Minutes of the Meeting of Blairdardie and Old Drumchapel Community Council Held in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre, 11 Keal Place, Blairdardie at 7pm on Monday 19th October 2015 1. Apologies for Absence: Bill Kidd MSP, Anne Mc Taggart MSP. Jonathon Findlay, Paul Carey, Judith Fisher Glasgow City Councillors. Community Councillor: Mrs J. McCann. Mr & Mrs Craik 2. Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday 21st September 2015 3. Matters Arising not on the Agenda: Thank you from Keal Residents to the Community Council for support in opposing the GHA plan to build offices at 2251 Great Western Road. This has now been dropped. Police Report: Blairdardie/Old Drumchapel “AE” Subdivision. Proposed: Mr W. Mathieson. Seconded: Mr J. McBride. 4. Inspector –Drumchapel and West Police 532 3655 The Drumchapel Office 220 Drumry Road East G158PT is manned 24hours contact 0141 532 3600 or 532 3655. For “non” emergencies call 101 rather than “999”. Some problems with issues in Keal Avenue. Community police in attendance and would like to collate and feedback any local issues. We are giving attention to the Keal Avenue play park area. Also Gorget Avenue play park. Question: Anti-social behaviour reported in the north Blairdardie area. Answer: Will follow up. But information is feed into a system and the more information received about a particular area then the more we can pay attention to that area. Question: Keal Avenue area near play park. Youths tending to gather. Answer: A police officer has been tasked with monitoring this area. It is on priority list. Question: Youths seem to be throwing eggs at people’s houses. It seems houses being randomly targeted. Seems minor complaint but police attended promptly after a recent incident. Answer: Will follow up. Aware of youth disorder on canal bank Question: Waiting time to 101 call handler seemed to take a long time. Have to work through menu. Answer: Will report back. 5. Glasgow City Councillor’s Report Malcolm Balfour-0141 287 3921 MoB:07881 282623. Drumchapel/Anniesland. Ward 14 I was at the GHA North Area partnership meeting and the GHA are proposing to use office premises and the first floor area at Anniesland Court, the multi storey building at Anniesland Cross. The proposed premises would be next Anniesland Library. This would be in place of the proposed development planned for 2251 Great Western Road. A company are interested in making the former BJ’s pub a more family orientated type of licensed premises. GHA have said they may make use of premises at Netherton. Lights at Great Western Road at Sunnyside Drive have some form of fault which I have passed on for repair. There appears to be a similar problem on Blairdardie Drive with lights being repaired and then failing. Aldi development been delayed again as the Co-op owners of Drumchapel Shopping Centre have requested a judicial review. On 9th November a public meeting will be held in Drumchapel High School 6.30pm regarding the closure of Drumchapel Hospital. The health board are providing speakers to outline their proposals. This will be chaired by Drumchapel Community Council. Services being moved to Gartnaval. Understand that they may move the out of hour’s service to Gartnaval. No definite news has been made regarding the out of hour’s service. There appears to be a proposal to retain some elderly care services at the hospital. Question: Do the council have temporary CCTV cameras that could be sited to investigate fly tipping? Problem arising at Moraine Circus of fly tipping. Answer: Am aware of problems of fly tipping especially at Invercanny Drive in Drumchapel. There are such things as mobile CCTV cameras. Will report. No dumping signs were put up 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. but aware of fly tipping near these signs. Question: Problems with youth disorder in the Kelso Street area has resulted in the CCTV cameras in our “area” being moved to the Kelso Street area. Could a CCTV camera be moved back? The shop at the top of Blairdardie Road has been robbed. Since cameras have been removed anti-social activities have increased. We were promised that the CCTV camera at the Key Store would only be moved temporary. Answer: Understand Chief Inspector McBride has to prioritize his resources. There are three areas that could benefit from the installation of CCTV cameras. Near the Key Store, Keal Ave play park and probably at the top of Blairdardie Road. Question: GHA can put CCTV cameras on a GHA owned property. Answer: It depends how CCTV cameras are positioned. Judith Fisher- 0141 287 4150. Drumchapel/Anniesland. Ward 14 Please free phone RALF on 0800 37 36 35 to report pothole and road defects. Apology. On Sunday Garscadden Road shut while the roads department investigated the drains under the railway bridge. Forth and Clyde Canal Contact Susanne on 01324 677822 at the Waterways Trust regarding any events