VET Studies in Catalonia - Structure and Organisation – José Antonio Martín Deputy General Director for Programmes, Teacher Training & Innovation Barcelona,Tuesday, 9, Juny, 2015 Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Spain is organized in 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 autonomous cities Spain Catalonia Surface Population 505.992 km2 46.512.277 h. 31.896 km2 7.512.982 h. 6,3% 16,1% Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System The Spanish State Administrative Division organises Catalonia in 4 provinces. Introduction Spanish Education System Surface Catalan Education System Population Barcelona 7.708 km2 24,2% 5.511.513 h. 73% Girona 5.882 km2 18,4% 753.046 h. 10% Lleida 12.022 km2 37,8% 439.768 h. 5,8% 6.253 km2 19,6% 808.420 h. 10,7% Tarragona Introduction Spanish Education System Surface Catalan Education System Population Barcelona 7.708 km2 24,2% 5.520.277 h. Girona 5.882 km2 18,4% 754.800 h. 10% Lleida 12.022 km2 37,8% 437.738 h. 5,8% 6.253 km2 19,6% 800.982 h. 10,7% Tarragona 73,5% Because of state’s administrative reasons, Catalonia is divided into 4 provinces (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona) and these are subdivided into 41 comarques, or districts, according to geographical and historical criteria, and they are governed by district councils (consells comarcals) Introduction Spanish Education System La Generalitat de Catalunya Catalan Education System Moving from a centralised State to a selfgoverned state: • Administrative and political decentralization • Juridical and legislative capacities • Regional competence system Exclusive competencies Shared competencies Education: - State: obtaining, expedition and recognition of certificates. - Generalitat: regulation and administration of all the studies carried out in Catalonia. Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Regional Government Ministries (Executive Council) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Presidential Department Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Social Welfare and Family Affairs Trade, Tourism and Consumer Affairs Culture Economy and Finance Education Governance and Public Administration Home Affairs Justice Environment and Housing Town and Country Town and Public Works Institutional Relations and Participation Health Employment and Industry Universities, Research and Information Society Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System • Proposal of general policies and implementation of non-university education. • Significant responsibilities: Elaboration, approval, implementation and distribution of resources, buildings, installation and equipment for the schools. Ownership of public schools and educational centres, their creation, transformation, maintenance, etc. Negotiating and approval of authorisations for private schools, together with their classification, recognition, modification and closure. Establishing of grants for private schools. Organisation of competitive exams to secure teaching or administrative jobs, and job transfer according to merit. Teacher training School transport, canteens, residential centres, etc. Elaboration and approval of curricular plans, study programmes and pedagogical guidance which develop and complement basic education. Teaching Catalan at all levels and using it as a teaching language in all the schools. Research and education experiments. The context VET Sandwich and dual projects in Catalonia Year 2012-3 2013-4 2014-5 2015-6 Trainees 590 2.116 3.718 5.040 Groups 32 92 207 281 Training Centres 25 49 122 138 Degrees 18 44 67 86 Companies and Organizations 118 251 645 1050 Introduction Spanish Education System Advanced Technician (qualification) 3rd cycle Doctor/PhD Bachelor 1st cycle Diplomate VET Advanced Level University Entry test University 18 y 16 y 20 y 2nd Certificates Vocational Education 1st 18 y Entry test BAC Certificate Batxillerat/ Baccalauerate 18 y Intermediate Technician (qualification) VET 2nd 2nd Professional Qualification Programmes (FPB/PFI) 1st Between 1000 & 2000 h. Intermediate 1st 16 y Level Certificate Entry test Without Certificate Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) [16 years old] Labour Market 18 y 2nd cycle Catalan Education System Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System The Path of the Qualification - Public entity - Employers’ organisations - Trade Unions - Ministry of Education Professional Profiles VET Qualifications Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System All VET qualifications: Consist of 2000 tuition hours, distributed generally in two academic years. Are classified in different levels: • VET Intermediate Level (EQF level 4 ) • VET Advanced Level (EQF level 5 ) Are organized into Professional Modules (PM), that belong to different categories: • PM linked to one or more profession-related competences. • Supporting PMs contain information common to several VET qualifications (e.g. electricity or electronics / vehicle maintenance) • PMs common to all qualifications, related to guidance for work and entrepreneurship • Final project thought to put into practice many of the competences acquired during the VET course Have an in-company training module of a duration ranging between 350 and 410 hours. It is formalized through a training agreement signed by the student, the school and a company of the related professional field Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System The curriculum in the VET qualifications The elements building up the professional modules are: • Learning outcomes (LO) • Assessment criteria (AC) • Contents (C) Learning outcomes (LO): The competences acquired by the students through a learning process, which will allow them to carry out processes and gain learning results. • Each PM contains typically between 1 and 4 LOs . • Since LOs will be the reference for teaching/learning and assessment activities, they are the core element of the curriculum. • Each LO is associated to the assessment criteria and the contents. Assessment criteria (AC): They establish the actions to be taken, the contents and the conditions for the assessment activities, which decide whether the LO has been achieved or not. Contents (C): The contents are the set of basic knowledge the students need to achieve in order to attain a given professional competence; they consist of procedures (know how), concepts (knowledge) and attitudes (behavior). Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System VET Qualification Sectors Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System The strategy Objectives: To increase the training and qualification levels of the working population. To promote the adaptation and innovation of the educational offer. Result: improvement of lifelong learning and the quality of education, by the adaptation of the educational offer to students’ special personal or professional situations How: by adapting the VET offer and make it more flexible How The curriculum The Timetable Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the Curriculum flexible Split the curriculum Split the curricula into smaller units called Training Units (TU), lasting typically between 20 and 60 hours. Easier to be identified and acknowledged by people coming from the labour market, and they allow them to be enroled in only parts of the curriculum. In the case of the VET course on Cuisine and Gastronomy, the breakup of the PM of Culinary Products is the following: Professional module (PM) PM5 Culinary products Hours 220 Training Units (TU) Hours TU1: Production and services processes in cooking 28 TU2: Catalan cuisine, Spanish territorial cuisine and international cuisine 80 TU3: Creative and author’s cuisine 56 TU4: Dishes for people with special nutritional needs 28 TU5: Dish decoration and presentation 28 Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the Curriculum flexible Curricular hours designed by the training centre All the qualifications, have curricular hours (around 165) that the training centres are free to allocate according to its social and economical environment. They can be used to reinforce the contents already mentioned in the curriculum, introduce new ones or increase proportionally the hours already distributed in the existing TUs. For instance, in a training centre delivering tourism-related courses in a town with a high number of German tourists, it was decided to use these hours to introduce the German language Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the Curriculum flexible Curricular adaptations Curricular adaptations consist in changing part of one specific curriculum in order to make it closer to a specific professional sector. A good example would be the VET course on maintenance of machinery which has been adapted to: Maintenance of recreational boats in some training centres based in coastal towns. Maintenance of heavy agricultural machinery in some rural areas. Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the VET Offer flexible Adaptations in the VET offer Measures related to training organizations: Different solutions, according to the specificities of the companies, the territory and the people. Easier access for workers, it is now possible to follow the courses not just in the traditional, two year long schedule, but also fitting the society’s needs. Developed and implemented jointly by the Catalan Ministry of Education and social partners, in the frame of collaboration agreements. There are currently 200 collaboration agreements in the whole of the Catalan territory, concerning 105 VET training centres. Two main points: Adaptation to the companies and the territory Adaptation to people Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the VET Offer flexible Adaptation to companies and territory Joint implementation of two or more VET courses. An example would be the creation of a new professional profile combining Office Management and Trade skills, so that the student can get both diplomas in three years; this is of interest mainly in small populations where more multi-skilled workers are sought. Implementation of a VET course complemented with some professional modules and/or training units from other courses For instance in the main Catalan wine-producing region the Sales Management and Marketing VET course has been complemented with grape growing and wine production skills. Experimentation with the apprenticeship system in several VET training centres. In Catalan regions with a low population density, blended learning is on offer so that students don’t need to travel long distances or move to larger urban centres. Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the VET Offer flexible Adaptation to people Implementation of VET courses with adapted timetables for workers. For instance VET courses are offered to workers in a petrochemical complex, adapted to their timetable and in the company premises. Partial enrolment. In order to allow workers or people with other obligations, to follow their training pathways at a different pace, partial enrolment in specific professional modules or training units is also possible. Blended learning allows a student to attend to at least to 50% of the lessons; the rest of the tuition will be carried out outside the training centre. Distance learning (IOC). The Open Institute of Catalonia offers distance learning/e-learning (full VET courses or professional modules) to its more than 25.000 students in Catalonia and worldwide. Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the VET Offer flexible The Validation programme. It’s a training validation model, that provides to unemployed and active workers, guidance and recognition to improve their qualifications. There are three areas covered: Training offer to specific target groups. VET training centres can implement training units bearing in mind workers from a company. The validation of the training delivered in companies provides academic certificates to people having successfully undergone the established assessment procedures. The validation of informal education. In all cases, the candidates can obtain a training certificate, useful for the accumulation of training units which lead to the achievement of a VET qualification. About 16.000 people have already achieved some kind of validation. Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System Adapting and making the VET Offer flexible Participation in European projects. The Catalan Ministry of Education has participated in several European projects to develop the European dimension in Vocational Education and Training. The ECVET principles have set the guidelines for the experimentation and implementation projects. The main topics are the transparency, transfer and recognition of learning outcomes, and the accumulation of credits to achieve a qualification. European Comission - DG Education and Culture Industrial vehicle EQF 5 Hairdressing Machining EQF 3-4 Cooking – Electricity – Sports Car maintenance – Health EQF 3-4-5 International trade Commerce EQF 5 It is a VET system alternating work placements with school-based training, in which the tasks are coordinated between the training centre and the company with the recognition of the learning outcomes acquired by the trainees during their activity in the company VET in simple alternance Simple alternance combines the usual training time at school with a working weekly time at the company without the recognition of the knowledge acquired at the company At school At the company FCT* Theoreticalpractical Training Work contract in a company through a specific agreement At school At the company Work contract in a Theoretical Practical company through Training a specific agreement Dual VET System with academic recognition of the knowledge acquired in a company through: work An internship grant Vocational training in the company Offer It is possible to do it in all the VET qualifications from level 3 to level 5 It is offered to all the students in a group class Duration of a qualification in the VET Dual System In general, the same as ordinary VET qualifications: 2 academic years The qualification could be organised in three years, especially if some training alternative or complementary units are added In any case it can be shorter than the one stated officially in the curriculum. In general the internship grant or the work contract takes place in the second academic year of the qualification Dual VET projects are implemented through an agreement Company’s responsibilities Welcoming the trainee with the internship grant or work contract Assigning an adequate work place to the agreed training tasks (with enough time to acquire the agreed correspondent competence) Following up of the tasks performance and reporting back to the school School’s main responsibilities Programming, Organization and Coordination of the training process and recognition of the learning outcomes acquired by the trainee through work and training carried out at the company. Time allocation to each training module (in general, 2 hours work at the company equals 1 hour of training at school) Assessment of the trainee’s performance, both at school and at the company Evaluation of the acquired learning outcomes Setting up of the actions needed to improve the trainee’s competence acquisition needed correcting actions on student’s training process to favour competence acquisition Work Contract All types of contracts, to be fixed by the company We recommend: “contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje” Salary*: It’s established in the agreement (proportional to the time worked). Training grant Minimum of 2 months and maximum of 10, in 1 academic year Possibility of an extension if the required learning outcomes and competence have not been acquired Monthly allowance*: to be negotiated between the school and the company. The reference index is ‘IPREM’ (in the percentage of effective time worked) Social security as an employee Compulsory-in-company-training (FCT) An unpaid in-company-period, previous to the contract or to the training internship grant, some ‘FCT’ hours’, can be agreed to facilitate a first contact with the company. There’s a special agreement signed by the school and the company with a contracted insurance policy. *It’s recommended to fix only one type (contract or grant) and the same amount of money for all the companies taking part in the same VET Dual Project An intensive general training period at school during the first year is highly recommended. During the 2nd year, the alternance between the school and the company happens as follows: Daily alternate attendance: some hours at school and some at the company Weekly alternate attendance : some intensive days at school and some at the company Attendance in agreed periods: – Alternate internship; for instance 2 weeks in the company, one at school,... – Intensive internships at the company during school holidays,... The company and the school can agree upon: The academic recognition of learning outcomes acquired through work experience by the company unqualified staff The validation of learning outcomes acquired through inservice training schemes within the company by trainees and unqualified staff Increase of trainee's employability due to a greater contact and knowledge of the world of labour between trainee and company The company becomes actively involved in the training of their prospective future workers. Advantages for the company Direct knowledge of trainee’s potential, which might help the company when replacing retired staff Training at the company with own equipment, processes, values... Increase of the company’s potential thanks to new opportunities and the improvement of the staff’s work competence and qualification Greater adaptability of the qualifications of the labour market Incorporation of new trainees in the in-service training scheme so that both the trainees and the unqualified company staff, can obtain the academic recognition of this training ... Reforma del Estatuto de los trabajadores Real Decreto-Ley 3/2012 de 10 de febrero, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado de trabajo (BOE de 11 de febrero) Desarrollo reglamentario Real Decreto 1529/2012, de 8 de noviembre, por el que se desarrolla el contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje y se establecen las bases de la formación profesional dual. Modelo de contrato y de acuerdo para la actividad formativa ro12.pdf ro12.pdf Introduction Spanish Education System Catalan Education System - VET Studies in Catalonia Tuesday, 9, Juny, 2015 By: José Antonio Martín Sotsdirector General de Programes Formació I innovació Direcció General de FPIiERE +34 93 551 69 00 - 6955 More information: