Alas, Babylon Chapters 10 & 11

Discussion Guide
The chapter opens with, “Randy having a
pleasant, recurrent, Before-The-Day dream.”
What is the content of the dream? What do
you think its significance is?
Why was coffee so highly valued?
Why would Helen make the following
statement to Randy?
“Everybody blesses you.”
What can we infer about a change in Helen
when she says, “I put some in another jar and
took it over the Henrys” ?
Take a look at the notice that was posted at
the bandstand in Marines Park. How did this
notice make Dr. Gunn vulnerable?
Do you think Herbert Sunbury had any clue
that his notice would put Dr. Gunn in danger?
Typhoid is described as “the unwelcome,
______ ________ of any disaster in which the
water supply was destroyed or polluted and
normal disposal of human waste difficult or
Why does the author use this metaphor?
See bottom of 248 and top of 249 to
determine the typhoid-carriers.
“Dan’s first thought was that she had turned
her ankle, his second, that she could be a
decoy for an ambush.”
Dan decided to stop and help the woman
because he was not on a road that most
highwaymen would considerable profitable.
Why did the highwaymen choose this
particular road for a hold-up?
What is mentioned in the description of the
highwayman-leader that indicates he is
experienced at this type of illegal activity?
(see the very bottom of p. 249)
Dr. Gunn is so terribly injured that he wants
to die until he notices “the ants wheeling
excitedly around the drying blood.” Why
would this make him uneasy and motivate
him to survive? (p. 251)
Randy reacts to what the attackers have done
by saying his intention is to “Find them and
kill them.”
Discuss Randy’s comparison of typhoid to
“murder and robbery and rape.”
How does Randy justify his plan?
What is the difference between a group of
“vigilantes” and “a provisional company” that
will execute justice and help maintain order
in the future of Ft. Repose?
What would Rita Hernandez have to offer
Randy that would be of great value? What is
ironic about this suggestion coming from Lib?
Why would he have tried to wipe her out of
his mind? (The very bottom of p. 259 gives a
good clue.)
What does Randy conclude about man in
general as he looks ahead to Easter services?
(skim the large paragraph in the middle of
page 262)
What additional event will occur on Easter
Sunday? (see page 263-264)
Lib was unsteady wearing high heels because
“she had not worn heels since The Day.”
How much time do you think has passed
since The Day?
“The matron-of-honor was Mrs. Helen Bragg,
the presumed widow of Colonel Mark Bragg.
She furnished the wedding ring, stripping it
from her own finger.”
Notice the word choice that the author uses.
What is he emphasizing about Helen? What do
her actions (her sacrifice) represent about her
frame of mind and change of heart?
Contrast Randy’s reaction to the Admiral’s
reaction when they each heard the news of
the Hickey’s murder and the trauma the had
children suffered.
Explain the Admiral’s statement, “Wasn’t this
sort of thing exactly what we expected?”
The highway men are compared to “beasts.”
Malachai’s suggestion that he be the driver of
the truck gives evidence of his intelligence.
This attribute was not often credited to black
men in that period of history.
What were some of the reasons he presented
for being the best candidate to drive the
Randy considered stopping at the Sunbury’s
home to inquire about their recovery from
typhoid, but he decided against it.
How does this relate to Toynbee’s theory as
Dan Gunn had paraphrased it chapters
Randy compares the highwaymen to a nest of
coral snakes. What are the parallels?
At the very bottom of page 280 and top of
281) Why would Dan say that he wanted to
save Malachai more than he had ever wanted
to save anyone?
How had the incidents of the day affected
Randy physically by nine o’clock that night?
What does everyone’s effort to provide the
married couple with privacy reflect about the
value system of the group?
What was Randy’s purpose in keeping the
prisoner alive until he could be executed by
Do you think his purpose was fulfilled?
How was Bragg’s Troop formed? Does this
reflect actual change in Randy’s character or
simply a change in how he is perceived by