Examples: those, who hold the keys to the Kingdom: Jim Allchin, Microsoft's Windows chief said in Oct 2005,” I'd already been through lots of days of personal training on the tools that are used to do hacking.“ Researcher Dan Kaminsky found him to be quite knowledgeable about Hashing. Researcher Matt Conover, while talking about a fairly obscure type of problem called a "heap overflow”, asked the audience, made up mostly of vice presidents, whether they knew about this type of issue, 18 of 20 hands went up. (Blue Hat Conference at Redmond in Oct 2005) 1 Internship: provides learning opportunities Internet and/or telecom protocols TCP/IP stack SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) H.323 (ITU standard to allow telephones, on the public telephone network, to talk to computers, connected to Internet) Server Message Block/Common Internet File System (CIFS), Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) Ref: http://www.dnp.org/ . 2 Learning Opportunities Working of Internet communications equipment how the communications channels, that the Internet communication equipment use, can be modified to compromise the system. 3 Learning Opportunities Ruby language and its use in modeling network protocol stacks. To create protocol implementations in “our” Ruby framework and then to apply protocol mutations to test systems for robustness and security vulnerabilities using an attack surface approach. 4 Security Threats RFC 1244 identifies three distinct types of security threats associated with network connectivity: Unauthorized access A break-in by an unauthorized person. Break-ins may be an embarrassment that undermine the confidence that others have in the organization. Moreover unauthorized access one of the other threats:-- disclosure of information or --denial of service. 5 Classification of Security Threats Reference: RFC 1244 Disclosure of information disclosure of valuable or sensitive information to people, who should not have access to the information. Denial of service Any problem that makes it difficult or impossible for the system to continue to perform productive work. Do not connect to Internet: a system with highly classified information, or, if the risk of liability in case of disclosure is great. 6 A secure system Intersection of A system which is able to maintain confidentiality of data; A system which is able to maintain integrity of data; A system, which is available, whenever the user require it 7 Terminology of Hacking Snooping (also called passive wire-tapping) Active wire-tapping or man-in-the middle attack Spoofing or Masquerading of a host or a service-provider (Distinguish it from Delegation) Repudiation of origin or of creation of some file Denial of receipt Usurpation: unauthorized control 8 Threats for the Internet/ISP propagate false routing entries (“black holes”) domain name hijacking link flooding packet intercept Phishing attacks: use e-mails that often appear to come from a legitimate e-mail address and include links to spoofed Web addresses. The receiver responds to the link, which takes the receiver to a site, other than what the receiver thinks he is going to. (announced by MS on 16 Dec 2003, as a problem with Internet Explorer). 9 Types of Security Threats: Additions • • • Denial of service Illegitimate use Authentication • • • • • IP spoofing Sniffing the password Playback Attack Bucket-brigade attack ( when Eve substitutes her own public key for the public key of Bob in a message being sent by Bob to Alice) Generic threats: Backdoors, Trojan horses, viruses etc 10 TCP/IP STACK 11 DNS RIP FTP TELNET OSPF SMTP BGP UDP TCP ICMP IP ARP RARP Data Link Layer Physical Layer 12 Ethernet Type ARP RARP IP 080616 803516 080016 UDP Ports IP Protocol OSPF 89 UDP 17 TCP 6 ICMP 1 520 53 TCP Ports BGP 179 DNS 53 SMTP 25 TELNET 23 FTP 21 HTTP 80 HTTP PROXY 8080 RIP DNS 13 TCP/IP STACK+ 14 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) a signalling protocol used for establishing sessions in an IP network. A session may be a simple two-way telephone call or a collaborative multi-media conference session. 