The writing process is like sacrificing you brain to the English god so

The writing process is like sacrificing you brain to the English god so her can cut the top if your
head off and extract words that sing and dance on to a canvas in a way that comes together to create
this wonderful piece of art. Everyone loves to look at wonderful art and everyone wants to be the
creator of that art. Learning to get my Ideas down as quick as possible so that I have raw materials to
work with may just be the hardest part. I would sharpen my pencils and prepare as much paper as I
possibly could because I wasn’t allowed to quit until I thought it was the best thing I could come up with.
Once I had all of my materials it was time for me to start my sculpture.
When I first started my writing process this year I was unprepared for what I was going to face. I
was forced to think outside of the box and push myself to make a connection with an audience that I
barely understood most of the time. My first piece of art was very amateurish. It had a strong beginning
but the strength faded as I continued to write, I guess I wasn’t quite ready to just let writing take control
of my body. I was weak on many key point such as connecting with an audience and making my point
clear without actually saying what I meant, I sort of just came out and said that “How you wake up can
affect the rest of the day” I felt like I rushed myself just to get it done and no one wants to admire art
that wasn’t passionate.
In my next artwork I had improved on keeping a clean purpose, but it was an argumentative
essay, I felt that I hated writing to change someone’s opinion. It’s really not my forte because I prefer
the ability to express and create an element based on my imagination. In an argumentative essay you’re
supposed to show facts and rebuttals and I didn’t enjoy them at all, I mean I have my own views and
opinions but I just didn’t quite enjoy putting them into the open for everyone to see. For example if I
were to do a self portrait of myself with all of my known flaws and opinions on how I looked everyone
would know my faults. It feels embarrassing in an odd way.
To be an American seemed like such a bland topic. Everyone knows what It means to be an
American. At least that’s what I thought until my teacher or “noble one” made me dig deeper into my
concept of reality and realize that I think competition is at the heart of being an American. This was the
toughest essay for me to right because in my definition I realized that I wasn’t very American myself. I
hate competition even though I face it almost every second of my life. I hate the feeling of losing or
feeling left out. I don’t know after I wrote this I was proud yet sad all at the same time, it was kind of a
bitter sweet moment. My writing had improved dramatically, It was extremely easy to get my words out
and nothing felt forced or rushed. For the first time I felt like I was finally able to let myself just write
without limiting myself to what I thought the purpose of the writing was.
In my family essay I was at a loss. I didn’t know exactly how I could define my family because it is
so complicated that I normally don’t even like to explain it to my friends. It kind of knocked me down a
notch because of all the thinking I had to do to force the words out of my mind. It made me upset but at
the end I think I did a decent job.
In conclusion my writing in comparison to the master art work of surrendering your brain isn’t
quite to that point. I still have to force myself to relax and just let myself write my ideas down. Once my
ideas are down I feel like I do a great job in explaining them or expanding the ideas. I think that’s
actually the best part, adding imagery words and details make you artwork come to life and I seem to
have a small grip on them. Hopefully next semester if we continue writing I will be able to expand my
ideas and create wonderful works of art.( I also hope that there’s a poem themed essay, that would be
so legit, )