WMO-CAS TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, INCHEON, R. KOREA 16-17 NOVEMBER, 2009 IMPACTS ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF A STORM FROM THE TROPICALVS-MID-LATITUDE CONTRAST IN INSTABILITY AND HUMIDITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT V.Spiridonov1 and M.Curic2 1 Hydrometeorological Institute Skopje, Macedonia, 2Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade Serbia MODEL FRAMEWORK The convective cloud model is a three-dimensional, nonhydrostatic, time-dependant, compressible system using the dynamic scheme from Klemp and Wilhelmson (1978). The thermodynamic energy equation is based on Orville and Kopp (1977) with effects of the snow field added. Bulk water parameterizations are used for simulation of microphysical processes with detailed scheme from Lin et al. (1983) with a significant improvement proposed by Curic and Janc (1995, 1997). It takes into account 6 water variables (water vapor, cloud droplets, ice crystals, rain, snow, and graupel). The graupel hydrometeor class is represented as hail with a density of 0.9 g cm-3. The equivalent radar reflectivity factors for hail, rain are computed by using equations from Smith et al., (1975) and empirical equation for snow by Sekhon and Srivistava (1970). MODEL CHEMISTRY The chemistry module includes 4 species (SO2, SO42-, NH4+, H2O2) and 3 aqueous-phase reactions describing in-cloud sulfate chemistry (Taylor, 1989). While the mass of aerosol sulfate is predicted, the aerosols do not affect the cloud drop activation. The absorption of chemical species from the gas phase into cloud water and rainwater is determined by either Henry’s law equilibrium (Taylor, 1989), or by diffusion-limited mass transfer between gas and liquid phases to include possible non-equilibrium states, (Barth et al., 2001). All equilibrium constants and oxidation reactions are temperature dependent according to the van’t-Hoff relation (Seinfeld, 1986). Cloud water and rainwater pH is calculated using the charge balance equation from Taylor (1989). The model includes a freezing transport mechanism of chemical species based on Rutledge et al. (1986). Thus, when water from one hydrometeor class is transferred to another, the dissolved scalar is transferred to the destination hydrometeor in proportion to the water mass that was transferred. More detailed information’s regarding the hydrodynamic equations, microphysics equations, turbulent closure, chemistry parameterizations and numerical methods could be found in Telenta and Aleksic (1988) and (Spiridonov and Curic, 2003; 2005). MODEL CONCEPT 1. A THREE-DIMENSIONAL 2. NON-HYDROSTATIC 3. CLOUD RESOLVING 4. COMMPRESIBLE 5. TIME-DEPENDANT MODEL FRAMEWORK 1. DYNAMICS AND THERMODYNAMICS 2. TURBULENCE 3. MICROPHYSICS 4. CHEMISTRY 5. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS, NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES AND INITIALIZATION DYNAMICS 1. KLEMP AND WILHELMSON (1978) The momentum equations are derived from 2. Navier-Stokes equations with the aid of moist equation of state 3. 4. p ρR T(1 0,608qυ) d Non-dimensional pressure (Exner function) R R /c R /c Π ( p ) d p ( d ρθυ ) d υ p p 0 0 5. (1) (2) d c ' ( ' 0.608q 'q q ) f (kx) F (3) p 0 v c v u dt 0 THE PRESSURE EQUATION 1. 2. DERIVED BY TAKING SUBSTANTIAL DERIVATIVE OF EQ. (2) USING COMPRESSIBLE CONTINUITY EQUATION ρ ρu ρ''u '' j x j t x j j (4) To eliminate d/dt, and thermodynamic equation to eliminate d/dt. 3. 4. The final equationhas the following form: u π c2 (ρ θ u ) u π Rdπ j c2 dθυ D (5) π υ j cυ x c θ 2 dt j x t c ρ θ 2 x j j j p υ p υ THERMODYNAMIC EQUATION 1. The potential temperature is used as a Conservative variable for adiabatic processes 2. 3. The flux-conserving form of the equation is: ' Lf cW cW 'K h ' (Pg ' Ps ' ) (T T0 )(PGMLT PSMLT ) [qCW t cPT00 T00 T00 cI qR ( kUR ) T] δ[q CI T qG ( kUG ) T qS ( kUS ) T] cPT00 ’ is specific entropy of moist air; 4. Kh heat eddy coefficient (6) THE SUBGRID SCALE PROCESSES 1. 2. 3. 4. SUB-GRID SCALE PARAMETERIZATION BASED ON THE SOLUTION OF THE TURBULENT KINETIC ENERGY (TKE ), DERIVED FROM: MOMENTUM EQUATION (3), FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID (=const), PERFORMING REYNOLDS AVERAGING ON EACH PROGNOSTIC VARIABLES AND APPLYING FIRSTORDER CLOSURE TO NEARLY CONSERVATIVE VARIABLES 3 dE δ g '( θ'' 0,608q ''q ' ) u 'u ' i ( K E ) (C / l )E 2 (7) m x V D C i j x x dt θ 0 j j j Subgrid-scale kinetic energy per unit mass E 1 (u ')2 2 i (8) TKE TERMS R.H.S. EQ. (7) 1. BUOYANCY SHEAR 2. DIFFUSSION 3. DISSIPATION 4. 5. δ g '( θ'' 0,608q ''q ' ) V C θ 0 u 'u ' i i j x j ( K E ) m x x j j 3 (C / l )E 2 D ’ deviation of vertical velocity ,CD=0.2 empirical value; l=(xyz)1/3 is the appropriate length CLOUD MICROPHYSICS 1. Bulk cloud microphysics scheme from Lin et al. (1983) 2. 