15 Uses of SIP VoIP telephony voice-enriched e-commerce, web page click-to-dial, Instant Messaging with buddy lists References: 1. RFC 3261 2.http://www.sipcenter.com/sip.nsf/html/What+Is+SIP+Introduction 16 Session Initiation Protocol VoIP uses the following standards and protocols: to ensure transport (RTP), to authenticate users (RADIUS, DIAMETER), to provide directories (LDAP), to be able to guarantee voice quality (RSVP, YESSIR) and to inter-work with today's telephone network, many ITU standards 17 H.323 and H.248 H.323 (ITU standard to allow telephones, on the public telephone network, to talk to computers, connected to Internet) used for local area networks (LANs), but was not capable of scaling to larger public networks. H.248 also called MEGACO: Media Gateway Control Protocol (Megaco) --the name used by IETF H.248 – the name used by ITU-T Study Group 16 18 H.248/MEGACO MEGACO: a standard protocol for handling the signaling and session management needed during a multimedia conference. defines a means of communication between a media gateway, which converts data from the format required for a circuit-switched network to that required for a packet-switched network, and the media gateway controller. References: 1.RFC 3015 2. http:// searchnetworking.techtarget.com/ sDefinition/0,,sid7_ gci817224,00.html as of 12th Oct 2006 19 Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) SCTP: a reliable transport protocol operating on top of IP. It offers acknowledged error-free non-duplicated transfer of datagrams (messages). Detection of data corruption, loss of data and duplication of data is achieved by using checksums and sequence numbers. A selective retransmission mechanism is applied to correct loss or corruption of data. 20 Difference between SCTP and TCP difference with to TCP: multihoming and the concept of several streams within a connection. Where in TCP a stream is referred to as a sequence of bytes, an SCTP stream represents a sequence of messages (and these may be very short or long). References: 1. SCTP for beginners http://tdrwww.exp-math.uniessen.de/inhalt/forschung/sctp_fb/index.html as of Oct 12/2006 2. http://www.sctp.org/ 3. RFC2960 21 DNP3 Protocols define the rules by which devices talk with each other. DNP3 is a protocol for transmission of data from point A to point B using serial and IP communications. used primarily by utilities such as the electric and water companies for SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) applications. provides rules for remotely located computers (at sub-stations) and master station computers (at operations center) to communicate data and control commands. 22 Server (or Sessions) Message Block (SMB): A File-sharing protocol Windows (95, 98, NT), OS/2 and Linux machines (running SAMBA): use SMB Developed jointly by MS, IBM and Intel SMB: provides a method for client applications on a computer to read and to ‘write to’: files on servers in the network to request services from servers in the network 23 SMB SMB: can be used over the Internet (through the TCP/IP protocol) or over the local network (through the IPX and the NetBEUI/ NetBIOS protocols); SMB: Windows equivalent to Sun's Network File System (NFS). 24 Ports used by SMB on TCP/IP UDP/137 is used for name resolution and registration UDP/138 is used for browsing TCP/139 is used for the main file and print sharing transactions Windows 2000 and XP: port 445 (In/Out): Allows remote administration and monitoring using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). 25 SAMBA Reference: Robert Eckstein, David Collier-Brown, and Peter Kelly, Using Samba , O'Reilly and Associates, 1999 "Samba is a suite of Unix applications that speak the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol.” Many operating systems, including Windows and OS/2, use SMB to perform client-server networking. By supporting this protocol, Samba allows Unix servers to get in on the action, communicating with the same networking protocol as Microsoft Windows products. Thus, a Samba-enabled Unix machine can masquerade as a server on your Microsoft network 26 SAMBA Reference: Samba-3 by Example by John H. Terpstra http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/preface.html#id2504950 an open source software can be run on a platform other than Microsoft Windows, for example, UNIX, Linux, IBM System 390, OpenVMS, and other operating systems. uses the TCP/IP protocol that is installed on the host server. help you implement Windows-compatible file and print services. 