France Alumni Chapter Conference Call

France Alumni Chapter Conference Call
Thursday, 12 May, 2011
7:00 p.m. CEST
Meeting Notes
Meeting Attendees:
Kirsten Spilker (Associate Director Of International Alumni Outreach at NU)
Peter Philbrick (France Chapter Leader)
Charlotte Funck-Brentano
Mark Louis Uhrich
Aubrey Philbrick
Kirsten introduced herself and read the Chapter mission statement- The mission of this group is to build
community among Northeastern alumni living in France, to increase networking opportunities and
participate in projects that will enhance professional development, and to assist with the recruitment of
qualified applicants to Northeastern.
Kirsten introduced Peter Philbrick – 1998 College of Business Administration Graduation – as the Alumni
Chapter Chair.
The group then reflected on past events:
1. Mentoring Program 2009-10 – it was suggested that the past mentees reach out to the current
students in the BSIB program to encourage them to get involved with this program and to share
their experiences with them. These communications should happen in the fall before the
current students start their internships/Coops.
a. The mentor/mentee matches should be paired in January.
b. Since Peter and Aubrey will be moving within the next year, he expressed the need in
having another Alumni Mentoring Program Coordinator to help with the student/alumni
pairings and communications.
2. July 2010 Alumni Cocktail – went well and had a good turnout.
3. Spring Alumni/Admitted Students Reception – it was suggested to either have the alums come
to the event earlier so that they can mingle before the students and presentation begins or
during the video presentation for the students, have the alums go into another room to mingle.
a. This has been done in the past and has worked well.
4. Ambassadors Reception (organized by the American Universities Club of France) – great event
that sells out fast.
a. In the past the NU Alumni have met before the event at another bar to identify each
other then head over to the event.
5. Fall Alumni gathering in the Park – since the weather was unfavorable, there was a small
a. In the future the event should be a little later in September or early October.
It was also noted that all Alumni events should be open to spouses and significant others and depending
on the event children will be invited to family events like the picnic in the park.
France Alumni Chapter Conference Call
Thursday, 12 May, 2011
7:00 p.m. CEST
Meeting Notes
Peter talked about the upcoming events and group set a date and time for the July Alumni Summer
a. France Alumni Chapter Spring Event
9 June - American University Clubs Event
Date: Thursday, 9 June, 2011
Time: 5:45 p.m. to 8:45 **time change**
Location: Hotel de Talleyrand, Paris, France
b. July Alumni Summer Party
Date: July 7
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Home of Mark Pendell, BA’92
3, rue de Sévigné, 75004, Paris
Closest Metro stop: St. Paul
Co-op Mentorship Program
See notes above about changes for next year.
Future events Ideas
The group is happy with 4 events a year and possibly an additional one in the fall. Currently
there are two NU Admissions events in April and September, the AUC Ambassadors event in
June and the Summer Party in July.
The group talked about promoting upcoming groups through Social Media sites like LinkedIn
and Facebook. They group thought it was important to advertise the number of people that
are planning on attending to help encourage the rest of the group to attend as well. The
Alumni Relations office will create a new NU France Alumni Facebook page and Mark has
created a LinkedIn page to keep Alumni up to date.
France Leadership Committee
a. Positions & duties
b. Ask for volunteers
Peter will remain the Alumni Chapter Leader, Mark will become the Vice Chair, and
Charlotte and Aubrey will play a role on the Chapter Leadership committee with Peter and
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting will be in the fall.
France Alumni Chapter Conference Call
Thursday, 12 May, 2011
7:00 p.m. CEST
Meeting Notes
France Chapter Leadership
Leader – Peter Philbrick BS’98
 Leads the team and work with the Associate Director to set goals for the chapter that coincide with the
mission of the University.
 Ensures chapter adherence to Alumni Relations and University policies.
 Acts as the primary liaison between the Office of Alumni Relations and the chapter.
 Remains active in and informed about all chapter activities.
 Prepares agendas for meetings.
 Continuously promotes Northeastern to alumni, parents and friends.
Vice Chair – Mark Louis Uhrich
 Assists the Leader with her/his role and is available to accept Leader’s responsibilities in the Leader’s
 Helps keep the chapter focused and ensure chapter adherence to Alumni Relations and University
 Works with the Event Chair on the planning and executing of events.
Event Chair – Position open
 Maintains the chapter event calendar.
 Creates event proposals.
 Finds event venues and serves as the primary liaison.
 Communicates event details to the Communications Chair, who will handle the event promotion.
Communications Chair – Position open
 Captures emails and contact information for alumni at all events.
 Promotion upcoming event.
 Assist with chapter website updated and accurate.
 Keeps minutes for meetings/conference calls.
Admissions Chair – Position open
 Coordinates alumni that are interested in helping with Admissions efforts.
 Acts as the point person between the International Admissions office and France Alumni Chapter.
 Acts as local Northeastern contact person for high schools in Paris/France.
 Attends Admissions Fairs and creates a schedule for alumni volunteers to attend Admissions Fairs.
France Alumni Chapter Conference Call
Thursday, 12 May, 2011
7:00 p.m. CEST
Meeting Notes