The End of Public Education PBL - Rockdale County Public Schools

Problem-Based Learning: The End of Public Education
1. For this activity, you will be working in groups to create a potential solution for a very
important problem. Before continuing, please take a few minutes to read the Introduction,
A Brief Introduction to the History of Public Education in America, and read over “A Bill
for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge.”
2. Now that you have read the articles, your first step will be to define the problem. With
your group, create a statement of the problem. Record it here:
3. Now, tell some specifics about the nature of the problem.
a) Whose problem is it?
b) When must it be solved?
c) Why is it a problem?
4. What are some of the key features of the problem? Answer the following:
a) Why can it not be ignored?
b) Who has the most to lose/gain?
5. Now, complete the “The End of Public Education PBL KWL” sheet. When you are
done, be prepared to share your answers with the class. Then, in the area below, list
questions you have about the question. These will be addressed in the whole group
Our questions about the question:
6. Next, think about resources that you may need to access in order to determine potential
solutions. Write these on the Potential Resources for Additional Information sheet.
7. Using your research skills, gather the necessary information to create three potential
solutions. Answer the questions below.
c) What are the three best options for solving the problem?
d) What are the financial (monetary) implications and outcomes associated with each of
the possible solutions?
e) What type of human impact will each outcome cause?
8. As a group, choose your best option. Using that option as your essay focus, create an
essay explaining the impact of Congress’elimination of the U.S. Public Education system
and proposing an alternative. Be sure to address all of the elements of a well-written
expository essay. You should:
a. Engage the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and
otherwise developing reader interest.
b. Develop a controlling idea that conveys a perspective on the subject.
c. Create an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.
d. Develop the topic with supporting details.
e. Exclude extraneous and inappropriate information.
f. Follow an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition.
g. Conclude with a detailed summary linked to the purpose of the composition.
9. Assess your understanding of the problem solving process by answering the questions on
the Problem Solving Process Review sheet.
TheEnd of Public Education PBL KWL
Essential Question: How can we use informational/expository writing to express potential solutions to
important problems?
In the areas below, list what you already Know and what you Want to know about taxes, education
funding, and the current budget proposals. Then, after sharing in class, list what you Learned.
What do you Know?
Education Funding
National Budget
Public Education
What do you Want to
What did you Learn?
Potential Resources for Additional Information
Several important information links have been provided for your use. However, the more you
know, the better decision you will make.
In the area below, brainstorm a list of potential sources for gathering information about public
education, education funding, and national budgets. Consider human resources as well as
government data bases and other public record sources.
Type of Information
Ease of Access
Ex. Treasury department web
Unsure, depends on site layout
and recency of data
Problem Solving Process Review
With your group, discuss the process you went through as you completed your PBL activity.
What were the steps of the problem solving process? Address the questions for each of Bloom’s
Taxonomy levels. Use the back of the page if you need more space.
What are the steps for problem solving? (Knowledge)
Give an example of each of the steps of problem solving. (Comprehension)
Use the steps for problem solving to decide whether or not to support additional Federal
taxation on imported goods and services. (Application)
Review the steps of problem solving. Which steps are most closely related? Explain.
Formulate a mnemonic for the steps of problem solving. (Synthesis)
Place the steps for problem solving in rank order. Which is most important? Which is
least important? Explain your response. (Evaluation)
Expository Writing Topic
Writing Situation
For the past several years, public schools have been faced with severe monetary shortages.
Furthermore, with decreases in tax income and higher expenses, our federal government has
been struggling with enormous debt. As a result, it has been decided that the U.S. Government
can no longer afford to educate America’s youth. Without the support of the state or federal
governments, the responsibility to secure an education for America’s youth has been returned to
Directions for Writing
Create a multi-paragraph essay explaining the impact of Congress’elimination of funding for the
U.S. public education system. Propose an alternative for educating America’s children, and
support your proposition with evidence.
Student Writing Checklist for Expository Writing
Prepare Yourself to Write
• Read the Writing Situation and Directions for Writing carefully.
• Brainstorm for ideas.
• Decide what ideas to include and how to organize them.
• Write only in English.
Make Your Paper Meaningful
• Use your knowledge and/or personal experiences that are related to the topic.
• Explain, clarify, and define your ideas.
• Establish a clear controlling idea.
• Fully develop your controlling idea with specific, supporting details.
• Organize your ideas in a clear and logical order.
• Write an expository essay and stay on topic.
Make Your Paper Interesting to Read
• Think about what would be interesting to the reader.
• Use a lively writing voice that shows your interest in the topic.
• Use precise, descriptive, vivid words.
• Vary the type, structure, and length of your sentences.
Make Your Paper Easy to Read
• Indent to start a new paragraph.
• Use effective transitions.
• Write in complete and correct sentences.
• Capitalize, spell, and punctuate correctly.
• Make sure your subjects and verbs agree.
Ideas ______ Organization ______ Style ______ Conventions ______
Suggested Scoring Guide for essay in The End of Public Education PBL
*Teachers may choose to offer partial credit (ie. 1.5 points or 3.5 points) for items that score between
*As always, teachers may use discretion when issuing point values to projects
16-20 pts
Exceeds the Standards
20 pts = 100
19 pts = 98
18 pts = 96
17 pts = 94
16 pts = 92
Meets the Standards (Mastery)
15 pts = 90
14 pts = 86
13 pts = 83
12 pts = 80
8 pts -11 pts
11 pts =
10 pts =
9 pts =
8 pts =
0-7 pts
Approaching the Standards (Approaching Mastery)
Does Not Meet
Student needs to make corrections and resubmit task
Suggested Scoring Guide for problem solving activities in The End of
Public Education PBL
For the graphic organizers and problem solving analysis, the teacher may issue points for reasonable
Problem-Based Learning: Funding Education
Questions 2 and 5 = 1pt. each
Question 3 = 3 pts.
Question 4 = 2 pts.
Question 7 = 9 pts.
KWL (in order to meet standards, students should display nine or more items)
1 point per item listed
Potential Resources (in order to meet standards, students should identify three or more items)
1 point per item listed
Problem Solving Process Review
1 point per question (maximum of 6 points)
*Teachers may choose to offer partial credit (ie. .5 points) for minimal or incomplete responses
34 - 35+ pts
Exceeds the Standards
35 pts = 100
34 pts = 95
30-33 pts
33 pts = 90
32 pts = 86
31 pts = 83
30 pts = 80
Meets the Standards (Mastery)
25 pts -29 pts Approaching the Standards (Approaching Mastery)
29 pts =
28 pts =
27 pts =
26 pts =
25 pts =
0-24 pts
Does Not Meet
Student needs to make corrections and resubmit task