Business Applications/Economics class!

Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
Welcome to Business Applications/Economics class!
During the first semester of this course students will acquire a realistic understanding of
business processes and activities. The course is designed to introduce students to all
business activities so that they can begin to identify and focus on those activities of
interest. Students will investigate the business world, analyze factors impacting
businesses, and examine business activities.
The second semester portion of the course will enable students to acquire a realistic
understanding of business processes and activities. The course is designed to introduce
students to all business activities so that they can begin to identify and focus on those
activities of interest. Students will investigate the business world, analyze factors
impacting businesses, and examine business activities.
This class is a 1.0 credit course offered to grades 9-12 on a yearlong basis.
The broad goals of Business Applications/Economics are:
 Reinforce academic skills in such areas as communication, reading, and writing
 Encourage creative thought, problem solving, and decision making
 Enable students to understand and appreciate business and its significance to the
 Stimulate student interest in business careers
 Increase student awareness of the increasingly complex business world
 Assist students in developing appropriate attitudes about business
 Encourage the use of technology in classroom projects
 Pave the way for student success in a business administration major
 Facilitate student understanding of the impact of a global economy on future career
 Assist students with enhancing their teamwork skills
 Stimulate reflection on processes, performance, and outcomes
Apply problem-based learning strategies
Mr. Penwell
Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
Required Materials:
There are no required textbooks for this course. The Internet and other materials provided by
the instructor will be used. All students will be required to have an “Acceptable use policy” for
both Washington Schools and for Great Oaks on file at the high school before they can access
the computers at school. For this reason, it is critical that all students complete and turn this
form in immediately so that they can complete assignments, as this access is required in many
What is expected of you in this class?
If you don’t already know me, you will soon find that I am a fairly laid back and relaxed person.
However, I am very serious about the integrity and success of this class. The following will be
rules that should not be violated under any circumstances:
1. Care about yourself and each other! Care, Support and Encourage! Don’t just say it,
demonstrate it in your everyday actions.
2. Everyone must be treated with dignity and respect.
3. Whatever happens in class stays here—no one embarrasses anyone because of what
they do or say in class. We will be taking some risks and having some fun, but we first
must establish a culture of trust!
4. No one says THEY CAN’T or I DON’T KNOW! You must give the activities a try and
give an answer, even if you don’t know the answer… give me something!!!
5. There is no such thing as a stupid question, an irrelevant idea, or a meaningless
statement/reflection. Anyone who is afraid to ask a question or express an idea is
ashamed to learn. There is nothing shameful about learning—but to truly learn requires
6. Everyone comes to class ready to engage with others positively and productively.
In an effort to keep students from playing games during class, students caught
playing games will be asked to stay after school for detention.
 Students are expected to come to class prepared with their laptop computer, a
writing instrument and paper! Student laptop computers will be used every day
during the course and students are expected to bring computers to class.
Mr. Penwell
Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
What you can expect:
 To be treated with respect by all.
 To have your individual educational needs addressed when they are communicated
 To have opportunity to master the objectives of this course through various methods of
assessment. Please see me privately with any specific needs that you might have in
regard to your learning.
 To be kept up-to-date on your academic progress throughout the term. Parents and
students can access their grades through the Parent Access Progress Book link on the
district website:
Grading policies:
 Per the school district policy, students will be graded according to the following scale:
o 90-100%
o 80-89%
o 70-79%
o 60-69%
o Below 60
 Grades are calculated on the following criteria
o Assessments (Graded group work, projects, papers, journals)
o Course Exit Exam
 Extra credit is not given in this class
Assignment Completion:
In an effort to improve On-time Student assignment completion, students will be reminded at least a
week before the due date and will be encouraged to seek assistance prior to the due date if they need
help or have any uncertainties related to the assignment.
A student may have their grade reduced up to 20% for being turned in late. 5% for the first day, 5% for
the second, and 10% for the third day.
Parents will be contacted by phone or email on the due date that the assignment was missed or after
the first day reduction was taken.
After 3 days, the teacher will refer the student to the office for intervention in an attempt to get the
assignment completed.
Mr. Penwell
Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
Students or parents may contact me by phone or email with any questions or concerns. The
phone number at the high school is 636-4221 ext. 4116, and my email address is I check my email several times a day, so this is a very effective
method of communication. Students are also encouraged to come in anytime during 7th period
which are Monday – Friday from 2:30 – 3 pm however, I am often here later than this. It is
important to check to be sure that I do not have an after-school meeting that would cause me to
not be here for 7th period. I am looking forward to working with you this trimester!
Mr. Penwell
Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
August 2015
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your son or daughter is enrolled in Business Applications/Economics during this year. This
1.0 credit hour class is offered as an elective through the High School of Business program as a
satellite program of Great Oaks.
The High School of Business ™ program is a challenging program that will help prepare
students to excel in college business programs as well as other related career fields. In this
program, students will experience a project and problem-based learning environment in which
they solve complex business problems.. If you would like more information about the curriculum
in the High School of Business program be sure to provide an email address or method of
contacting you! If you need to see me individually about your son or daughter’s progress, please
feel free to email me or call anytime. You are also encouraged to come in and visit class;
however, please let me know in advance so that I can inform the office to expect you.
Please review the attached syllabus and feel free to contact me with any question or concern
you may have! Please note the need for tissues. Once you have read over the material in the
syllabus, please complete the form attached and have your son or daughter return it to me, or
send me the requested information via email to
David Penwell
740-636-4221 Extension 4116
Mr. Penwell
Fall 2015
Business Applications/Economics
Student’s Name
Class enrolled in: Business Applications/Management
Parent/Guardian Name(s)
Preferred Phone Number (
Cell/Home/Office (circle)
Parent Email Address
Please mark below any activity that you would be interested in participating in:
Chaperoning for DECA (an association of business & marketing students) events (if
your son or daughter is not part of this organization, they are welcome to inquire!)
Serving as a speaker on a topic in class (various business topics…)
Working with students as a mentor providing coaching and helping in preparing for
DECA competition
Partnering on projects for the High School of Business Program
Provide suggestions for business partners for various projects
______I would like more information on one or more of the topics above
If you indicate any of the above areas, I will be in contact with you. I find email to be an easy
way of communicating; however I realize some do not prefer this method, so please indicate
your preferred method of communication below:
I prefer to be contacted via phone
I prefer to be contacted via the email address above
Parent Signature
Mr. Penwell