BRU/101 Intro to Craft Brewing Steve Duarte Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 BRU/101 Intro to Craft Brewing Welcome to BRU/101, Intro to Craft Brewing. This course has been created to serve as an introductory course for anyone interested in a basic understanding of the craft beer industry. Course content will cover a brief history of beer, the various styles of beer, and a basic overview of the art of home brewing. As an introductory course, it is designed at a beginner level and will by no means dive into the complex advanced brewing methods. If you would consider yourself a “beginner”, this class is for you! Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2 Target Audience The intended audience for this course is anyone who is above the age of 21 and has a displayed an interest in the craft beer industry and/or the art of home brewing. The only prerequisite for this course is a desire to learn and a genuine interest for craft beer. The majority of this course will consist of a hands-on approach that is ideal for kinesthetic learners. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3 Needs Assessment With the recent rise in number of craft beer enthusiasts and craft breweries in the U.S., a rising number of colleges have begun to offer craft brew studies. The colleges that are currently offering craft brew studies are only offering them as a minor to a degree program at this time. Being that not everyone is looking to enroll in a four-year degree program, it would be beneficial to offer a course in craft brew studies as a non-degree course for those not actively enrolled in a degree program. In order to service those who are interested in craft brew studies but are not interested in earning a degree. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4 Delivery Modality This will be an instructor-led course offered at the University of Phoenix ground campus. It is a 12hour course that will meet every Saturday morning from 9am to 12pm for four weeks. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5 Instructional Goals for the Course The overall goals for this course are for students to: • Gain a basic understanding of the craft beer industry, including its’ history and the various styles that are used. • Understand the basic and beginner level concept of home brewing. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6 Performance-Based Objectives Upon completing the first Saturday morning session, the students will pass both the History of Beer and Beer Styles quiz with a minimum score of 90%. After sampling the various styles of beer during the second session, the students will be expected to identify each beer style through a blindfold taste test after at two attempts. Students will be required to pass The Basic Steps to Home Brewing quiz with 100% accuracy at the end of the third class. On the last night of class, each student and their partner will present their home brew final project to the class and must be considered 'true to the style' by the instructor to earn the course completion certificate. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7 Instructional Strategies The overall course will incorporate multiple instructional strategies as needed. The quizzes and taste-testing activities will emphasize critical thinking skills and will be very much instructor-led. The home brewing portion of the class will be collaborative and project-based in that each student will choose a partner to work with for the BYOB (brew-your-own-beer) final project. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8 Instructional Technologies The overall nature of this course will be very hands-on and there will be much student participation during the various activities and final project. In result, the only instructional technologies used in this course will be Microsoft PowerPoint and YouTube. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9 Plan for Implementation • Timelines • This course will require classroom attendance from participants for three hours, every Saturday, for a total of four weeks. The overall seat time for course completion is 12 hours. • Individuals and materials involved • The course will consist of one course instructor and a maximum amount of 16 students per cohort. The classroom will be equipped with 8 workstations for the brewing activity. Students will be expected to bring the "Guide to Beer" booklet with them to every class. The "Guide to Beer" booklet is available at the local Total Wine store, free of charge. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10 Instructional Resources The instructional plan will be dependent on materials such as: • • • • • • Computer - equipped with MS Office (for PowerPoint Whiteboard Laser Projector 8 workstations equipped with a single burner stove (for brewing activity) 8 beginner brewing kits (university-owned and provided equipment) Guide to Beer (supplemental material) Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11 Communicating the Plan As a new course offering at the University of Phoenix, BRU/101 will need to undergo a significant amount of marketing before launching its first class cohort. Course marketing will take place via media, radio, and local ad placement in stores like Total Wine and Bevmo. Commitment from the student will be garnered by the tuition & fees associated with taking the course. Although it is a non-degree course, it is a three-credit course that can be applied as an elective course for degree programs at the University. High commitment level will be expected, as it is a course that will only garner interest among craft beer aficionados who wish to invest both time and money to enter into the beginning stage of the art of brewing. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12 Instructional Content and Strategies 1st session breakdown: • 1st hour: • Students will learn a brief history of beer through short lecture and YouTube video. After the lecture and video, the students will pass the History of Beer Quiz with a minimum score of 90%. (MS Word Doc) • 2nd hour: • Students will learn about various beer styles through lecture and research activity. • After the lecture, students will choose a partner and begin the research activity in which they will select a beer style to use for a presentation to the class. Selected beer style will also be used for final project in week 4. • 3rd hour: • Students will showcase their newfound knowledge of their selected beer style via PowerPoint presentation to the class. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Instructional Content and Strategies (cont’d) 2nd session breakdown: • 1st hour: • Students will taste/sample 8 different beer styles. After beer sampling, students will complete the 'beer perception quiz' found on pg.35 in the Guide to Beer booklet, with 100% accuracy. • 2nd hour: • The second hour will consist of the blindfold taste test activity that students will conduct with their partner. The students will be expected to pass the blindfold taste test activity after at least two attempts. • 3rd hour: • The last hour of this class session will be spent on short lecture time and YouTube, in which students will learn the basics of home brewing. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Instructional Content and Strategies (cont’d) 3nd session breakdown: • 1st hour: • The first hour will consist of a short refresher lecture to recap the last hour of the previous session on home brewing. After the refresher, the students will be expected to pass home brewing quiz with 100% accuracy. • 2nd & 3rd hour: • The last two hours of this session will be spent on working on the final brewing project. Each student and their partner will be assisted and evaluated by the instructor throughout the process brewing up to the fermentation process. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Instructional Content and Strategies (cont’d) Final (4th) session breakdown: • On the last night of class, every hour will be spent on final presentations. Each student and their partner will present their home brew final project to the class. The Final Brew Project will be evaluated by the instructor who will grade it using the final project grading rubric. Each student must earn a ‘pass’ in every category of the rubric in order to earn the Course Completion Certificate. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16 Formative Assessment Formative assessment strategies in this course will include: • Quizzes • Class discussion • Partner/group activities Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17 Summative Evaluation of Program Outcomes Course Final Project Rubric: Criteria Pass/Fail Appearance Aroma Taste End of Course Survey: The effectiveness of the course will be evaluated by the number of students who pass the Final Brewing Project. There is also a End of Course Survey that all students will be expected to complete and the results will be sent to Academic Affairs for feedback. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18 Future Implications The Academic Affairs department will be evaluating the first cohort of BRU/101 students to gauge whether or not there is value in continuing to offer the course. The Final Project Rubric and End of Course surveys will be assessed and if the results are favorable, the course will continue to be offered. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19 References Guide to Beer. (2014). Retrieved from\ BBC Documentary (2014, August 17). How It's made-BEERHistory Channel -Documentary [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Frey, J. (2013, February 5). The Beginner's Guide to Making Home Brew [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Instructional Plan Template | Slide 20