Stage 1 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M S S S S S S S S S S S S S S I can count forward and backward from any number to over 100. I can count, read and write numbers to 100. I can count in twos, fives and tens. I can identify one more/less than a given number. I can recall number bonds to 20. I can use my number bonds to give subtraction facts to 20. I can find half of a shape or number. I can use language for length and height (long/short, tall/short and double/half). I can use language for mass and weight (heavy/light). I can use language for capacity and volume (full/empty, more/less than, half and quarter full). I can use language for time (quicker, slower, earlier and later). I can tell the time to the hour and half past. I can draw hands on a clock to show to the hour and half past. I can name and recognise common 2D shapes (rectangles, squares, circles and triangles). I can name and recognise common 3D shapes (cubes, cuboids, pyramids and spheres). I can identify odd and even numbers to 20. I can identify and represent numbers using objects or pictures. I can use language including equal to, more than, less than , fewer, most and least. I can write numbers up to 20 in words. I can read and write calculations using + / - and = I can add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers to 20.E.g. (9+ 9 , 15 – 7) I can solve +/- one-step problems using objects and pictures. E.g. 9 -☐ = 7 I can solve x/÷ one-step problems using objects and pictures with support from my teacher. I can identify and write ¼ and ¾ of a shape or quantity. I can measure and record lengths, mass, capacity and time. I can identify and use different coins and notes, including £ and p. I can recall days of the week, months and year. I can sequence events in chronological order,(before/after, afternoon/ evening, yesterday/tomorrow). I can describe position, direction and movement (whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turn). There are 87 statements for this stage E P M 5-26 ticks 27- 52 ticks including 15 MUST statements 53-87 ticks including all MUST statements