planning for our “area” of the canal. The canal community liaison officer for our area is Steven Cole. Steven can be contacted on 0779 5315434. Splash Waterways Magazine Autumn issue. Canal News Autumn issue. Treasurers Report: Total Current Account £ 1027.00 Photocopy/Postage (June/ mtg)) £51.98 Photo copy £45.50 Post £6.48 Total in bank: £975.02 Social Fund £6.80 Books at auditor. Social Committee: Nothing to report. Clubs/Classes: Bridge club have resumed. Planning / Licensing Applications: Aldi application approved by City Council planning committee on Tuesday 18th August for conversion of “Commands” building to retail store. The Co-operative Estates owners of Drumchapel Shopping Centre believe there are solid grounds to judicially review the city council’s decision and have consequently initiated this process. 15/01562/DC. 2315 Great Western Road G15 6RT. Demolition of existing dwelling house and erection of one dwelling house. Mr Scott Kilgour. The community council have lodged an objection. This application has been refused. Has three months to appeal this decision. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board: Health Board have put out for public consultation proposals on the future of Drumchapel Hospital. Proposal to transfer services to Gartnaval General Hospital. Savings in the region of £1.4 m claimed. A public meeting chaired by Drumchapel Community council will be held on 9th November in Drumchapel High School at 6.30pm. This is to consider the public consultation. The Secretary had attended the Stakeholder Engagement Event on Wednesday 14 October in Heart of Scotstoun. He reported back as follows: A very well attended meeting. Glenkirk Centre- Older People’s Mental Health service. No change planned. Surehaven Hospital- mental services: no changes planned to this service.GP Out of Hours: The implications of this change are being considered as part of a wider “look” at GP out of hours services. We will look to engage separately on that work as it emerges-no change meantime. Almond View and Almond Court Nursing Homes- no changes planned to these services. Following transfer of the 56 rehabilitation beds to Gartnaval General Hospital the current 2 12. 13. 14. 15. NHS Continuing Care Beds at Drumchapel would not continue to be sustainable. There are 15 continuing care patients in the 28 bedded ward. These will be individually assessed. Average length of stay at Drumchapel 2-3 days with 3-4 weeks maximum stay. NHS does not provide respite care. Drumchapel has only a basic X-ray machine. MRI and ECG require transport to Gartnaval. There is enough space at Gartnaval. After perusal of the papers from this meeting and discussion Secretary to write to Patient Experience Public Involvement Team, 4th Floor, Outpatients Department, Victoria Infirmary Glasgow G42 9TY with the following comments: Due to winter pressure on beds suggest have these beds available. This could be done by using existing wards/.beds as a day hospital for older people. The Scottish Government are publishing a new framework for palliative care in the near future. Could use be made of beds for palliative care? Few Scottish hospitals have acute palliative care beds for patients at the end of life. Only one in twenty patients die in a hospice and providing access to specialist end of life care is not a requirement for hospitals. Drumry House is closing and moving to a new site at the former Blawarthill Hospital. Also Rannoch at Cleveden Road is also relocating to Blawarthill. Eye department staying at Gartnaval Hospital. But you must either phone NHS 24 or go through an optician or GP. Can no longer self- refer to eye department. Correspondence a. Knightswood Community Council. Minutes/agenda for meeting in October. b. Drumchapel Community Council. Minutes/agenda for meeting in October. d. Community Council discussion forum. Saturday 14th November 9 to 1pm Burgh Hall. e. Re-Imagining Alcohol in Glasgow’s Communities. Conference Saturday 7th November 9am Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street Glasgow.276 9908 for information. f. Community event by Glasgow Life. Friday 23rd Oct. Drumchapel St Andrews Church. 9.30-1pm g. Community Council Resource Centre. Training & Development Opportunities. h. Cities Convention. 13th November at Royal George Hotel Perth. Keith Brown MSP. i. Review of Glasgow City Council Ward Boundaries. No change in Ward 14 (our ward). j. Glasgow Charities Christmas Fayre. 10am-4pm Tuesday 17th November City Chambers. k. Scottish Civic Trust Annual Conference 24th November Linlithgow Burgh Halls. 