MLA Style
General Paper Format
In-Text Citations
Works Cited List
• There are various formats for research papers; however, the two most commonly used forms are:
MLA: Modern Language Association
APA: America Psychological Association
• APA style is the standard used for writing in the social sciences, psychology, sociology, criminology, health sciences, business, economics, and education.
• MLA style is the standard used for writing in the humanities (literature, history, philosophy, art, etc.)
Paper and Margins :
Use Standard 8.5” X 11” with margins of 1” on all sides.
Spacing :
Double-space every line, including Work Cited.
Numbering :
Number all pages, including the first page in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
• Do not create a separate title page.
• At the top left corner of the first page, type your:
your instructor’s name
-the course name
-the date
(Double-space these lines).
• Place your title one double-space below your heading, centered on the page. Do not underline the title.
MLA Documentation Style
To document sources, you must cite in two places — in-text and on a list of works cited.
• In-text : Provided in the paper and may include the author’s name, the title of work, and a page number along with the quoted or paraphrased information.
• Works Cited : A list of your resources along with their complete publication information located at the end of your paper.
• Citations are made with a combination of signal phrases and parenthetical references. A signal phrase indicates that something taken from a source (a quotation, summary, paraphrase, or fact) is about to be used. Usually, the signal phrase includes the author’s name.
Christine Hauhney reports that shortly after
Japan made it illegal to use a handheld phone while driving, “accidents caused by using the phones dropped by 75 percent”
Most states do not keep adequate records on the number of times cell phones are a factor in accidents; as of December 2000, only ten states were trying to keep such records (Sundeen 2).
• As of 2001, at least three hundred towns and municipalities had considered legislation regulating use of cell phones while driving
(“Lawmakers” 2).
• After you’ve typed the conclusion to your paper, scroll down to a new page.
• Center and then type the words WORKS
• A WORKS CITED page is double-spaced just like the rest of your paper
Citing a Variety of Sources on the Work
Cited Page
• Book with Author(s)
Robb, David M. Art in the Western World.
Dubuque. New York: Harper and Row,
• Magazine Article
Hughes, Robert. “The Artist: Pablo Picasso.”
Time. 8 Jun. 1998: 72-77.
Citing a Variety of Sources on the
Work Cited Page
• Encyclopedia Article
McCully, Marilyn. “Picasso.” The New
Encyclopedia Brittanica:
Macropaedia. 15 th ed. 1998.
• Films
Rebel Without a Cause. Dir. Nicholas Ray.
With James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal
Mineo, and Deniis Hopper. Warner,
Citing a Variety of Sources on the
Work Cited Page
• Internet
Peace, James. “Writing Effective
Introductions.” Purdue Online. 27
May 2007