27 Using Samba Reference: http://www.roseindia.net/linux/tutorial/linuxhowto/SMB-HOWTO-2.html One can use Samba to Share a Linux drive with Windows machines. Access an SMB share with Linux machines. Share a Linux printer with Windows machines. Share a Windows printer with Linux machines. allow a Linux host to interact with a Microsoft Windows client or server as if the host were a Windows file and print server, when correctly28 Services offered by a SAMBA enabled UNIX machine Share one or more filesystems Share printers installed on both the server and its clients Assist clients with Network Neighborhood browsing Authenticate clients logging onto a Windows domain Provide or assist with WINS name server resolution Samba: the brainchild of Andrew Tridgell, Samba development team, Canberra, Australia. Reference: http://us1.samba.org/samba/ 29 References http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/SambaIntr o.html http://www.rxn.com/services/faq/smb/using_ samba/html/ch03_01.htm A DNP3 Protocol Primer at http://www.dnp.org/About/DNP3%20Primer%20Rev%20A.pdf How to of networking http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/networking.html 30 Ports used by Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) TCP/554 (In/Out): Used for accepting incoming RTSP client connections and for delivering data packets to clients that are streaming by using RTSPT. UDP/5004 (Out): Used for delivering data packets to clients that are streaming by using RTSPU. UDP/5005 (In/Out): Used for receiving packet loss information from clients and providing synchronization information to clients that are streaming by using RTSPU. 31 IP – 5 layer DoD model Layering – 5 layer DoD model APPLICATION TRANSPORT INTERNET NETWORK INTERFACE PHYSICAL 32 IP and the Internet Architecture OSI Model Internet Architecture Application Presentation Application Session Transport Network UDP TCP IP Data Link Network Physical Internet addressing, routing Ethernet, Token Ring, etc. Bridging and switching 33 Ethernet Frame for ARP packet: Ethernet-type for ARP 080616 HA DEST T HA Y SRC P E H T Y P E P T H Y S P I E Z E P S I Z E O P E R A T I O N HA S E N D E R IP Add S E N D E R HA T A R G E IP Add T A R G E T P A D D I N G C R C T 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 2 6 ARP message 4 6 4 18 4 34 IEEE 802.3 Standard preamble Dest add Src add type 8 6 6 2 16 bits data 46B – 1500B crc 4 bits 368-12,000 FRAME CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check 35 Ethernet parameters Type – Self-identifying -> e.g. 1. for an ARP message, type=080616 2. For RARP message, type = 803516 3. For an IP message, type = 080016 36 IP Address Class A Number of bits in net-ID 0 Net id Host id available n/w addresses host-ID lr-limit Upr-limit 24 7+ (* B 10 14+ C 1 1 0 21+ 16 8 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D 1 1 1 0 m-cast (used only as DEST add) E 1 1 1 1 0 reserved * After taking into account the addresses Reserved for SPECIAL cases. 37 IP Addresses (contd) Class A Max no of N/W 126 networks with 16m hosts each (27-2) B (224-2=16,777,214) 16384 networks with 64 k hosts each (64*256)=(214) C Max no. of Hosts 2,097,152 (32*256*256)= (221) (216-2=65,534) 254 (28-2=254) 38 Addresses per class Class A B C D E No. of Addresses 231=2,147,483,648 230=1,073,741,824 229= 536,870,912 228= 268,435,456 228= 268,435,456 %age 50 25 12.5 6.25 6.25 39 Special IP addresses Net-id host-id All zeroes specific all zeroes all zeroes specific All ones (Blocked by 127 (Blocked by All zeroes (Blocked by all ones all ones Router) any Machine) specific Router) Type Purpose this comp on this n/w bootstrap (SRC add only) this n/w identifies a n/w (cant be a SRC/DST add) directed broadcast on a specific net limited broadcast to on the local net CLASS E all hosts on this n/w loop-back testing specific host on this n/w (DEST address only) 127.x.y.z : loop-back address,not a n/w address. DEST add only. Message does not leave the machine. 40 Special Multicast cases Categories : 224.0.0.x e.g. All Routers which use a particular category. Conferencing : 224.0.1.x 41 Free IP addresses for Intranets Private internets : Class net-id A B to C to no. of nets 1 16 256 42 Conventions for IP addressing From the study of special IP addresses: Net-id cannot begin with 127 First octet cannot be 255 in a net-id First octet cannot be 0 in a net id Group computers by Types / departmets Address Routers starting with Low numbers and Hosts starting with High numbers 43 IP Address Class A Number of bits in net-ID 0 Net id Host id available n/w addresses host-ID lr-limit Upr-limit 24 7+ (* B 10 14+ C 1 1 0 21+ 16 8 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D 1 1 1 0 m-cast (used only as DEST add) E 1111 reserved * After taking into account the addresses Reserved for SPECIAL cases. 