9.30-4pm l. Digital Engagement for Community Council’s Workshops-Arranged via Scottish Government. m. Living Streets Scotland Walkable Communities Workshops. Penny Morris 0131 243 2649. n. NHS Norovirus Winter Vomiting Bug Campaign. If you have it STAY AT HOME for 48hours. o. Launch of Drink Wise Age Well. Netherton Community Centre 385 Netherton Road G13 1AX Wednesday 18th November 11am to 1pm Tea Coffee homemade cakes. p. Fifth November 5pm to 9pm. Drumchapel Park Annual Fireworks display with “activities”. Area Partnership. The next meeting will be in the City Chambers on Thursday 12th November. Applications for new Grants can be submitted from local Ward 14 groups and organisations. Contact Linda Hendry 276 9886. There are only four meetings per year. The meeting on 12th November will include a review of the area budget. There is a small amount left in the current budget. Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre: Centre will require to hold its AGM. Could more organisations make use of it? When would be the best time to hold it to bring in more people and get more people involved ? Would 2pm on a Thursday afternoon after the keep fit be suitable ? Any Other Business: Community Council website is in the process of being “constructed”. Twitter site up and running. McMillan Coffee morning held in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre has raised £505. Keal Residents Association meeting in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday 3rd November at 7pm will have a speaker from Alzheimer’s Scotland. This will be a full presentation on this topic. Trees from canal overgrowing into gardens at rear of 299 Keal Drive. Next Lock 34. Can anything be done? There are “issues” regarding cutting down of trees in relation to Countryside Act. Trees pruned and cut back on road off flyover at Duntreath Avenue that lie beside burn and first bungalow east on Great Western Road. Trees cut down in front of Peel Bar which were planted as a 3 condition of the Peel receiving planning consent. This was to provide screening to the neighbours on the other side of Garscadden Road. 16. Date of Next Meeting Monday 16th November 2015 at 7pm in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre. 11 Keal Place,Glasgow Normal Public Meeting. The Following are the Office Bearers Elected to Serve on Blairdardie & Old Drumchapel Community Council for 2015/16 Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: West Area Partnership Committee: Mr Paul Maher 198 Moraine Ave G15 6JT Mr John McBride Moraine Avenue G15 Mr Eric Flack, 70 Crawford Drive, Glasgow G15 6TR Mrs Mary Ann Morrison, 2318Great Western Road Glasgow G15 Mr Eric Flack 70 Crawford Drive, Glasgow G15 6TR BLAIRDRUM NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE The Centre at 11 Keal Place is open for the 2014-2015 session. Membership is £2. Mondays & Fridays Mothers and Toddlers 9.30 to 11.30am Tuesday Art Group. 10am-12noonWednesday Aerobics 7pm –8pm Thursday Armchair Aerobics 1.30-2.15pm Knightswood Model Boat Club Every Tuesday from 1pm until 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pmKnightswood Model Boat Club sail their boats on Knightswood Pond. They also meet on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm to 9pm during the winter in the club room attached to the Bowling Pavilion at Knightswood Park. Any local enthusiasts are invited to attend. DRUMCHAPEL LAWN TENNIS CLUB- Glasgow Sports Club of the Year 2013 New members-all ages and abilities- welcome at the tennis courts at 90 Garscadden Road. For the latest information and photographs view our website: Drumchapeltennis.co.uk Cardio Fitness-Tennis to Music- Tuesday 7.30 to 8.30pm plus junior tennis for under 12’s wanting to learn to play on Saturdays 10—12noon. Ladies Tennis-Wednesdays from 7pm. Beginners Monday 7pm to 8pm. Gents Thursday 7pm. Free Tennis Lessons Drumchapel Public Park Courts 1.30 to 3.30pm every Saturday. Also at Knightswood Park Courts Mondays 7pm Wednesdays 4pm to 8pm and Sunday 1.30 to 3pm Social Tennis. Scottish Parliament MSP- Bill Kidd Constituency Office: Room1.16, Anniesland College, 19 Hatfield Drive, Glasgow G12 0YE 339 3277 Glasgow North West Surgery Times and Places: 1st Saturday of the month:11am Knightswood Community Centre, 201 Alderman Road. G13 3DD 1st Monday of the month: 3.30pm Broomhill Primary School, 57 Edgehill Road G11 7HZ 2nd Monday of the month:5.00pm Blairdardie Primary School, 78 Kearn Avenue Glasgow G15 6HL 4th Monday of the month:1.00 pm Netherton Community Centre 358 Netherton Road G13 1AX 2nd Friday of the month: 3.30pm.Yoker Primary School, 54 Craggan Drive Yoker Glasgow G14 0ES 3rd Monday of the month: 4pm Drumchapel Community Centre 320 Kinfauns Drive G15 7TH 4th Monday of the month 12.30pm The Hut, 358 Netherton Road G13 1AX 4th Friday of the month: 12noon –1pm Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre 64 Balmoral Street G14 0HB 4th Saturday of the month: 11am-12.30pm Whiteinch Community Centre, 1 Northinch Court G14 0UG Scottish Parliament List MSP Anne McTaggert Edinburgh Parliamentary Office: 0131 348 6211 Glasgow Office: STUC, 333 Woodlands Road Glasgow G3 6NG Tel: 0141 218 4647 DRUMCHAPEL HOSPITAL Public meeting Drumchapel High School 9th November 6.30 to 8.30pm. 4