IDs / Definitions • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mein Kampf Nuremberg Laws 1935 Policy of Appeasement Anschluss lebensraum Kristallnacht Concentration Camp system Munich Pact 10-Year Non-Aggression Pact (Soviet Union and Germany) Allied Powers / Axis Powers Blitzkrieg Stalingrad / El Alamein / D-Day V-E Day / V-J Day Questions and Imperatives • How did Adolf Hitler deal with the Churches of Germany? The Jews? The Versailles Treaty? • Discuss the step-by-step progress of Hitler taking over the nations of Europe. • How did the Allied nations plan to deal with WWII? • Can the force of ideas sustain a civilization under attack? (Class discussion) January 30, 1933 President Paul von Hindenburg names Nazi party Leader, Adolf Hitler the new Chancellor of Germany. Hitler named Chancellor • January 1933 • Why • What followed – Burning of Reichstag – Enabling Act – Dachau Dachau • First concentration camp established for enemies of the Reich – outside Munich, open March 22, 1933 Hitler deals with the Churches • Reich Concordat • German Christians • Confessing Church Hitler deals with the Jews • • • • • • Hitler’s “war against the Jews” April 1, 1933 boycott Jews lose jobs Jews limited in higher education Jewish immigrants lose citizenship Some Jews leave Germany “War” against the Jews • April 1, Boycott of all Jewish stores War Against the Jews • 1935 Nuremburg Laws • 1938 Kristallnacht • “War” moves beyond Germany – Disenfranchise – Dehumanize – Expropriation – Concentration – Annihilation Nuremberg Laws • The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor – prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between "Jews” and "Germans" – Prohibited the employment of "German" females under forty-five in Jewish households • The Reich Citizenship Law – those of German blood (Aryan) are German citizens – Not Aryan = state subjects – Not Aryan, cannot fly flag of the Reich Mussolini in Italy • Mussolini sends troops to discourage Hitler from annexing Austria in 1934 • Mussolini was “active” in Europe, tried to tell other European nations that he could not always be the one to control problems (e.g. Hitler’s attempts to expand) “Third Reich” • 1934 is rather quiet for the Jews, think that Hitler cannot last, but • Hindenburg dies in August and Hitler becomes the Führer, the leader, he names his new reign the “Third Reich” 1935 • (1933-1935), about 1/10 of the Jews leave Germany, and of those about 1/3 return because they find anti-Semitism strong in other countries – Loss of jobs – Persecution / murders – Nuremberg Laws • March 1935, Hitler reimposes peacetime conscription throughout Germany, building up troops (against the Versailles Treaty), secret rearmament had been going on since 1933 • May, Jews excluded from the armed forces • July, pogrom in Berlin, Jews beaten and shops destroyed Strange Bedfellows? • January 7, 1935, Mussolini and Laval sign French-Italian agreement in Rome, French agreeing to give Italy a free hand in Ethiopia • Mussolini had colonial ambitions, Italy had been defeated by the Ethiopians in 1890s and Mussolini wanted to conquer them • Ethiopian Emperor said if you don’t watch it, Europe will be next • G.B. not happy with the Fr-It agreement and when Italy moved on Ethiopia, G.B. imposed economic sanctions and condemned Italy • by the end of the year, foreign ministers of G.B. and Fr suggested a compromise such that Italy would receive 2/3 of Ethiopia • not well received and Mussolini decided Italy could stand alone against the world, war took place in Ethiopia • Hitler supported Mussolini with supplies, at the same time making his own moves • Mussolini appreciated Hitler’s help • Rome-Berlin Axis (Axis powers) - 1936 1936 • March, Hitler remilitarizes the Rhineland (against the Versailles Treaty) • OLYMPICS IN GERMANY • November, Germany/Italy form a military alliance and Germany/Japan sign a pact • she has to be good, look good to the outside world; Jews can take a breath 1937 • Buchenwald concentration camp opened, again for those opposed to the Reich 1938 • MARCH - the ANSCHLUSS • Hitler wanted the union (Anschluss) of Austria with Germany (failed in 1934) • Hitler pressure Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria for union, but… • Hitler moves his troops to the border which causes Schuschnigg to resign (Austrian Nazi to take his place as Chancellor - SeyssInquart) • German troops march into Austria greeted by cheering crowds (not the Jews) • Great Britain at this point followed a policy of appeasement (P.M. Chamberlain knew that the Austrian union was coming and accepted it) • Mussolini, who had kept Hitler from Austria in 1934 now congratulated him (Mussolini realized the strength of the Third Reich and could not have opposed it anyway) Jews of Austria • What German Jews experienced in 5 years, Austrian Jews