44 0 VERS Version of IP PROTOCOL HLEN LENGTH of HEADER in 32 bit words 45 VERS version of IP 4 HLEN length of header in 32 bit words TYPE OF SERVICE PRECEDENCE 0 1 D 2 D: Minimize delay T: Maximize throughput PRECEDENCE T 3 R 4 5 C Unused 6 7 R: Maximize Reliability C: Minimize Cost 0 for Normal : : 7 for Network Control 46 Precedence and TOS bits Precedence (3 bits ): 000 lowest priority 111 highest priority (The highest priority may be accorded to the network management messages) If a Router is congested, it may discard messages of lower precedence. This is not a required field in Ver.4. TOS bits: Only one bit ( out of 4 ) can be set at a time. 47 There are 5 types of services: 0000 Normal 0001 Minimize Cost 0010 Maximize reliability 0100 Maximize throughput 1000 Minimize delay Background activities need minimum costs. Activities that send bulk data require maximum throughput 48 Management activities require maximum reliability. Activities requiring immediate attention, activities requiring immediate response and Control/Command messages like Remote Login commands require minimum of delay IP v4 does not guarantee the TOS requested by a host. 49 PROTOCOL Informs about the Protocol used by the Upper Layer; tells us about the nature of data Value of Protocol field in IP datagram: PROTOCOL ICMP IGMP IP in IP TCP EGP UDP IP v6 OS PF VALUE 1 2 4 6 8 17 41 89 50 ARP message format Variable length fields(28 octets for Ethernet) 8 0 16 24 Hardware type HLEN 31 Protocol type PLEN Operation Sender HA (Octets 0-3) Sender HA (0ctets 4-5) Sender IP (0ctets 2-3) Sender IP (0ctets 0-1) Target HA (0ctets 0-1) Target HA ( 0ctets 2 - 5 ) Target IP ( 0ctets 0 - 3 ) 51 ARP message format Variable length fields(28 octets for Ethernet) 8 0 16 24 Hardware type HLEN 31 Protocol type PLEN Operation Sender HA (Octets 0-3) Sender HA (0ctets 4-5) Sender IP (0ctets 2-3) Sender IP (0ctets 0-1) Target HA (0ctets 0-1) Target HA ( 0ctets 2 - 5 ) Target IP ( 0ctets 0 - 3 ) 52 ARP parameters Hardware type 1 for Ethernet Protocol type 080016 for IP HLEN & PLEN – length of hardware and protocol addresses in octets. Operation – ARP request 1 ARP response 2 RARP request 3 RARP response 4 53 TCP Segment: Format (16 bits) u (16 bits) (32 bits) ^ (32 bits) (4 bits) (6 bits) (16 bits) (6 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits) (if any) The Header is of 20-60 bytes in size. 54 TCP Segment: Format (continued) Bit Meaning (left to right) (if bit set to 1) URG Urgent pointer field is valid ACK Acknowledgement field is valid PSH This segment requests a Push RST Reset the Connection SYN Synchronize Sequence Numbers (for initiating a connection) FIN Sender has reached the end of its byte stream (for closing the connection) Normally, out of the last 4 flags, only one may be ON at a time. 55 UDP Format 56 The PSEUDO - HEADER PSEUDO - HEADER 57 Addressing in IPv6 128 bit addresses Dotted decimal notation, used for v4 is inappropriate for v6. (Instead of 4, there would be 16 parts, if the same method were used to represent the addresses.) Colon Hexadecimal notation used for represention. Ex: 21AC:00C5:3D2C:8F23:AABC:0000:89CF:8C70 64 bits for subnet and 64 bits for host. 232 = 4,294,967,296 2128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 Surface area of earth = 197399,019 sq. miles = 511,263,971,197,990 sq. metres So there are 665,570,793,348,866,943,898,599 addresses per sq m 58 Simplified Representation Simplification: Suppress leading zeros in every 16-bit block; Ex: Thus 00C5 may be written as C5. Compress one single contiguous sequence of blocks of 16-bit zeros. Replace it by a double colon. Thus the sixth block of 16 zeros may be replaced by ::. But usable only once in a given address. 59 Types of addresses in v6 Unicast RFC 2373: multiple interfaces of a host can use the same address, if the multiple interfaces look to be a single interface to IPv6 implementation. Multicast No separate broadcast addresses. Broadcast addresses are managed as multicast addresses only. Anycast delivers messages of a multicast group to the nearest member of the group 60 Notes on v6 addressing IPv6: designed for efficient, hierarchical addressing and routing Reserved addresses: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or :: indicates absence of address; used as a source address only; not assigned to any interface 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Loopback address (like 127.x.y.z in v4) IPv4 compatible addresses: Mixed notation: 0:0:0:0:0:0:w.x.y.z