6 water variables (water vapor, cloud droplets, ice crystals, rain, snow and graupel) 3. Cloud water and cloud ice are assumed to be monodisperse, with zero terminal velocities 4. Cloud droplets mass: Mw=4.19x10-9 Cloud crystal mass: Mi=4.19x10-10 5. Rain, hail and snow have Marshall-Palmer type size distributions with fixed intercept parameters n 8 x 10-2 cm-4; n 4 x 10-4 cm-4 and n 3 x 10-2cm4 0R 0H 0S MICROPHYSICS PARAMETERIZATIONS Density of rain, hail and snow are: 1. (1g cm-3; 0.9 g cm-3; 0.1 g cm-3) The density of air is separately calculated 2. 3. These six forms of water substances interact mutually 4. 5. Four continuity equations for the water substances The equivalent radar reflectivity factors for hail and rain are computed on the equations given by Smith et al., (1975) and empirical equation for snow by Sekhon and Srivistava (1970) MICROPHYSICS (CONTINUE) 1. q q K q P P P h R S G t 2. q R q K q P 1 (U q ρ) m R R ρ z R R R t (9) 3. q G q K q P 1 (U q ρ) m G G ρ z G G G t 4. q S q K q P 1 (U q ρ) m S S ρ z S S S t 5. where q rq q CW CI (10) (11) (12) q , q ,q , q , q and r CW CI R G S Are the mixing ratios for cloud water, cloud ice, rain, hail and snow and water vapor, respectively MICROPHYSICS (CONTINUE) Kh is the eddy heat diffusion coefficient 1. Km is the eddy momentum diffusion coefficient 2. UR, UG and US are terminal velocities for rain, graupel and snow; PR, PG and PS are production terms 3. 4. Allow coexistence of cloud water and cloud ice in the temperature region of - 40C to 0C Hsie et al. (1980) Condensation and deposition of water vapor produce, cloud water and cloud ice, respectively 5. Conversly, evaporation and sublimation of cloud water and cloud ice maintain saturation MICROPHYSICS (CONTINUE) 1. 2. Natural cloud ice is initiated by using a Fletcher-type equation for the ice nuclei number concentration Bergeron-Findeisen process transforms some of cloud water into cloud ice, and both into snow 3. Rain is produced by the autoconversion of cloud water, melting of snow and hail, and shedding during wet growth of hail 4. Hail is produced by the auto-conversion of snow, interaction of cloud ice and snow with rain, and by immersion freezing of rain 5. Snow may by produced by the auto-conversion, Bergeron-Findeisen growth of cloud ice, and interaction of cloud ice and rain All types of precipitation elements grow by different forms of accretion MODEL CHEMISTRY 1. Model chemistry is formulated in terms of continuity equations concentration of the i-th pollutant expressed through mixing ratio in the air, cloud water and cloud ice by ( qi,a ) rain( qi,r ), graupel or hail ( qi,g_h) and snow ( qi,s ) 2. 3. q i,a q E SM Sq , i ,a i,a i,a i,a t q i,r q SF E SM Sq i ,r i,r i,r i,r i,r t 4. q 5. 6. i 1, 2, 3 (13) (14) i,g_h q SF E SM Sq (15) i, g _ h i,g_h i,g_h i,g_h i,g_h t q i,s q SF E SM Sq (16) i,s i,s i,s i,s i,s t MODEL CHEMISTRY 1. 2. 3. SUBGRID CONTRIBUTION E ,E ,E ,E and E i,a i,c i,r i,g_h i,s REDISTRIBUTION TERMS INDUCED BY MICROPHYSICS CONVERSION PROCESSES SM , SM , SM and SM i,r i,g_h i,s i,a SM q qm (w i)/q w (17) GIVEN BY i, w i, w WHERE qm(w i) IS THE RATE OF MICROPHYSICS TRANSFORMATION DERIVED FROM MIC.SCHEME 4. CHEMICAL TRANSFORMATIONS TERMS Sq , Sq , Sq and Sq i,r i,g_h i,s i,a 5. FALLOUT TERMS SF 1 ( ρU q ) i,r,g_h, s ρ ρ x r,g_h, s i,r,g_h, s (18) 3 During transformation water “w” is considered to lose mass while “i” to gain mass MASS TRANSFER BETWEEN GAS AND LIQUID PHASES Absorption of gas phase is determined: 1. a) Equilibrium according to Henry’s law; b) Mass transfer limitation calculation 2. 3. 4. Gases, (with an effective Henrys law constant K * 103 mol dm-3 atm-1 H in cloud water and rain are assumed to be in equilibrium with the local gas-phase concentrations These liquid-phase concentrations of each chemical component (i) are calculated according to Henry’s law; i.e. [i] K p (19) H i Where [i] is in mol i/L H2O (M); KH Henry’s law coefficient (M atm-1); pi partial pressure of the Species “i” given in units atm. MASS TRANSFER BETWEEN GAS AND LIQUID PHASES 1. All equilibrium constants and oxidation reactions are temperature dependent according to van’t-Hoff’s relation K K exp(ΔH/R(1/T 1/T ) T T0 0 2. 3. 4. 5. (20) where H increase of enthalpy induced by chemical reactions, KT0 is the equilibrium constant at standard temperature and R However, a chemical species not attain equilibrium on the time scale of cloud model due to the slow mass transfer between phases. In that case a fully kinetic calculation of gas dissolution in cloud drops and raindrops is applied in the model 12η2 N dq q g,i Sh,(V i d,i,a d,i,α ) (21) N P α α i dt RTα2 K * H Where qd,i,a is the rate of molar mixing ratio of gas species inside dropswith diameter to that in the air; KH* effective Henrys’s law coefficient; Dg,I diffusivity of gases “i”, P partial pressure; Nsh,i mass ventilation index; factor as function of MASS TRANSFER BETWEEN CLOUD HYDROMETEORS 1. 