Creative Writing I - Ms. Carpenter's English Classes

Ms. Carpenter
Creative Writing I
Week 2: September 8-12, 2014
Objectives: TSWBAT:
9.4/10.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze a variety of literary texts including
narratives, narrative non fiction, poetry, and drama.
9.6 The student will develop narrative, expository and persuasive writings for a variety of
audiences and purposes.
9.7/10.7/11.7 The student will self
and peer edit writing for correct
grammar, capitalization, punctuation,
spelling, sentence structure, and
Day 1: Monday, September 8
Collect Popsicle people
Read “Big 32” by Ander Monsondiscuss experimental form
Read Chelsea Kindred’s writing
process and her piece, “Altitude”
In groups of 2, craft your own “list”
Day 2: Tuesday, September 9
Collect 350 word stories
Distribute Extra Credit assignment
Discuss Elements of a story: focus on PLOT
Watch “Paperman” Pixar short
o What story elements are included in this short piece?
 Chart plot diagram- identify tension/conflict
Continue writing your “list” story
o Does it have an effective plot?
 Due at the beginning of class on Wednesday
Day 3: Wednesday, September 10
Workshop List stories in groups of 4 (each partner group will share with other group)
o Revised copies of stories due on Thursday 9/11)
Chart out the plot diagram for Cinderella
Read “Use of Force” by William Carlos Williams p. 48 in Burroway
Ms. Carpenter
o Answer #’s 1-4 at end of story (p.51)
o Chart plot diagram
Discuss, how does form impact the story?
o Think back to “Big 32” and “Altitude”
Day 4: Thursday, September 11
Read “Love and other Catastrophes: A Mix Tape” by Amanda Holzer
How can a plot diagram resist conformity?
Writing Prompt: Write your own mix-tape story (at least 15 songs)
o 40 minutes of writing time
Read “The Healer” from The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender
o Chart plot diagram
o Discuss characterization- how does the plot structure allow for character development?
 Identify characterization for fire girl and ice girl
Finish character chart
Finish mix-tape story
Day 5: Friday, September 12
o Collect homework (mix-tape story and character chart)
Grocery List characterization: in small groups create characters after analyzing grocery lists
Writing Prompt- using the character from your grocery list activity, start a story with: This is
what she/he wants most in the world
o Be sure to incorporate at least three items from the grocery list into the story, although
they do not have to be the item that she/he wants the most in the world
Finish writing prompt