9th Grade Energy Inv 8 Lesson Plan[2]

Total marks: _________/ 30
Learning Goals for this Lesson
Students will organize the energy concepts that they have learned
Standard 3: Energy and Its Effects: Energy takes many
throughout Investigations 1-7 in a learning map. Then, they will
forms. These forms can be grouped into types of
research an important energy topic and then take a stance on this
energy that are associated with the motion of mass
controversial topic. Students will defend their positions using energy
(kinetic energy), and types of energy associated with
concepts developed in the unit.
the position of mass and energy fields.
Students Will Know
Students Will Be Able To
How energy concepts are related to one another.
 Use energy concepts to defend or refute an argument
concerning society’s use of energy.
 Make connections between the various energy concepts
investigated in this unit.
Lesson Essential Question
How Are Energy Concepts Related to one Another?
Activating Strategy:
Display recycling images (either digitally, or print out and pass around the room) from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory’s website: http://images.nrel.gov/albums.php?albumId=207411&page=1
Generate a discussion about recycling (Does anyone recycle? What items do they recycle? How does recycling help the
environment? What affect does recycling have on energy?)
Read through Investigation #8: Making an Energy Argument (student guide) pages 1-2. Have students answer questions in
collaborative pairs:
 What does “going green” mean to you?
How will this idea of managing our energy resources affect you this school year?
How will energy management affect you later in life?
What are some good energy ideas that have been in the news lately?
What are some poor energy ideas that have been in the news lately?
*Possible alternative* Pass out some energy news articles for students to review for information to contribute to this discussion.
Possible energy articles are attached. (Can replace/supplement with current event articles)
Key vocabulary to preview
(Review of previously addressed vocabulary concepts)
Energy forms
Energy transfer
Energy transformation
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy Chains
Selective Absorption
Energy Diagrams
Vocabulary Strategy
Since all words/concepts have been presented in previous investigations, review terms with an interactive vocabulary game, such
as the race car vocabulary review (ppt attached).
Lesson Instruction
Learning Activity 1
Graphic Organizer
Can be completed in small groups, collaborative pairs, or independently. May need to
provide examples of learning maps and have practice activities for connecting
concepts (could use addition and subtraction or some other basic concept as an
You are to create a learning map (or concept map) to graphically show how
the concepts that have been studied in this unit fit together. Listed below are some
of the terms that need to be incorporated into the concept map. You may add more
information to your map.
Energy forms
Energy transfer
Energy transformation
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy Chains
Selective Absorption
Energy Diagrams
Assessment Prompt for Learning Activity 1
Learning map presentations
Learning Activity 2
*Research materials will need to be made available; possible mini lesson on writing an
opinion paper.*
Energy is a hot topic in today’s world. We are affected by costs, pollution,
and resources. In this part of the activity, you will research one aspect of energy and
discuss its advantages and disadvantages. A bibliography of your resources will be
required. Be sure to select reliable resources.
Select an energy topic and describe the energy transfers and energy
transformations involved in its use. You should consider benefits as well as the costs
of using energy in this form. Consider the downsides of the use of this energy
resource such as pollution, safety, and waste materials. You may also establish
arguments for and against a proposal for energy use/efficiency.
In conclusion, provide your opinion regarding the use of this energy source or
proposal and a summary of reasons to support this opinion. Be sure to include the
costs/effects on individuals at a personal level.
You may select from this list of topics or another teacher approved topic.
Hydrogen fuel cell
Hydroelectric power
Natural gas
Passive solar
Fuel economy standards
Oil shale
Ethanol Nuclear power
Liquid propane
Geo thermal
Public transportation
Airline weight surcharges
Carbon offsets
Should fuel economy standards be increased for tractor trailers?
Should we drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge?
Should windmills be used more often to generate electricity?
Assessment Prompt for Learning Activity 2
Presentation of argument; or have students present opposing positions on same
argument, as a debate.
Summarizing Strategy
Write a paragraph stating 3 ways that energy concepts are connected/related.