2. After dissolution into cloud water and rain follows: transfer of a soluble compound through microphysical processes The present model includes: frezing transport mechanism of chemical species 3. It is assumed that dissolved compounds are retained during conversion of liquid drops to frozen hydrometeors 4. Melting of ice, snow or hail transfer the dissolved matter to cloud water and rain 5. During sublimation of hail and snow, dissolved scalar is retain in the hail or snow unless all hydrometeor mass is converted to gas phase SULFATE CHEMISTRY PARAMETERIZATION 1. The chemistry module includes sulfate chemistry from (Taylor, 1989) both inside and outside clouds The absorbtion of chemical species from the gas phase into cloud water and rain is determined: 2. Hentry’s law equilibrium (Taylor, 1989), or Diffusion limited mass transfer (Barth et al., 2001) 3. 4. 5. Equilibrium constants and oxidation reactions are temperature dependent, van’t-Hoff relation (Seifeld, 1986) The model includes a freezing transport mechanizm of chemical species (Rutledge et al. 1986); i.e. water from one hydrometeor class is transferred another, The dissolved chemical scalar is tranaferred to the destination hydrometeor in proportion to the water mass that was transferred SCHEMATIC OF MICROPHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY-RELATED CONVERSIONS FOR SO4 -2 IN AIR AND IN DIFFERENT WATER CATEGORIES PS26 SO2 SO4 ¯² SO4 ¯² EXPLICIT FIELD SNOW PS 20 PS 11 PS 5 (SUL15) OXIDATION S(IV) SO4 ¯² RAIN RAIN PS 9 SO4 ¯² PS 13 PS 19 SO4 ¯² CLOUD WATER PS 23 PS 2 PS 16 OXIDATION PRECIPITATION ON THE GROUND Fig. 1. PS 7 PS 6 PS 8 PS 21 S(IV) PS 22 PS 24 PS14 CLOUD WATER EXPLICIT FIELD CLOUD ICE PS5 PS 4 PS 3 PS 15 PS 1 (SUL1) PS 10 AEROSOL PS 25 GAS PS 12 PS 17 SO4 ¯² PS 18 GRAUPEL or HAIL SCHEMATIC OF MICROPHYSICS- AND CHEMISTRYRELATED CONVERSIONS FOR H2O2, SO2 AND O3 IN AIR AND IN DIFFERENT WATER CARRIERS Fig.2 PH17, OHP17, SUL 17 G GASES PH11, OHP11, SUL11 PH 9, OHP 9, SUL 9 PH21, OHP21, SUL21 PH3, OHP3,SUL3 S(IV) H2O2 O3 RAIN PH10, OHP10, SUL10 PH4, OHP4, SUL 4 SO2 H2O2 O3 PH8, OHP8, SUL8 PH 18, OHP18, SUL 18 PH14, OHP14, SUL14 SNOW GRAUPEL or HAIL PH7, OHP7, SUL7 RAIN PH15, OHP15, SUL15 SO2 H2O2 O3 PH12 , OHP12, SUL12 SO2 H2O2 O3 PH 16 (PH16K), OHP 16, SUL16 SO2 H2O2 O3 CLOUD ICE PH5, OHP5, SUL5 PH 1 (PH1K), OHP1, SUL1 PH2, OHP2, SUL2 PH20, OHP20, SUL20 CLOUD WATER PH19, OHP19, SUL19 PH13, OHP13,SUL13 S(IV) H2O2 O3 PH6, OHP6, SUL 6 SULFATE CHEMISTRY PARAMETERIZATION Cloud water and rainwater pH is calculated using the charge balance equation from (Taylor, 1989) [H ] 0.5{2[SO 2 ] [NH ] ((2[SO 2 ] [NH ])2 4K *p 4K )0.5} H SO W 4 4 4 4 2 Table 1. Contents of Chemical Species Groups in the Model Group ______________________________________________________________ Group Gaseous Phase Aqueous or Solid Phase S(IV) SO2 SO2, HSO3-,SO3= S(VI) H2SO4, HSO4-,SO4= C(IV) CO2 CO2,HCO3-,CO3= NH3 NH3 NH4OH, NH4+ H2O2 H2O2 H2O2 O3 O3 O3 N(V) HNO3 HNO3, NO3_____________________________________________________________________ Table 3. S(IV) Oxidations and the Corresponding Coefficients ___________________________________________________________________________________ No. 9 Reaction S(IV) + O3 S(VI) + O2 K 298 ( M n s 1 ) H 298 / R (K) 3.7 x105 7.5x107 -5530 References Hoffman and Calvert (1985) 10 S(IV) + H2O2 S(VI) + H2O -4751 Hoffman and Calvert (1985) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2. Equilibrium Reactions and rate coefficients K 298 (MorMatm 1 ) No. Reactions 1 SO2 (g) SO2 (aq) 2 SO2 (aq) HSO3 H 1.3x102 3 HSO3 SO3 1.2 H 298 / R (K) -3135 Hoffman & Calvert (1985) -2000 Hoffman & Calvert (1985) -1495 Hoffman & Calvert (1985) 2 H 6.3x10 8 6 H2O2 (g) H2O2 (aq) 7.1x10 4 3.4 x10 2 CO2 ( g ) CO2 (aq) HNO3 ( g ) HNO3 (aq) 2.1x105 7 O3 ( g ) O3 (aq) 4 5 1.13 x10 2 8. NH3 ( g ) NH 4OH (aq) 2.0 x10 2 9 OH References -6800 Martin & Damschen (1981) -2440 Pandis & Seinfeld (1989) -6710 Pandis & Seinfeld (1989) -2300 Pandis & Seinfeld (1989) -3402 Graedel & Weschler (1981) K w 1.0 x1014 _____________________________________________________________________ Table 4. Initial concentrations for chemical species at the lowest model level; H is the scale height; o(k) is the air density at each vertical level. Chemical species q(0) H (km) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CSO2 21.0 [gkg 1 (air )] 3.0 16.0 3.5 C 2 SO 4 3.0 3.5 C NH 4 CH2O2 0.59 CHNO3 1.0 ppb 3.0 CNH3 1.0 ppb 3.0 CO3 50.0 ppb CCO2 330 ppm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 1. Boundary conditions are specified along all sides of the integration domain since the computations take place within a finite model domain 2. Along