experienced in days • In August, Adolf Eichmann established “Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung” • Jews begin to emigrate 1938 • SUDETENLAND: • Hitler wanted German speaking Sudetenland (3 million people) of Czechoslovakia • after the Anschluss, Sudetenland question again arose • France had a treaty with Czechoslovakia to help protect her, but G.B. would not support France • threats and discussion went back and forth, Czechoslovakia did not want to give up this region • September - discussions Against the Versailles Treaty • • • • • 1933-34: secretly rearming 1935: remilitarizes the Rhineland 1935: outwardly rearming 1938-39 takes back land POLICY OF APPEASEMENT Munich Pact • P.M. Chamberlain did not want to provoke Hitler in to war and was ready to appease again in the situation of the Sudetenland • Munich Conference held in September attended by Chamberlain, Hitler, Mussolini, and Daladier...German would annex the Sudetenland and agreed to guarantee Czech borders • Czechoslovakia had to comply • Chamberlain went back to G.B. proclaiming “peace in our time”...thought he could trust Hitler, that Hitler was done...NO NO NO...but G.B. did begin to rearm (not quite that trusting) 1938 • NOVEMBER 9,10 – KRISTALLNACHT Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia – Early 1939 1939 • CZECHOSLOVAKIA: • March, Czech president called to Germany and threatened by Hitler and Goering • President Emil Hacha surrenders Czechoslovakia • G.B. does not now think so highly of Neville Chamberlain • Europe began to realize that Poland would be Hitler’s next target • Chamberlain assured the Poles that G.B. and France would protect her • Hitler planned to attack Poland in September • May, Hitler and Mussolini concluded a military alliance, “Pact of Steel” named by Mussolini: each would come to the other’s aid in the event of war Summer 1939 • RUSSIA: • Hitler did not want a two-front war • in August, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a ten-year non-aggression pact also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Treaty) • Russian foreign minister Molotov and German foreign minister Ribbentrop • It contained a secret protocol that divided Poland between the two nations • IRONY?? German and Soviet Union sign 10-year non-aggression pact in August 1939 w2/molotovpact.html World War II Begins • September 1, Germany invades Poland • Blitzkrieg?? • Britain and France declared war on Germany, September 3 • Soviet forces attacked from the east on September 17 • Poland taken in less than one month (surrender on September 27), ceased to be an independent nation • Poland carved up between Soviet Union and Germany (annexed), with a section set off as the Government General occupied by a Nazi government Treatment of Jews • before Poland even surrendered in the war, Jews were humiliated across Poland • on the Jewish “Day of Atonement,” Jews were forced to dance, labor…some had their beards shaved off, were beaten, property destroyed • story of Piotrkow, Poland: Jews forced to relieve themselves in the synagogue and clean up the mess with their prayer shawls and Holy Books • height of harsh treatment on Jewish Holy days, but humiliation and ill-treatment throughout Partitioning of Poland • In October (1939), Germany annexed Poland’s western and northern region to the Third Reich • The Soviets took the eastern portions • The middle section, the heartland of Poland, which included the cities of Krakow, Lublin, and the capital, Warsaw, became a German colony known as the Generalgouvernement • Poland’s population in 1939 was about 33 million with 10 per cent Jews (3.3 million) • 2 million of these Jews were now in Nazi occupied territories • Nazis soon begin deportations of Jews from Western and Northern regions of Poland to the Generalgouvernement 1940-1941 • • • • • • Germany into West Europe England?? America?? Troops in North Africa Attack on Soviet Union Pearl Harbor 1942-1943-1944 • • • • • • Wannsee Conference Germany thrown on the defensive Stalingrad El Alamein Plans for D-Day D-Day 1945 • War is ending • Death marches back toward Germany • 3 deaths in April 1945 – FDR died at his home in Georgia April 12 – Mussolini and mistress killed while trying to flee April 28 – Hitler committed suicide in Berlin bunker April 30 • V-E Day, May 7, 1945 – Allied nations occupy Germany • Allies plan to converge on Berlin together, but????? • Potsdam Conference WWII ends! • April 1945 – FDR died at his home in Georgia April 12 – Mussolini and mistress killed while trying to flee April 28 – Hitler committed suicide in Berlin bunker April 30 • V-E Day, May 7, 1945 – Allied nations occupy Germany • V-J Day, August 15, 1945 – Enola Gay, Hiroshima (“little boy”)and Nagasaki (“fat man”) – Death toll reached 140,000 DISCUSSION QUESTION: What should we learn from the regime of “Hitler?”