Unit 6 – The Age of Jackson Test Study Guide Identify and Describe - CAUSE AND EFFECTS OF MAJOR ERAS AND EVENTS IN U.S. HISTORY THROUGH 1877 Including: Age of Jackson Indian policies Bank crisis Jacksonian Democracy/expanded suffrage Nullification crisis Summarize ARGUMENTS REGARDING PROTECTIVE TARIFFS, TAXATION, AND THE BANKING SYSTEM Including: Protective Tariffs – high tariffs (taxes on imports) protect domestic manufacturers from foreign competition who sell their products at lower prices. Low tariffs – allows for greater volume of trade between countries, but often at the expense of the domestic traders. Taxation – high taxes take money away from the consumer, so the government can provide services and infrastructure that benefit the economy and the citizens. Low taxes leave more money for the consumer to spend and stimulate economic growth; affected southern economy more than north. Most taxation was based on tariffs. Banking System – A national bank was not in the Constitution. The Bank of the United States was extremely powerful and it controlled the nation’s money supply. Jackson viewed this bank as a bank made up of elitists run by private wealthy bankers. When Jackson was given the option to sign a renewed charter bank bill, he decided to veto it instead. Explain IMPACT OF THE ELECTION OF ANDREW JACKSON Including: Andrew Jackson's election signaled a shift of power to the common man as the base of his support was from laborers, farmers and average Americans and he pursued a policy to eliminate the National Bank he felt favored the interests of the wealthy Expansion of suffrage when many states eliminated property ownership for voting Government by the people or “Jacksonian Democracy”, included the end of property qualifications to vote, creation of the “spoils system” where loyal supports were given government posts, and new more populist forms of election campaigning Analyze REASONS FOR THE REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF CHEROKEE INDIANS DURING THE JACKSONIAN ERA Including: Context Early in the 19th century, while the rapidly-growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced what they considered an obstacle. This area was home to several American Indian nations. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and many other white Americans, were standing in the way of progress. Eager for land to raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to acquire Indian Territory. Policies o Native Americans could occupy U.S. lands, but they could not hold title to that land (Supreme Court ruling in 1823). o Indian Removal Act – gave the president power to negotiate removal treaties with Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi. Under these treaties, the Indians were to give up their lands east of the Mississippi in exchange for lands to the west. The southeastern nations resisted and Jackson forced them to leave. o Worcester v. Georgia – The Cherokee used legal means in their attempt to safeguard their rights. The Supreme court upheld the Cherokee’s right to self-government and declared Georgia’s extension of state law over them to be unconstitutional. President Jackson refused to enforce the law. o Trail of Tears – in 1838 the U.S. government sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees into camps. They then forced them on a march, known as the Trail of Tears, in which many died on their way to the western lands. Explain CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES ARISING OVER THE ISSUE OF STATES' RIGHTS Including: Nullification Crisis and states’ rights – revolved around the ability of a state to declare federal laws unconstitutional. Identify and Analyze ORIGIN OF JUDICIAL REVIEW AND EXAMPLES OF CONGRESSIONAL AND PRESIDENTIAL RESPONSES Including: Presidential Response: In Worcester v. Georgia (1832) the court ruled in favor of Worcester. President Jackson responded by siding with Georgia and chose not to enforce the Supreme Court ruling. Identify DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS ON IMPORTANT HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Including: Age of Jackson o Democratic-Republicans split into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party. Democrats were supporters of Jackson and Whigs were opponents of Jackson. Identify WAYS CONFLICTS BETWEEN PEOPLE FROM VARIOUS RACIAL, ETHNIC, AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS WERE RESOLVED Including: Treaties - the federal government attempted a variety of treaties with American Indian tribes to reduce conflict along the frontier Judicial decisions - Cherokee Nation used the federal courts to try to resolve issues with state laws