the bottom of the model domain the normal velocity w is set to zero 3. The open top boundary condition is applied in the model in order to eliminate strong internal gravity waves (Klemp and Durran, 1983) 4. The lateral boundaries are open and timedependant, so that disturbances can pass through with minimal reflection 5. Two different cases with regard to the wind velocity are considered, after Durran [1981] BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. When the velocity component normal to the boundary is directed inside the domain (inflow boundary), normal derivatives are set to zero At outflow boundaries, the normal velocity component is advected out through the boundary with an estimated propagation speed which is averaged in the vertical, and weighted at each level by the approximate local amplitude of the wave Boundary conditions for the pressure are calculated from other boundary values to maintain consistency NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES 1. Model equations are solved on a standard spatially staggered grid All velocity components are defined at one-half grid interval , while scalar variables are defined at the mid point of each grid 2. 3. 4. 5. The horizontal and vertical advection terms are calculated by centered fourth- and second-order differences, respectively Since the model equations are compressible, a time splitting procedure is applied to achieve numerical efficiency With this procedure the sound wave terms are solved separately using a smaller time step, while all other processes are treated with a larger time step , which is appropriate to the time scales of physical interest. NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES 1. The scalar prognostic equations, except the pressure equation, are solved from t-t to t+t by a single leap-frog step The terms which are not responsible for sound wave generation in the equations of motion and the pressure equation, are evaluated at the central time level t 2. 3. 4. 5. Wind and pressure prognostic variables are stepped forward from t-t to t+t with forward time differencing with the small time step In grid points adjacent to lateral boundaries, the normal horizontal advection terms are approximated using secondorder differences instead of the fourth-order ones used elsewhere At lateral boundaries the normal derivatives for all prognostic variables are calculated with first-order accuracy, through onesided differences lagged at time to provide stability NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES-CHEMISTRY 1. The model chemistry also included the time splitting procedure, using ratios of the time step n1, n2, n3, n4 and n5 of a given process (e.g., advection, subgrid scale, microphysical, the dissociation, oxidation or other aqueous phase reaction term) to the base time step Dt, Wang and Chang (1993a) 2. The advection scheme for chemicals is mainly based on Bott (1989), using nonoscillatory method by Smolarkiewicz and Grabowski (1990) 3. More detailed information about the cloud model and the chemistry submodels could be found in studies by Telenta and Aleksic (1988) and Spiridonov and Curic (2003,2005,2006) MODEL INITIALIZATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Initial impulse for convection is an ellipsoidal warm bubble of the form ΔT ΔT cos2 π β 0 2 where for β 1 x x c 2 y y c 2 z z c 2 12 β [( ) ( ) ( ) ] x y z Here, the subscript c refers to the location of the center of the perturbation While x*, y*, z* are radial dimensions of the bubble THE MAIN MOTIVATION OF THE STUDY CONVECTIVE PROCESSING OF TRACE GAS SPECIES AND AEROSOLS IS AN IMPORTANT MEANS OF MOVING CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS RAPIDLY BETWEEN THE BOUNDARY LAYER AND FREE TROPOSPHERE, AND IS ALSO AN EFFECTIVE WAY OF CLEANSING THE ATMOSPHERE THROUGH WET DEPOSITION. BECAUSE OF THESE TWO PROCESSES, THE EFFECT OF CONVECTION ON CHEMICAL SPECIES AND AEROSOLS IS CRITICAL TO OUR UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMISTRY-CLIMATE STUDIES, AIR QUALITY STUDIES, AND THE EFFECTS OF ACIDIC PRECIPITATION ON THE EARTH'S SURFACE. IT IS INTERESTING TO STUDY THE IMPACTS ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CONVECTIVE CLOUDS FROM THE TROPICAL-VS-MID-LATITUDE CONTRAST IN INSTABILITY AND HUMIDITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO ANALYSE THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF SCAVENGING, OXIDATION AND ICE PHASE PROCESSES IN SULFATE PRODUCTION AND WET REMOVAL IN SUCH TYPE OF CLOUDS. MODEL INITIALIZATION Continental environemnt Tropical environment THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS STATION INFORMATION / THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETER Observation time Station latitude Station longitude Station elevation Showalter index Lifted