
By B. & S. Overbaugh
Based on the article:
“Jack Welch on Leadership”
From Leadership Excellence
 June 2005
 www.LeaderExcel.com
Jack Welch, Former Chairman and
CEO General Electric
Author of “Winning”
With additional leadership quotes from:
What Is Leadership?
Definition : The capacity or ability
to lead; Guidance; Direction.
What Is A Leader?
Definition : One that leads or
guides; One who is in charge or
in command of others.
What Quality Makes a
The ability to recognize that it’s
not about you, it’s about building
a team. It’s all about them.
“People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It
doesn't make any difference whether the product is
cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as
the people it keeps.” – Mary Kay Ash
How Does A Good Leader Create
And Keep A Good Team ?
Pick great talent
the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm.. in the
real world all rests on perseverance.” – Johann Wolfgang von
Nurture the winners – make people feel
good about themselves
“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem
of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing
what they can accomplish.” – Sam Walton
Weed out the losers – when you fire people
tell those who stay why the others are gone
“Executives owe it to the organization and to their fellow workers
not to tolerate nonperforming individuals in important jobs.” –
Peter Drucker
How Does A Good Leader
Tell people where they stand
“When people can see which direction the leaders are
going in it becomes easier to motivate them” – Lakshmi
Give candid feedback
“If what you are doing is not moving you towards your
goals, then it's moving you away from your goals.” – Brian
Celebrate every milestone
“Twenty years and $40 billion. They seem like good
round numbers.” – Michael Dell
What Qualities Should A Good
Leader Show ?
Clear Vision
“Leaders need to be optimists. Their vision is beyond the
present.” – Rudy Giuliani
“The men who have succeeded are the men who have chosen
one line and stuck to it.” – Andrew Carnegie
Care Deeply
“If you want to be successful in a particular field of endeavor, I
think perseverance is one of the key qualities.It's very important
that you find something that you care about, that you have a
deep passion for, because you're going to have to devote a lot of
your life to it.” – George Lucas
Why Are The Right People
Important To Leadership?
People drive the things you want
to happen.
“The organizational architecture is really that a centipede
walks on hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So if I
lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the
organization will go on, the growth will go on.” – Mukesh
Credited Quotes Data
Ambani, Mukesh - Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance
Industries Limited, India. The Reliance Group of India is one of
the largest business houses in the world, and one of the largest
in India with annual revenue of $18.8 billion dollars. The groups
activities span exploration, production, refining, marketing of oil
and gas, polyester, textiles, power, telecom and financial
Ash, Mary Kay – (1915 – 2001) Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics,
one of the largest beauty products firms in the United States.
Carnegie, Andrew - (1835 – 1919) Carnegie made his fortune in
the steel industry, controlling the most extensive and complete
system of iron and steel industries ever managed by an
individual. His great innovation was in the cheap and efficient
mass production of steel rails for railroad lines.
Dell, Michael - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dell, the
company he founded in 1984 with $1,000 and an unprecedented
idea — to build relationships directly with customers.
Credited Quotes Data
Drucker, Peter - writer, teacher, and consultant specializing in
strategy and policy for businesses and social sector
organizations. He has consulted with many of the world's largest
corporations as well as with nonprofit organizations, small and
entrepreneurial companies, and with agencies of the U.S.
government. He has also worked with free-world governments
such as those of Canada, Japan, and Mexico.
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - (1749-1832) German poet,
dramatist, novelist, and scientist. One of the great masters of
world literature, his genius embraced most fields of human
endeavor; his art and thought are epitomized in his great
dramatic poem Faust.
Giuliani, Rudy – Former Mayor of New York
Lucas, George – Noted director and innovator in digital film
Mittal, Lakshmi - Oversees LNM Group, the world's secondlargest steelmaker and is the third richest person in the world.
Credited Quotes Data
Tracy, Brian – Chairman of Brian Tracy International, a human
resource company based in San Diego, California, with affiliates
throughout America and in thirty-one countries world-wide.
Walton, Sam – (1918-1992) Founder of Wal-Mart Stores
Incorpoarted, second richest man in the world at time of death in
1992. Wal-Mart stores now operate in Mexico, Canada,
Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, China and Puerto Rico.