18_CV_FaheemKhan_Int Dev Expert

Faheem Khan
International Development Expert
Address: 2201 Meadow Wood Ct, Marietta GA 30062, USA
Tel: +1-404-988-1491 ~ Email: faheem-khan@comcast.net
Professional Profile
Faheem Khan is widely respected as a management and technical expert in international development, with 18
years of experience in Africa, Asia, and at the head office in USA. His most recent position was as the Senior
Director and Head of the CARE Food and Nutrition Security team, based in Atlanta USA, overseeing the food,
nutrition, livelihoods, markets and value chains, and the water teams. His expertise spans these technical
disciplines, using rights and justice approaches, to build the capacities of the poorest households and communities,
civil society, and government support structures around the world. Program development and business expansion
are other areas of Faheem’s strength, where he has led design teams, and developed complex proposals securing
large funds from multiple donors, especially USAID. Faheem also has demonstrable experience leading assessment
and evaluations teams.
Experience in Program Development (“select” programs in order of grants)
2015: Lead designer and writer for the DRC Title II DFAP for CARE – work in progress.
2010: USD 115 million grant secured from Food for Peace (Title II) + USD 15 million from the Government of
Bangladesh for the SHOUHARDO II program. Lead the design team and the lead writer for the proposal.
2004: USD 110 million grant secured from Food for Peace (Title II) + USD 11 million from the Government of
Bangladesh for the SHOUHARDO program. Active core member of the lead team and writer for the proposal.
2013: USD 80 million grant secured from Food for Peace (Title II) for the Kore Lavi program in Haiti. Overall
manager of the design team and writer.
2015: USD 80 million grant secured from Food for Peace (Title II) + USD 8 million from the Government of
Bangladesh for the SHOUHARDO III program. Overall manager of the design team and writer.
2015: USD 45 million grant secured from Food for Peace (Title II) for the Harande program in Mali. Overall
manager of the design team and writer.
2001: GBP 25 million grant secured from DFID for the GO-INTERFISH program in greater Asia. Active core
member of the lead team and writer for the proposal.
2000: GBP 20 million grant secured from DFID for the SHABGE II program in greater Asia. Active core member
of the lead team and writer for the proposal.
2005: Euros 1 million secured from the EU to compliment the Title II HIBRET program in Ethiopia.
Experience in Assessments and Evaluations (“SELECT” LARGER ASSIGNMENTS)
2015: Team Leader for the Household Economic Assessment in DRC for the DFAP Design and proposal
development for CARE.
2010: Team Leader for the livelihoods and context assessments for the char, haor, and coastal belts of
Bangladesh leading to the successful design and award of the SHOUHARDO II program.
2004: Team Leader for the livelihoods and context assessments for the urban slums in Bangladesh leading to
the successful design and award of the SHOUHARDO program.
2005: Team Leader for the livelihoods and context assessments of the Afar, East and West Hararghe, Borena,
and Gondar regions of Ethiopia leading to the Hibret program expansion.