index LIFT computed using virtual temperature SWEAT index K index Cross totals index Vertical totals index Totals totals index Convective Available Potential Energy CAPE using virtual temperature Convective Inhibition CINS using virtual temperature Equilibrum Level Equilibrum Level using virtual temperature Level of Free Convection LFCT using virtual temperature Bulk Richardson Number Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level Mean mixed layer potential temperature Mean mixed layer mixing ratio 1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding CONTINENTAL CASE Station number: Wyoming-72672 070725/0000 13.73 100.57 4.0 1.10 -2.26 -2.76 177.60 28.30 18.50 24.50 43.00 749.13 878.78 -142.75 -86.44 216.33 215.67 669.79 726.35 303.12 355.58 293.72 913.15 301.47 17.04 5794.00 51.88 TROPICAL CASE Station number: Bangkok-48455 960710/0000 43.06 -108.48 1703.0 -0.50 -0.72 49.80 -54.09 437.46 592.39 598.21 2.03 2.84 274.90 638.44 312.51 6.86 5768.00 17.95 INITIALIZATION OF CHEMICAL SPECIES INCLUDED IN SULFATE PRODUCTION 20 15 15 10 Height (km) Height (km) 15 10 0 0 0 0 2 4 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0,00 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 0,50 1,00 1,50 H2O2 (ppbv) 10 12 14 0,0 16 0,5 1,0 1,5 20 Height (km, m.s.l.) 0 10 5 5 5 Height (km, m.s.l.) Height (km) 20 20 2,00 2,50 3,00 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 O3 (ppbv) 400 500 600 2,0 2,5 3,0 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CLOUDS Maximum updrafts as a function of the simulation time in a mid-latitude and tropical run 25 15 wmax (mid-lat) wmax (trop) 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) Turbulent diffusion coefficient 1500 1000 Mid.-lat Trop. 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 100 110 120 0 0 (m**2/s) wmax (m/s) 20 Simulation time (min) MICROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CLOUDS Maximum hydrometeor mixing ratios as a function of the simulation time (midlatitude run) mixing ratio (g/kg) 12 10 cloud w ater 8 cloud ice 6 rainw ater 4 graupel or hail 2 snow 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 sim ulation tim e (m in.) Maximum hydrometeor mixing ratios as a function of the simulation time (tropical run) mixing ratio (g/kg) 10 8 cloud w ater cloud ice 6 rainw ater 4 graupel or hail 2 snow 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 sim ulation tim e (m in.) 90 100 110 120 RAINFALL AND RADAR REFLECTIVITY Maximum reflectivity and accumulated rainfall as a function of the simulation time 80 Reflectivity (dBz) rainfall (mm) 70 60 ref. (mid-lat) 50 ref. (trop) 40 Rainfall (mid-lat) 30 Rainfall (trop) 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICALS (g / m3 ) Time distribution of hydrogen peroxide mixing ratios in condensate phase (g / m3 ) 2,5 Time distribution of ozone mixing ratios in condensate phase 200 2 150 1,5 1 H2O2(trop) 0,5 H2O2(midat) 100 O3 (trop) 50 O3(midlat) 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) (g / m3 ) simulation time (min.) Time distribution of sulfur dioxide mixing ratios in condensate phase (g / m3 ) 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 SO2(trop) 1 SO2(mid-lat) 0,5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) Time distribution of sulfate aerosol mixing ratios in condensate phase 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mid-lat. Tropical 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) pH-FACTOR Cloud water ph (polluted background) 6 5 5 4 4 Trop. 3 Cont. ph ph Cloud water ph (non-polluted background) 2 3 Trop. 2 Cont. 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) simulation time (min.) Rain water ph (non-polluted background) Rain water ph (polluted background) 6 3 2,5 Trop_non 3 2 Cont_non 1 0 ph ph 5 4 Trop_pol 2 Cont_pol 1,5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1 0 simulation time (min.) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 simulation time (min.) THE MEAN TRANSFER RATES OF THE MICROPHYSICAL PROCESSES AVERAGED OVER 2 H SIMULATION PERIOD ___________________________________________________________________________ Term QRR (kg kg-1s-1 ) Term CLCW (kg kg-1s-1 ) Term CLCI (kg kg-1s-1 ) Continental Tropical Continental Tropical Continental Tropical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 3.0 10 -07 1.1 10 -07 PSAUT 9.7 10 -06 9.5 10 -06 PSACI 4.7 10 -17 7.2 10 -18 PRACI 6.9 10 -06 7.7 10 -06 PSFI 2.5 10 -07 2.4 10 -07 PGACI 2.4 10 -06 PGACIP 2.5 10 -06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Term RA1 (kg kg-1s-1 ) Term SN1 (kg kg-1s-1 ) Term HA1 (kg kg-1s-1 ) Continental Tropical Continental Tropical Continental Tropical PSDEP 8.6 10 -06 1.2 10 -05 PRAUT PRACW PSACW PGACW PSFW 3.4 10 -06 3.0 10 -06 1.1 10 -13 4.8 10 -13 1.5 10 -04 1.3 10 -04 1.2 10 -04 1.4 10 -04 