Who was Ben Franklin?

TAG First Grade
What is research?
Research is an
organized way
of finding
answers to
When you want
to find out
where do you
These are called
Step 1: Decide on your topic.
Step 2: Create 5-6 questions
you want to research about
your topic.
Step 3: Write the
questions on separate
Step 4: Use a safe search engine to find the
answers to your questions. Go to Mrs. Walker’s
* Be specific in your search.
Step 5: Write the information you find on the
correct notecard in your own words.
*Only write words that you can read
and understand.
Step 6: Once your questions are answered, use
your notecards to create a product (travel
brochure, poster, game board) to show off what
you learned.
Step 1 = Topic
Benjamin Franklin
Step 2 = Questions
*What did Franklin invent?
*What was Franklin’s childhood like?
*What are some interesting facts about
*How did Franklin help others?
Putting information into your own
Information from the Internet:
Ben Franklin invented bifocals with both
a near lens and a far one after his vision
started deteriorating in his late 60s.
In my words:
Ben Franklin developed bifocal glasses
for seeing near and far.
Now... I am going to create a
poster with the information I
learned. Here is an sample
poster with Ben Franklin as the
What are some interesting facts
about Ben Franklin?
Ben Franklin taught himself how to
swim when he was eight, and often
taught his friends how to swim. At the
age of 16, Ben Franklin read a book
about vegetable diets and decided to
become a vegetarian.
What are some of
Ben Franklin’s inventions?
During his life, Franklin invented
bifocals, the lightning rod, an
armonica, and the wood stove.
One day Ben flew a kite during a
thunderstorm. He proved that
lightning is electricity.
Who was Ben Franklin?
Ben Franklin was one of the
most famous Americans of his
time. He was considered to be
one of the greatest Americans
that ever lived. He signed the
Declaration of Independence
and published a
newspaper. He opened the first
fire and police stations in his
state. He invented
many items we still use today.
Where did Ben Franklin live?
He was born in 1706 in Boston,
Massachusetts. He moved to
Philadelphia at the age of 17 and
then to England. Later in his life, Ben
came back to Philadelphia and this is
where he lived until he died in 1790.
Now… You will complete the research process with
another famous inventor.
Step 1: Topic = George Washington Carver
Step 2: Create Questions:
Who was George Washington Carver?
What did Carver invent?
How did scarcity affect his life?
What was Carver’s childhood like?
Where did Carver live?
What are some interesting facts about Carver?
What geographical changes were occurring during
Carver’s life?
Putting information in your own words:
Information from Internet:
George Washington Carver was a prominent AfricanAmerican scientist and inventor. Carver is best known
for the many uses he devised for the peanut.
In my words:
Carver was an African American scientist and
inventor, who made many things from a peanut.