Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart
A novel
By Chinua Achebe
English 10 DO NOW: 11-4-13
Remember our conversation about how
some Imperialists thought they were
helping uncivilized people?
In Writing:
1.Well, what do you think the poem “White
Man’s Burden” might be about?
2.Christians: what is the “second coming”?
According to the Bible? What is the world
like before it?
English 10: DO NOW: 11/5/13
If you have not done so, place your
letter in the basket for your period at
student center.
Respond: What is “culture”? What are
some aspects/elements/things that
make up culture?
Success Today Means
You can name some elements of
You can organize Ibo cultural aspects
into a culture wheel.
Elite Thinkers will be able to verbalize
why Mr. Wysocki would have you
learn about the culture of the people
in the novel before we start reading it.
11/5/13 In-Class Activity
Due at the end of the hour:
A culture wheel with
Ibo words in their correct section
Creative designed/decorated
– I grade this part by how clean, crisp, and appealing
the designing/artwork is. AKA does it look like you
took your time and put thought into making the
poster look nice.
First, rough draft a culture wheel on loose
leaf paper to make sure you have all the
terms correct, then raise your hand to get
approved for poster paper. Markers,
rulers (to draw straight edges) colored
pencils are available for use.
English 10 11/5/13
Find the definitions for vocab words
chapters 1-4 only (first page of vocab
Eng 10 DO NOW 11/6/13
Turn in Imperialism packet and
Business Letter to US MAIL then
Watch the video and answer: “ Why
does Achebe write his novel in
Write down three things you learned
from the video too.
Eng 10 11/6/13
Cultural wheel assignment extension
PPT intro
Introduce study guide
Class read Ch. 1
HW: Finish reading chapter 1
Eng 10 DO NOW: 11/7/13
Make a Venn Diagram
comparing/contrasting Okonkwo and
English 10 11/7/13
Success Today Means:
You finish reading ch. 2 in class
If you are going to the field trip tomorrow, you
know that you will have a QUIZ over ch. 1-4
(including VOCAB) MONDAY
You designed your Venn Diagram into a
pretty poster.
You designed your cultural wheel into a pretty
You reviewed chapters 1-2 to start filling in “A
Man of Prestige” handout (continue to fill this
out as you read Ch.1-4)
Eng 10: DO NOW 11/8/13
How does Okonkwo overcompensate
for his father’s weakness?
Why does he not like his son Nwoye?
ELITE THINKERS: what is the source
of Umuofia’s magic?