Frederick Douglass Questions—Answer Key

Frederick Douglass Questions—Answer Key
1. Impressions: hardworking, determined, strong-willed, brave, loyal
2. Covey’s reasons for beating Douglass: Covey set Douglass up to fail with the oxen, he wanted to
break him in so that he would be a loyal slave. Covey thinks Douglass was wasting time.
3. Master Thomas said that there was no way Covey would kill Douglass. He threatened to whip
him more and told Douglass to go back.
4. Douglass fought back Covey for two hours. He also had a root that he carried for protection.
5. Physically enslaved, but his soul is free.
6. Character: brave, determined, can no longer accept being a slave, recognizes injustices
7. Freedom = hope, emotionally free
8. Audience feels sympathy, disgusted by treatment of slaves, exposes the slave experience of
beatings and oppression
9. Conflicts: struggle for power, authority, rebellion