Compare their backgrounds DOUGLASS EMERSON Compare how they see education DOUGLASS EMERSON o o o o o o o o Eliminate these words: you, your, yours, I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, and ours. Read the paper backwards (no, not the words in reverse—the paragraphs. Start with the conclusion and work to the introduction). Find a friend to proofread your paper. Cheque each sent ence fortype-os. Have a friend read throgh your papr to help check for type-os. Make sure all your verb agree. (plural OR singular) Don’t forget to make sure your tenses agreed (past vs. present) Fix any incomplete sentences that you. o Does the paper have a thesis statement? o Is the thesis statement developed and supported? o Does each paragraph transition into the next paragraph logically? o Does the conclusion “tie up the loose ends” by revisiting the introduction?