9.2 10 -10 5.4 10 -9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVP - 6.7 10 -05 - 8.4 10 -05 PSMLT 4.2 10 -07 2.2 10 -06 PGMLT 1.7 10 -04 1.9 10 -04 6.8 10 -06 PGAUT 1.3 10 -06 1.0 10 -06 PGSUB 5.6 10 -06 1.1 10 -06 PIACR 1.6 10 -06 5.0 10 -05 PRACS 8.7 10 -05 6.4 10 -05 PGWET 2.1 10 -03 1.3 10 -03 PSACR 1.9 10 -05 1.0 10 -06 4.8 10 -07 PSSUB 1.5 10 -05 4.7 10 -06 PGDRY 2.6 10 -04 3.1 10 -04 PGFR 5.5 10 -05 PGACR 9.0 10 -05 1.1 10 -04 PGACS 5.2 10 -05 PGACRP 5.1 10 -5 - 1.4 10 -05 PGACSP 3.6 10 -04 2.7 10 -04 ___________________________________________________________________________ THE MEAN CHEMICAL CONVERSION RATES OF SULFATE (KG KG-1 S-1) AVERAGED OVER 2H SIMULATION PERIOD (POLLUTED BACKGROUND) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Term Continental Tropical Term Continental Tropical Term Continental Tropical -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS1 4.1 10 -15 1.8 10 -15 PS10 7.7 10 -19 1.6 10 -16 PS19 1.1 10 -13 4.7 10 -14 PS2 3.9 10 -08 1.1 10 -08 PS11 4.1 10 -25 2.7 10 -24 PS20 2.3 10 -22 2.4 10 -22 PS3 1.1 10 -08 1.4 10 -08 PS12 1.2 10 -14 1.4 10 -13 PS21 6.7 10 -15 1.7 10 -15 PS4 8.3 10 -11 8.6 10 -11 PS13 1.7 10 -14 4.3 10 -12 PS22 2.8 10 -26 1.8 10 -25 PS5 1.8 10 -11 1.6 10 -11 PS14 2.1 10 -15 9.3 10 -16 PS23 1.2 10 -25 3.0 10 -24 PS6 2.8 10 -11 0.4 10 -13 PS15 4.8 10 -14 4.0 10 -14 PS24 2.1 10 -27 2.9 10 -27 PS7 6.7 10 -12 0.4 10 -11 PS16 3.7 10 -16 1.4 10 -15 PS25 3.5 10 -15 6.9 10 -15 PS8 6.7 10 -12 0.9 10 -12 PS17 3.1 10 -14 1.7 10 -14 PS26 1.0 10 -18 7.4 10 -20 PS9 1.3 10 -08 2.0 10 -09 PS18 2.7 10 -17 1.5 10--17 ________________________________________________________________________ THE MEAN CHEMICAL CONVERSION RATES OF SULFATE (KG KG-1 S-1) AVERAGED OVER 2 H SIM. PERIOD (NON-POLLUTED BACKGROUND) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Term Continental Tropical Term Continental Tropical Term Continental Tropical -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS1 3.9 10 -16 3.6 10 -16 PS10 9.4 10 -18 8.6 10 -20 PS19 2.1 10 -14 9.1 10 -15 PS2 8.3 10 -09 2.4 10 -09 PS11 2.0 10 -26 5.3 10 -25 PS20 4.4 10 -23 4.6 10 -23 PS3 2.0 10 -09 3.0 10 -09 PS12 6.5 10 -15 2.8 10 -12 PS21 1.2 10 -15 9.1 10 -15 PS4 1.6 10 -11 1.7 10 -11 PS13 1.2 10 -12 2.3 10 -15 PS22 5.4 10 -27 3.6 10 -25 PS5 3.4 10 -12 3.1 10 -12 PS14 4.0 10 -16 1.8 10 -16 PS23 2.4 10 -26 5.9 10 -25 PS6 1.1 10 -11 4.8 10 -12 PS15 9.3 10 -15 7.5 10 -15 PS24 4.1 10 -28 5.6 10 -28 PS7 2.2 10 -12 2.9 10 -15 PS16 7.2 10 -17 2.6 10 -16 PS25 6.7 10 -16 1.3 10 -15 PS8 2.1 10 -12 2.9 10 -15 PS17 5.9 10 -15 3.4 10 -15 PS26 1.4 10 -19 1.4 10 -23 PS9 1.2 10 -09 4.9 10 -09 PS18 5.3 10 -18 2.9 10--18 ________________________________________________________________________ SULFUR INTEGRATED CLOUD BASE FLUX AND PRECIPITATION MASS Non-polluted background Polluted background --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Sulfur (kg) Continental Tropical Continental Tropical Base run Cloudbase (CB) 201.12 213.99 760.16 960.48 Precipitation (P) 12.35 13.74 36.25 49.83 P/CB 0.061 0.064 0.048 0.052 (%) Absorbtion-Kinetic method off Cloudbase (CB) 214.40 238.54 921.88 1082.85 Precipitation (P) 13.86 15.12 54.80 65.39 P/CB 0.064 0.063 0.059 0.064 Cloudbase (CB) Precipitation (P) P/CB In-cloud scavenging off 200.13 172.07 9.51 9.38 0.048 0.054 701.86 24.51 0.035 Cloudbase (CB) Precipitation (P) P/CB Subcloud scavenging off 197.78 172.16 10.56 12 .02 0.053 0.069 698.75 29.23 0.042 884.27 40.16 0.045 704.96 19.58 0.029 902.55 28.48 0.033 Cloudbase (CB) Precipitation (P) P/CB Cloudbase (CB) Precipitation (P) P/CB Cloudbase (CB) Precipitation (P) P/CB In-cloud oxidation off 180.32 172.22 7.24 11.28 0.040 0.065 Subcloud oxidation off 161.24 178.35 9.77 9.32 0.060 0.052 Aqueous simulation of ice phase off 179.30 172.40 7.71 7.57 0.043 0.044 705.11 23.75 0.034 695.85 21.89 0.031 886.74 32.59 0.047 889.80 37.97 0.043 881.55 30.81 0.035 THE REL. CONTRIBUTION IN (%) OF THE TOTAL SULFUR MASS REMOVED BY WET DEPOSITION FOR MID-LATITUDE COTINENTAL AND TROPICAL NON-POLLUTED AND POLLUTED BACKGROUND Absorption -------------------Run Kinetic /Henry’s Law I II Nucleation and impact scavenging -------------------in-cloud/subcloud III Liquid- phase oxidation of SO2 by H2O2 and O3 -------------------- Aqueous simulation of ice phase Non-polluted / Polluted ------------------------------------Cont. / Trop. Cont. / Trop. in-cloud/ subcloud IV V VI VII Base run I II III IV V VI VII Mid-latitude convective clouds ------------------------------------- yes no* yes yes yes yes yes no* yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no yes no* yes yes yes yes yes yes no* yes yes yes yes yes yes no* yes no* yes yes yes yes no* yes yes yes yes yes yes no* Sulfur (kg) 12.35 13.74 36.25 49.83 ------------------------------------(%) contribution to sulfur wet deposition 112.4 23.0 16.1 41.4 20.9 37.4 110.0 31.7 12.4 17.9 32.2 45.0 151.2 32.4 19.0 54.0 34.5 39.6 137.2 34.6 20.0 42.8 23.8 39.8 RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION (CONTINUE) 160 (%) contribution 140 overestimate 120 100 Mid-latitude 80 underestimate 60 Tropical case 40 20 0 In-cloud scav. Subcloud scav. In-cloud oxid. Subcloud oxid. Ice Henry's neglect. Law SULFATE AEROSOL AND CLOUD -TROPICAL CASE TROPICAL CASE z (km) 20 10 min. 