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Professional Management Experience
October 2012 to September 2015: Senior Director and Head of Food and Nutrition Security, CARE USA
Atlanta HQ
 Part of the senior management team elevating CARE’s profile as a leader in development and humanitarian
assistance, promoting justice for the poorest and marginalized populations of the world
 Active co-chair of the global CARE-Cornell Steering Committee, bridging research into practical on-the-ground
 As co-chair of the World Wild Fund-CARE Alliance Steering Committee, expanding the portfolio globally in
terms of geographic programming and positioning and influencing policy makers and donors on
environmentally sensitive food and nutrition programming
Promoter of learning as member of the Program Advisory Committee of the USAID funded TOPS program to
share and disseminate learning globally
 Adviser to the Community for Zero Hunger including experts from every area of global food and nutrition
security to meet the UN development goals
 Successfully managed the change process to integrate the Food Security, the Nutrition, the Agriculture and
Value Chains, the Economic Development, the Water, the Financial Inclusion, and the Research and
Knowledge management teams
 Fully accountable for the management of the Food and Nutrition Security team, directly managing four highly
respected Directors, through which a team of 24 specialists are managed to provide support to CARE globally,
as well as engage in policy and influencing platforms in the US and globally
June 2006 to September 2012: Chief of Party – SHOUHARDO and SHOUHARDO II, CARE Bangladesh
 Successfully turned around the flailing SHOUHARDO Program (2006 to 2010), the world’s largest nonemergency food security program funded by USAID and the Government of Bangladesh, into one of the most
successful programs in the history of USAID and CARE
 Master architect and designer of the SHOUHARDO II program, winning grants in excess of USD 130 million
 Proactive management of setting systems and structures to manage funds in excess of USD 250 million, and
commodities close to 500,000 Metric Tons, with no significant losses
 Strategic human resource management to build teams across different disciplines – direct program consisted
of 400 staff, with another 1,500 staff across 50 national NGOs through whom 90% of delivery was channeled
 Developed strong and effective partnership with 13 ministries from the Government of Bangladesh, to actively
influence policy issues
 Large scale impact achieved where stunting rates were brought down by 4.5 percentage points per annum,
compared to a country average of 1 percentage point, and a global average of 2.2 percentage points, making
this one of the most successful programs in development
 Co-authored the IDS and World Development publication of the success of the SHOUHARDO program which
has been an important contributor in shaping development thinking
June 2004 to May 2006: Chief of Party & Rural Livelihoods Program Coordinator, CARE Ethiopia
 Chief of Party of the Title II Hibret Program, and Coordinator of all five rural field offices and programs
 Annual budget managed was in excess of USD22 million comprised of cash and commodities, with staffing of
just under 500 personnel
 Grants managed included European Union, DFID, Austrian Government, Canadian CIDA, NORAD, and USAID
 The HIBRET Program was a major contributor to the Ethiopian Government Poverty Safety Net Program
January 2002 to May 2004: Project Coordinator of the SHAHAR Program, CARE Bangladesh
 Management of one of the largest “urban pilot programs” at the time, with an annual budget of USD3 million,
reaching 35,000 of the poorest urban households in four municipalities in Bangladesh
 Founder of the Bangladesh Urban Round Table comprised of key government officials, UN organizations,
international NGOs, national NGOs, and important civil society individuals – successes included reshaping the
Bangladesh Poverty Strategic Plan to include the urban poor which was previously missing
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August 1997 to December 2001: Design Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser, CARE USA
 Active member of the CARE global DM&E team developing global metrics across programs
 Trained and capacity built both program staff and M&E specialists
 Part of the lead teams to design proposals – notable successes include winning grants of over 50 million
pounds from DFID and the European Union
June 1994 to June 1997: Technical and Business Manager, Cambridge Control, Cambridge UK
 Successfully established the European Space Agency as a core user of the high level software developed by
Cambridge Control
 Developed and effectively managed relations with the Ford Motor Company, and Harley Davidson in providing
technical support in the development of control systems
 Primary relationship manager with British Aerospace and the UK Ministry of Defense in designing high tech
engineering designs
September 1993 to June 1994: Master of Science, City University, London UK
September 1988 to June 1992: Master of Engineering, University of Brighton, UK
Lisa C. Smith, Faheem Khan, Timothy R. Frankenberger, Abdul Wadud – “Admissible Evidence in the Court of
Development Evaluation? The Impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO Project on Child Stunting in Bangladesh” World
Development, 10 August 2012, and in the IDS Working Paper Volume 2011 Number 376, October 2011
“To Help World’s Children Reach Fifth Birthday, Look to This Bangladesh Program” The Christian Science
Monitor, 9 May 2012
“Reaching New Heights – The Case for Measuring Women’s Empowerment” CARE International March 2012
“Mothers’ Strong Voices Pave the Way for Hunger” The Sun, Australian Media, 8 March 2012
Interviewed by Women E News in the USA; interview extract published in “womenenews.org”, Edition of 12
March 2012
Provided expert feedback on Daniel Maxwell, Kate Sadler, Amanda Sim, Mercy Mutonyi, Rebecca Egan, and
Mackinnon Webster (December 2008) – “Emergency Food Security Interventions” Good Practice Review –
Humanitarian Practice Network
Language: English – native; Bengali - fluent.
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