Globalization and Outsourcing Debate (Friday, September 27th) Instructions: The class will be having a debate Friday, September 27th Please be prepared to defend globalization, attack globalization, or support some sort of compromise between the two. You will be marked according to what you decide to say during the debate. If you decide to not say anything, you will not receive any marks. If you decide to say one well thought out comment, you will receive some marks. If you decide to say 2 or more, well thought out comments, you will receive most of the marks. If you are not present, you will lose marks. You can also lose marks if you decide to speak without raising your hand, if you lack the respect your peers deserve, or if you simply cannot handle the debate. These marks will be added/subtracted from your paper (below). There will be 5 groups in the debate, comprised of 7 members per group. You will have time to prepare on Thursday, September 26th. There will be only 2 groups debating at once. I will facilitate the debate by introducing a topic each round. For example, on the debate day, each group will have a panel section. There will be some time in between each debate for groups to re-convene about the upcoming topic. I will announce 2 groups at random to step to the “podium”. The group can send a maximum of 4 members to represent them at the podium. Once the team representatives are at the podium, the debate will begin. I will initiate the debate by giving the groups the topic. The groups will then have ‘x’ amount of minutes to debate the topic. Globalization Assignment (Due: Monday, September 30th, 2013) Instructions: Please answer the following in paragraph form. Your assignment should end up being about 2-3 pages long (Double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman). Please include a brief introductory and concluding paragraph. Each of the main paragraphs is worth 10 points. The assignment is out of 35. Paragraph 1 What is your impression of globalization? Explain why you think (or don’t think) globalization is important to each person’s life. Will globalization benefit or hurt all countries of the world? Is there a solution that will benefit both sides? Is globalization something that should be continued or stopped? Explain your opinion. Paragraph 2 In the movie "The Other Side of Outsourcing," young Indians are shown on the other side of the globalization issue. Give your impression of the short film. What kind of impact did the outsourcing of IT jobs have on India? Is outsourcing good for the Indian people? How? How does the U.S. information technology industry and American consumers benefit from this? Paragraph 3 What does the future hold for globalization and outsourcing? Explain in a paragraph the impact this will have on U.S.-Indian relations. Will the impact be positive or negative? How will it affect the job market in the United States? Do you think the IT industry is outsourcing too much? Have you personally seen any positive or negative impacts from the outsourcing of technology? Will this ultimately lead to increases in the availability of high-tech products? What will happen to the price of products and services?