or ::w.x.y.z where w.x.y.z is an IPv4 address. For v6 and v4 to co-exist and for messages to go over a mix of v6 and v4 infrastructure, the compatibility problem has been specified in RFCs 61 IPv6 versus IPv4 some aspects 62 IPv6 and IPv4 IPv6 A fixed length header of 40 bytes (20 bytes <= v4 header length =<60 bytes) Additional headers for fragmentation and options Five (HLEN, Identification, Flags, Fragment Offset and Header Checksum ) fields removed No of fields = 8 in v6 (v4: 12 fields (excluding Options)) Source and destination addresses: of 16 bytes each in v6 and of 4 bytes each in v4 63 Processing at routers v6 packets vs. v4 packets IPv6 No verification and recalculation of header checksum No fragmentation required No processing of options, which are not intended for routers 64 Some new field names in v6 Traffic Class in place of Type of Service in v4 Payload Length (including the length of extension headers and higher level protocol data unit (PDU)) in place of Total Length in v4 Hop Limit in place of TTL in v4 Next Header in place of Protocol in v4 65 Class D and E in v4 Multicast in v6 CLASS E: Addresses from to reserved for experimental purposes. If a node should use one of these addresses on the Internet, it may fail to communicate properly. limited broadcast address: for a broadcast on the local network. Addresses from to reserved by IP for broadcast. Hence these addresses may not be considered part of Class E. Class D: Addresses from to used for multicast. Can be used only as a Destination address. Both Class D and Class E addresses: Not to be used as addresses of ordinary nodes on the Internet. 66 Format Prefix (FP) for v6 addresses FP of aggregatable global unicast addresses (similar to public IP addresses in v4): 001 designed to support efficient hierarchical routing. The Aggregatable Global Unicast addresses are 1/8th of the total v6 address space. It can assign 137,438,953,472 distinct sites. Compare with FP of Link-local Unicast addresses: 1111 1110 10 FP of Site-local Unicast addresses: 1111 1110 11 Format Prefix (FP) for Multicast Addresses: 1111 1111 67 Multicast for v6 Flag: 0001 a transient group; 0000 a permanent group, with Group identity assigned by ICANN Scope: 1 node-local: packets never leave the node 2 link-local: packets never forwarded by routers 5 site-local: packets never leave the site 8 org-local: packets never leave the organization (handled by routing protocols) E global FF Flag Scope 4bits 16bits 4bits Group ID 112bits 68 Multicast Addresses All nodes address: addresses all nodes on the local network: ff02::1 All routers address: addresses all routers on the local network: ff02::2 Solicited-Node address: replacement for ARP: Every node with v6 address listens at its own IP address. If the last 24 bits of its address are xyzwpq, it also listens at ff02::1:ffxy:zwpq For nodes on the local net, if it is assumed that the last 24 bits of the IP address are the same, this may be a replacement for ARP, as a datagram with a destination address of ff02::1:ffxy:zwpq will be received by every node on the local net. 69 ROUTING 70 Am N1 : A small part of internet R1 An N2 : B2 R2 N3 R3 Dn N4 : 71 Jobs of a Router: ----Decrement TTL. ----Recompute the checksum. ----Extract the netid & find out if the datagram can be delivered directly or find the next Hop address. ----send the datagram ahead after updating the IP header It may also perform fragmentation, if required. Routing Tables: SPECIAL ROUTES : Default route Host specific route 72 ROUTING TABLE FLAGS: U: The route is up H: Specifies whether destination address is the address of a n/w or that of a host. R: Specifies whether the Next Hop is a Router or a directly connected interface. D: The route was created by a Redirect M: The route was modified by a Redirect 73 Example 74 For R3 Let be the interface X2 and let be the interface X1. . DESTINATION NEXT FLA GS MASK U Direct Delivery X1 U Direct Delivery X2 UR UR UR X2 X2 X1 HOP INTERFACE 75 ARP parameters Hardware type 1 for Ethernet Protocol type 080016 for IP HLEN & PLEN – length of hardware and protocol addresses in octets. Operation – ARP request 1 ARP response 2 RARP request 3 RARP response 4 76 ICMP 77 Unreachable Destination 0 8 16 31 Type code checksum Unused(must be Zero) IP HEADER + FIRST 64 78 Example: For an option-less IP datagram, 7 thirty-two bit words will be added after the UNUSED 32 bit field. TYPE 3 CODE 0 – 15 Routers may not be able to detect all unreachability errors . The sender may have no control over the machines(s) causing the error. 