Des Moines Register 06-07-06 By JULI PROBASCO-SOWERS Chemicals help kick the ticks DES MOINES, Iowa -- Mention the possibility of ticks and people often shudder, even shy away from participating in some outdoor activities. The pesky blood-sucking insects are hardly deterred by the run-of-the-mill insect spray. So, over the years, many outdoorsmen and women have simply gotten in the habit of tick picking. That is, searching for ticks, running their fingertips through their hair, along the scalp and shaking out all clothes. Some experts recommend products containing Permanone, also called permethrin. This product is placed on clothing, rather than skin, and repels insects, including ticks. Many outdoor stores and sports stores offer the chemical spray products for about $10 per can. A frequent user advises to spray the clothing a day or two ahead and let it air out to avoid getting a headache from the chemical. Ken Holscher, associate professor in the Department of Entomology at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, says "Ticks feed on anything that has blood in it ... wherever you have an abundance of wildlife, you have the opportunity to have an abundance of ticks." Holscher agrees that regular bug repellent, even if the label shows a tick, is formulated for mosquitoes. He suggests using permethrin products by applying to clothing, usually from the knees to the feet, unless a person will be lying on the ground. In that case, more spray should be applied.