ C# Visual Basic Python Python Python Ruby Objective-C JavaScript JavaScript ASP.NET Visual Basic.NET SQL Quota of Java in the Marketplace … 10 Programming Languages to Keep You Employed www.computerworld. com/slideshow/detail /98085 /top-10-programming-languages-forjob-seekers-in-2014.html/ SQL JAVA JAVA JAVA JavaScript C# HTML C/C++ C/C++ JavaScript C# JavaScript C++ PHP Visual Basic C# Python PHP XML Ruby Objective-C C Objective-C Perl Perl HTML Python Python CSS Ruby … Quota of Java in the Marketplace In Saudi Market C++ جافا اسم الشركة شركة االتصاالت السعودية شركة سيسكو جافا C++ كما انه يدعم البرامج المصممة بلغة الجافا () J2ME ))Symbian C++ جافا وتتجه شركه “سيسكو” نحو هذا السوق في وقت يتراجع فيه إنفااق ...الشاركات فاي اساتئجار خادمات التخزين ا بدال من شراء االجهزه التاي تساتخدم ...وقالات الصاحيفة إن الغاياة مان إنفااق الشاركة التاي تتركااز شنشا تها فااي مجااا ...خدمااة إتمااام معااام ت “الجااوازات السااعودية” عباار اتنترناات ...موقاع عربي لتعليم برمجة جافا بالصوت والصورة. شركة وسا ة جافا نظا اارا للمنافسااة الشااديدة بااين شااركات الوسااا ة والااوك ء فااينهم يحومااون بتحااديم و اار الكثياار ماان FXStreet الخصائص والمزايا .وبناء عليه فين اختيار شركة الوسا ة ليست بالمهمة الساهلة ي متاداو ساواء سا. كان جديداا شو متمر ا شركة ارامكو جافا السعودية يعتبر نظام ساب هو النظام ايم الذ تساتخدمه شاركة ارامكاو الساعودية وبعا ...هاو نظاام شلمااني المنشاام منااذ عااام 1972م وهااو ا ن ماان اكباار الشااركات التااي تحاادم حلااو - ...حبااذا شن يكااون مجااا ][9 تخصصك الدراسي مبني على الفهم واالستنتاج ...شضف إلى ذلك شناه ماع تحادم السااب واساتبدا لغاة شباب بالجافا شركة التعدين جافا Quota of Java in the Marketplace … How Many Java Programmers in Saudi Market? Based on a survey made by our team with some companies in Riyadh, we conclude that there is approximately 40% who use Java language in the Saudi market. Conclusion Java is a Leading Programming Language What’s Next: … Conclusion … Java is a Leading Programming Language Java is a powerful object-oriented paradigm language. Java is a platform that runs almost on any OS. For this reason and others it is widely used nationally and internationally whether in institutions or companies. Many corporations and business organizations adopt Java for developing web & mobile based applications. Saudi market, like other markets in the world, use Java as applications development language. Studying Java keeps you employed in both private and public sectors in Saudi Arabia market. Conclusion … What is Next: … Java 7 is released in 2011. Oracle has acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. The impact of this acquisition on MySQL, OpenSolaris, Java Android lawsuit, OpenOffice, Grid Engine, etc. Oracle has released Java 8 in 2014 (Lambda expressions, closures, cloud computing, etc.) [10] References: [1] C. Thomas Wu 2010. “An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with JavaTM”, Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill. [2] [3] P.J. Deitel, H. M. Deitel 2012. “Java How to Program”, Seventh Eition. PEARSO, Prentice Hall. [4] Y. Daniel Liang 2011. “Introduction to Java Programming”, Eight Eition. Prentice Hall. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]