HS Requirements Presentation

Los Angeles Unified School District
HS Graduation Requirements
+ H.S. Graduation Requirements at a Glance
Earn 210 or More Credits
In select areas, e.g. English, Math, etc.
Pass the California High School Exit Exam
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
Social Science 30 Credits (2 years)
10th Grade: World History AB
11th Grade: US History AB or AP US History AB
12th Grade: Principles of Am Democracy (Gov’t) and Economics
Alternative: AP Government & Politics and H Economics
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
English 40 Credits (4 years)
9th Grade: English 9A, English 9B
10th Grade: English 10A, English 10B
11th Grade: English 11A, English 11B
12th Grade: English 12A, English 12B
11th or 12th Grade:
AP English Language A, AP English Language B
AP English Literature A, AP English Literature B
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
English Requirement ESL Students
Intro to ESL, ESL 1 an ESL 2 count as ELECTIVE CREDITS
ESL 3 (2 courses) is equivalent to English 9A
ESL 4 (2 courses) is equivalent to English 9B
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
College Prep Math 20 Credits (2 years)
Integrated Math 1A, Integrated Math 1B or Algebra 1A, Algebra
Integrated Math 2A, Integrated Math 2B or Geometry A,
Geometry B
Integrated Math 3A, Integrated Math 3B or Algebra 2A, Algebra
H Math Analysis A, H Math Analysis B
AP Calculus A, AP Calculus B (dependent on
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
College Prep Biology 10 Credits (1 year)
Biology A, Biology B
College Prep Physical Science 10 Credits (1 year)
Chemistry A, Chemistry B
Physics A, Physics B
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
Language Other Than English 20 credits (2 years)
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
Visual Performing Arts 10 Credits (1 year)
High School Graduation
Requirements by Subject Area
Electives (1 year)
Any courses beyond the minimum requirements in previous
section will fall under the elective credits.
 What
ELECTIVES would be important to take
for your specific career goal?
Grading Scale
Most school’s grading scale is based on a 4.00 point system.
AP classes, certain community college courses and certain high
school Honors courses augment your grade by 1 point, only if you
passed with a C or higher.
A: Excellent: 4.0 points
B: Above Average: 3.0 points
C: Average: 2.0 points
D: Below Average: 1.0 point
F: Fail: 0.0 points
Note: Beginning with the class of 2017, D is no longer a passing
grade in A-G courses for high school graduation.