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z (km) 20 30 min. 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z (km) 20 40 min. 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z (km) 20 15 50 min. 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z (km) 20 70 min. 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 z (km) 20 90 min. 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 x (km) 60 70 80 90 100 6.6 6.1 5.6 5.1 4.6 4.1 3.6 3.1 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 CLOUD +SULFATE AEROSOLS (CONT. CASE) MID-LATITUDE CASE z (km) 20 15 10 5 0 z (km) 20 15 z (km) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 min. 5 20 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4.6 4.1 5 20 15 3.6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 min. 3.1 2.6 10 2.1 5 1.6 0 20 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 15 90 min. 10 5 0 10 1.1 0.6 0.1 70 min. 10 0 z (km) 5.6 5.1 40 min. 10 0 z (km) 10 10 0 z (km) 10 min. x (km) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS RADAR REFLECTIVITY-CONTINENTAL CASE Z (KM) REF (dBz) 12 6 0 65 55 45 35 25 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 15 X (KM) 120 continental storm (60 min) 110 Z (dBz) 100 90 55 80 Y (KM) 45 70 35 60 50 25 40 15 30 5 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 X (KM) 70 80 90 100 110 120 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS RADAR REF. AND RAINFALL-TROPICAL CASE 60 55 Z (dBz) 50 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 45 40 Y (KM) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 X (KM) ÊÓ¹ Ñ¡¾Ñ² ¹ ÒÍ ØµØ¹ÂÔÁÇÔ·ÂÒ ¡ ÃÁÍ ØµØ¹ÔÂÁÇÔ·ÂÒ 60 ´ Í ¹ àÁ×ͧ 500 Í ÓàÀÍ » Ò¡ à¡ Åḉ ÊÒÂäËÁ ËÅÑ¡ÊÕè Í ÓàÀÍ º Ò§ãË- è 400 º ҧࢹ ¤ÅÍ §ÊÒÁÇÒ 300 Í ÓàÀÍ àÁ×ͧ¹ ¹ · º ØÃÕ Ë¹ Í §¨ Í ¡ ¤Ñ¹¹ ÒÂÒÇ º Ö§¡ ØèÁ º Ò§¾ÅÑ́ · ÇÕÇѲ ¹ Ò º Ò§¡ Í ¡ ¹ éÍ Â µÅÔ觪 ѹ Í ÓàÀÍ ÊÒÁ¾ÃÒ¹ º ҧᤠ˹ Í §á¢Á ÀÒÉÕਠÃÔ- ¾- Òä· ´ Թᴠ§ º Ò§¡ Í ¡ ãË- è ¨ Í Á· Í § Í ÓàÀÍ ¡ Ãз ØèÁẠ¹ ´ ØÊÔµ ¾Ãй ¤Ã » éÍ Á» ÃÒº ¸ ¹ º ØÃÕ » · ØÁÇѹ º Ò§ÃÑ¡ ÊÒ· à Çѧ· Í §ËÅÒ§ ËéÇ¢ÇÒ§ 150 Êоҹ ÊÙ§ ÇѲ ¹ Ò Í ÓàÀÍ àÁ×ͧ©Ðઠԧ෠ÃÒ Êǹ ËÅǧ ÃÒÉ®Ãìº Ùó Ð ¾ÃÐ⢹ § » ÃÐàÇÈ º Ò§¹ Ò Í ÓàÀÍ ¾Ãл ÃÐá´ § 90 40 35 70 50 40 · Ø觤ÃØ 30 25 30 º Ò§¢Ø¹à· Õ¹ 20 Í ÓàÀÍ àÁ×ͧÊÁØ·ÃÊҤà 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 45 120 ÅÒ́ ¡ Ãк ѧ ¤ÅÍ §àµÂ º Ò§¤Í áËÅÁ ÂÒ¹ ¹ ÒÇÒ º Ò§º Í ¹ 200 ÁÕ¹º ØÃÕ º Ò§¡ л Ô 50 250 ÅÒ́ ¾ÃéÒÇ ¨ µØ̈Ñ¡Ã º Ò§« ×èÍ 55 20 Í ÓàÀÍ ¾ÃÐÊÁØ·Ãਠ´ ÕÂì 10 15 5 0.1 10 5 Accumulate Rainfall (00 Z 25 – 00 Z 26 Jul 2007) Max 66.5 mm. At Bangkok area 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 X-Z CROSS SECTIONS ON CO, O3 AND NOX (CONTINENTAL CASE) Z (KM) CO (ppbv) 16 12 8 4 0 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 X (KM) Z (KM) 60 50 O3 (ppbv) 16 12 8 4 0 520 480 440 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 120 80 40 X (KM) Z (KM) NOx (ppt) 16 12 8 4 0 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 20 40 60 80 X (KM) 100 120 140 100 50 X-Z CROSS SECTIONS ON CO, O3 AND NOX (TROPICAL CASE) z (km) CO (ppbv) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 z (km) x (km) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 540 490 440 390 340 290 240 190 140 90 5 z (km) 50 O3 (ppbv) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 NOx (ppbv) 40 x (km) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 x (km) 40 45 50 55 60 50 X-Y cross sections on the gas-phase mixing ratios on CO, O3 and NOx at z = 10.7 km (cont. case- upper panel, trop. case-bottom panel). CO (ppbv) CONTINENTAL CASE X-Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM 140 140 CO (ppbv) O3 (ppbv) 120 100 80 60 40 20 135 220 125 115 105 60 80 60 80 100 120 140 100 85 40 75 40 60 65 55 20 20 20 0 0 40 180 60 95 0 20 260 100 145 80 0 0 NOx (ppt) 120 155 100 Y (KM) 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Y (KM) 120 Y (KM) NOx (ppt) CONTINENTAL CASE X-Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM O3 (ppbv) CONTINENTAL CASE X-Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM 140 20 40 60 140 80 100 120 0 140 20 40 60 CO (ppbv) TROPICAL CASE X-Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM 100 120 140 X (KM) X (KM) NOx (ppt) TROPICAL CASE X - Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM O3 (ppbv) TROPICAL CASE X-Y CROSS SECTION AT Z = 10.5 KM X (KM) 80 60 60 55 55 O3 (ppbv) 50 60 55 CO (ppbv) 50 50 175 45 45 45 170 155 40 40 40 150 145 95 85 135 30 25 25 75 20 20 65 15 55 130 125 30 115 105 25 110 95 90 20 85 75 15 65 10 35 Y (KM) 30 35 Y (KM) 35 Y (KM) 165 105 NOx (ppt) 10 55 15 70 10 50 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 X (KM) 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 60 X (KM) X (KM) 40 45 50 55 60 CLOUD TOGETHER CHEMISTRY CONTINENTAL AND TROPICAL STORM 0 20 40 60 15 10 5 0 0 SO4 (ppb) SO2 (ppb) H2O2 (ppb) O3 (ppb) 20 40 60 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 6.6 6.1 0 5.6 20 40 5.1 20.00 6020.00 4.6 15 4.1 10 5 10.00 10.00 3.6 0 0 3.1 20 40 2.6 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 10.