79 TYPE 3 DESTINATION UNREACHABLE MEANING CODE Message Generated by 0 Network U R 1 Host U/subnet R U 2 Protocol U H 3 Port U H 4 Fragmentation R/H Required and 80 Exception in Format for Code 4: A Router may place, in the low-order 16 bits of the UNUSED 32-bit field, the MTU of its outgoing interface 81 8 CODE 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEANING Source Route Failed Destination N/W unknown Destination Host unknown The source host isolated Communication with n/w prohibited Communication with HOST Message Generated by R R R R 82 CODE 11 12 13 14 15 MEANING N/w U for T OS Host U for T OS Message Generated by R R A Filter put on the H destination host Requested precedence H is not permitted for the destination host. Dest Host precedence H higher than the precedence specified in the datagram 83 CONGESTION AND FLOW CONTROL Source Quench Format for the Unreachable Destination case. type Code 0 4 same as that Routers send one Source Quench message for every datagram they discard. 84 A source Quench message means a datagram has been discarded warns the source The sources has no clue when the congestion ends. It should reduce the rate as long as long it continues to receive the SQ messages Then it may gradually increase the rate as long as no SQ message is received. The above decision has a validity if congestion is caused by one-to-one communication, and not by many-to-one communication. In the later case, the SQ message my even go to the slowest source. 85 Time Exceeded Error Message When a Router discards a datagram because TTL has reached zero or Reassembly timer timed out, while waiting for fragments of a datagram, the message format same as that of the Unreachable Destination case TYPE 11 CODE 0 TTL exceeded or 1 Reassembly timer timed out. 86 Parameter Problem OTHER Problems When a datagram has to be discarded, because some header fields are incorrect, a parameter problem message to the 0 is sent 8 16 Sender. 31 Type pointer Zero) code checksum Unused(must be 87 TYPE 12 CODE 0 Pointer points to the octet in the datagram header, which caused the problem. 88 Missing Option To Report a Missing Option: Nearly the above format is used to report a missing option, which is required. The only changes are: code 1 (type remains 12) Pointer is not there. Instead unused is extended to 32 bits 89 Redirect Request Route change Request from Routers Redirect: Routers: assumed to know correct routes. Host begins with a small routing table. (It is initialized using a system configuration file at system startup.) Then the Host learns about new 90 Routes from Routers. Redirect Request (Contd.) 0 8 16 31 Type code checksum Routers Internet Address 32 bits Internet Header + first 64 BITS OF DATAGRAM 91 Redirect Request (Contd.) TYPE 5 CODE 0 to 3 Router Internet address is the address of the Router that the host is to use to reach the destination in the header. 0 is not used now. TYPE 1 2 REDIRECT Redirect for the Host Redirect for the NET and TOS Redirect for the HOST and 92 ECHO REQUEST AND REPLY 0 8 16 31 Type code checksum Identifier 16 bits Sequence No 16 bits Optional data 93 Identifier and Seq No: Type 8 ( REQUEST) OR 0 (REPLY) CODE 0 To match replies to requests An Identifier may define a class of messages. The sequence number specifies a particular message of the class. 94 Optional data: If it is sent in the Request, the Reply contains exactly the same data Ping sends a series of echo requests with specified length of data and interval between requests. It provides statistical data about datagram loss and Transit Time. 95 Transit Time Estimation and Clock Synchronization 0 31 Type 8 16 code Identifier 16 bits checksum Sequence No 16 bits ORIGINATE TIME STAMP RECEIVE TIME STAMP TRANSMIT TIME STAMP 96 Originate time stamp TYPE 13 (REQUEST) OR 14 (REPLY) CODE 0 Filled in by the sender Just Before the datagram is send Receive Timestamp Filled in by the receiver Immediately upon receipt of the Request 97 Transmit Timestamp Filled by the ‘receiver’ before the Reply is transmitted Time is in ms starting from midnight at universal time prime maridian. The largest number that can be accommodated is 2 32 - 1 = 4, 294, 967, 295 During a day , the number of milliseconds is 24 X 60 X 60 X 1000 = 86, 400, 000 If a system uses a nonstandard timestamp(ie if it does not provide ms after UTC midnight), it turns on the highest-order bit of the 32-bit 98 EXAMPLE: ORIGINATE Timestamp = 1285 RECEIVE Timestamp = 1299 Transmit Timestamp = 1300 The message is received back at 1307 Time taken for forward path = 1299 – 1285 = 14ms Time taken for return path = 1307 – 1300 = 7ms Round Trip time (RTT) = 21 ms Difference in the clock = 1299 – (1285 + RTT/ 2) = 3.5 ms DISADVANTAGE: It does not specify the date. 99 TCP Segment: Format (continued) •Checksum is calculated by: (I) Using TCP Header; (II) Using Pseudo-Header; (III) Using the Data. •At the Receiver-end, the IP layer passes the segment and the two IP addresses to the TCP software for processing. •The pseudo-Header (32 bits) (32 bits) (8 bits) (8 bits) (16 bits) 100 TCP Segment: Format (continued) • Protocol: For IP datagrams carrying TCP, the value is 6 • TCP Length (in octets): Specifies the total length of the TCP segment including the TCP header. • Urgent Pointer: When URG bit is set, it defines the number that must be added to the SEQUENCE NUMBER to obtain the number of the last urgent byte in the data section of the segment. 101 TCP OPTIONS • Every option has an 8 bit KIND field. • The format of an option can be of two types: • Type 1: A Single Octet of KIND • Type 2: An Octet of KIND + an octet of field OPTION - LENGTH + Option - Data octets. • OPTION - LENGTH counts the two octets of KIND and OPTION - LENGTH as well as the Data octets. 102 • All options are included in the Checksum. TCP OPTIONS (continued) •An 8-bit KIND field is always the first field in an Option and is the only field in Single Byte Options. 103 TCP OPTIONS (continued) A few options are as follows: KIND Length Meaning (I) 0 - End of options list (II) 1 - No Operation (III) 2 4 Maximum Segment Size (IV) 3 3 Window Scale Factor (V) 8 10 Timestamp for Round Trip Time Measurement 104 TCP OPTIONS (continued) (I) End-of-Options: Used at the end of ALL options; to be used only if the end of options does not make the TOTAL number of ALL option bits a multiple of 32. (Shown as ZEROS in the figure of segment format) End of Options means: 1. No more Options in the Header. 2. The remainder of the 32 bit word is garbage. 3. Data starts at the beginning of the next 32 bit 105 word. TCP OPTIONS (continued) (II) No Operation: May be used BETWEEN options if it is desired to align the beginning of the next option at a (16bit) word boundary. 0000 0001 106 TCP OPTIONS (continued) (III)Max Segment Size: • Performance of the network can be poor for either extremely large or extremely small sizes. • If the two end-points lie on the same physical network, the maximum segment size may be equal to the Network MTU. Or the maximum data size may be the default size of IP datagram(576) minus the size of the IP and TCP Headers. • The option is used along with SYN=1 at start. 107 TCP OPTIONS (continued) • Format of MSS Option: KIND 8 bits LENGTH 8 bits MAX SEG SIZE 16 bits KIND = 2 LENGTH = 4 108 TCP OPTIONS (continued) (IV) Window Scale Factor: •Actual Window size = (Window size in header)* 2Scale factor •In 8 bits a value of up to 255 can be there. But TCP/IP allows a MAX VALUE of 16 . •Window Scale Factor is fixed during connection set-up phase only. •During data transfer, the size of specified window may change. But it is always multiplied by the same scale factor.109 TCP OPTIONS: Window Scale Factor continued LENGTH = 3, Kind =3 KIND LENGTH SCALE FACTOR 8bits 8bits 8bits 110 TCP OPTIONS (continued) (V) TIMESTAMP Option: •TS Value: Current Clock time of the TCP sending the option •TS Echo: Valid only if ACK bit is sent. It echoes the TS value sent by the remote TCP. Otherwise its value must be zero. 111 KIND = 8; LENGTH = 10. TCP OPTIONS (continued) (V) TIMESTAMP Option (continued): •To confirm availability of TS option: A TCP may send TS Option in the SYN segment. It may send TS option in other segments only if it receives a TS Option in SYN segment. •Format: Kind (8 bits) Length (8 bits) TS Value (32 bits) TS Echo (32 bits) 112 Establishing a Connection (continued) •Thus let ISN at the sending end = X ISN at the receiving end = Y Segment1 Segment2 Segment3 Figure Establishing the Connection 113 Closing a TCP connection (continued) Active Close Passive Close RECEIVER B SENDER A Application Closes REC FIN Segment 1 Send FIN, SEQ=P REC ACK Segment 2 Inform Application by delivering EOF SEND ACK=P+1 Application Closes connection Segment 3 REC FIN + ACK Send FIN, SEQ=Q, ACK=P+1 Inform Application by delivering EOF, Time-Wait SEND ACK=Q+1 Segment 4 Fig: Closing the Connection REC ACK 114