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 30.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 50.00 20.00 60.00 10.00 70.00 20.00 80.00 30.00 90.00 40.00 100.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 60 2.1 1.6 0 1.1 20 0.6 40 60 0.1 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 4.1 2.3 2.1 3.6 1.9 3.1 1.7 2.6 1.5 1.3 2.1 1.6 90.00 100.00 80.00 1.1 1.1 0.9 100.00 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.1 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 THE GENERAL REMARKS AND CONCLUSIONS Tropical storm has shown a more intensive initial convection, associate with strong updrafts, turbulent diffusion coefficient and low level moisture relative to continental storm The differences in cloud dynamics belongs to difference in potential instability, wind shear and turbulence Continental storm exhibits continuous and uniform evolution in the storm mature stage with relatively higher values for turbulence that maintains convection Predicted maximum mixing ratios of hydrometeors show differences among cases, as result of different initial moisture content as well as difference in vertical transport of moisture and microphysics production terms The intercomparison described here also shows higher rainfall efficiency in tropical case attributed to differences in the interaction of cloud dynamics and microphysics and precipitation flux processes The intercomparison described here also shows differences in rainfall efficiency attributed to interaction of cloud dynamics and microphysics and precipitation flux processes MICROPHYSICS PRODUCTION TERMS Dominant microphysics production terms terms in tropical srtorms and higher value relative to continental case: PSDEP-depositional growth of snow (1.4) PSFW-Bergeron process transfer of cloud water to form snow (6 times) PGACR-accretion of rain by graupel (1.2) PSML-snow melting to from rain (5 times) MICROPHYSICS PRODUCTION TERMS Dominant microphysics production terms terms in continental case and higher value relative to tropical case: PGFR-probablistic freezing of rain to form graupel (2 times) PGAUT-autoconversion of snow to form graupel (1.3= PRACI-accretion of cloud ice by rain (6 times) PSSUB- sublimation of snow (6 times) MICROPHYSICS PRODUCTION TERMS Dominant microphysics production terms terms in tropical srtorms and higher value relative to continental case: PSDEP-depositional growth of snow (1.4) PSFW-Bergeron process transfer of cloud water to form snow (6 times) PGACR-accretion of rain by graupel (1.2) PSML-snow melting to from rain (5 times) CLOUD WATER AND RAINWATER pH-FACTOR similar values of cloud water pH in continental and tropical case using non-polluted background shows a a more uniform distribution of cloud water pH with a lower values compared to tropical case during simulation time using polluted background Rainwater pH in continental case using non-polluted background has a more uniform distribution and lower values relative to tropical one. Similar values between rainwater pH betwen continental and tropical case until moderate stage of storm evolution and higher values in tropical case relative to cont, case in dissipative stage DOMINANT SULFATE PRODUCTION TERMS Liquid phase oxidation of SO2 by H2O2 and O3 in cloud droplets and rainwater Highest production values are found in continental polluted clouds Maximum production rate of in-cloud nucleation and impact scavenging is simulated in tropical polluted clouds RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION TO SULFUR WET DEPOSITION Hanry Law assumption leads to higher overestimation of sulfur wet deposition of 151 % in cont. polluted clouds Cont. polluted clouds have shown a higher percentage values relative to tropical case for incloud and subcloud oxidation Ice phase proceses and in-cloud scavenging have a similar percentage contribution values in both cases Sub-cloud scavenging in tropical polluted clouds has a higher relative contribution to sulfur wet deposition in (kg) compared to continental one THANK YOU VLADO SPIRIDONOV HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE SKUPI BB 1000 SKOPJE, R.MACEDONIA E-mail: vspiridonov@meteo.gov.mk