Be An Effective Manager

Be An Effective Manager
Chapter 9
Winning Strategies
The students of Southfield-Lathrup manage and
operate two school-based enterprises
simultaneously -The Chargers school store and the
Chargers Café. The Chargers school store is
located adjacent to the Chargers Café and runs
concurrently during lunch periods. The success of
these two enterprises has been fundamentally
related to the belief and commitment of the
management. Chargers management is committed
to the core mission of the organization, as is each
store employee.
The mission of the Chargers stores is
predicated around customer service.
The customers rule! Each day
management teams meet with
employees and discuss how they might
make someone’s day better. This person
could be another employee, a
customers, or a manager. Management
evaluates the staff each day to ensure
that each employee is using all aspects
of the mission.
By having a positive attitude toward a
coworker or customer, an employee
may win the title of “Employee of the
Month” and receive “Chargers money”
to shop in the school stores.
The Chargers has an organizational
structure that divides the duties of
management. The efficient operation of
the Chargers stores depends on each
manager’s ability to stay on task.
The General Manager oversees all store
operations. Store managers report to
the General Manager and oversee each
core product line within the Chargers
operation. The Cookie Manager, Candy
Manager, Beverage Manager, Café
Manager, Spirit Wear Manager, and
Product Manager all ensure the daily
success of the two Charger stores.
Think Critically
1. What is the advantage of having an
organizational structure within the
Chargers stores?
2. What is the importance of having a
mission statement in the Chargers
stores, and why is this essential to the
management of the store?
Management Roles
Chapter 9 Lesson 1
Journal Entry 4/15
The student will describe the manager’s
involvement with policies and
Why does every store need a
responsible and effective manager?
Open For Business
The role of the manager varies from
business to business. In many school-based
enterprises, the manager’s role includes
handling scheduling and schedule changes
for employees.
One school-based enterprise had trouble
getting employees to come to work. A new
policy required employees who missed their
shifts either to suffer grade loss or to work
three shifts for each shift missed.
Since most employees did not want to
suffer the consequences, they began to
show up for their scheduled shifts. That
same school-based enterprise had the
assistant manager send reminder slips to
employees a day or two before their
scheduled shift.
Develop a policy and procedure for
dealing with scheduling and schedule
changes in your school-based enterprise.
What is the manager’s role in this plan?
Policies and Procedures
Ensure that the business operates
smoothly and profitably
Add structure to the employee’s jobs by
providing guidelines and rules to follow
The manager should be involved in
creating the policies and procedures
and reinforcing them
Creating Policies and
Should be reviewed regularly, and
outdated policies and procedures should
be deleted or changed
The manager should meet with the
advisor annually to review and update
the policies and procedures
Employees should also be involved in
creating policies and procedures
Reinforcing Policies and
The majority of the manager’s time should
be spent reinforcing policies and
The manager needs to address employees
who do not follow the policies and
procedures and allow them the opportunity
to explain
Employees must be informed of the
consequences of not following procedures
Check Point
What is the role of the manager in
relation to policies and procedures?
Administrative Tasks
Employee records
Financial Information
The manager must keep these files
organized and available for future
Keeping Employee Records
Hiring Documentation
Scheduling availability
Employee handbook signature form
Disciplinary Write-ups
Employee should sign
Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Forms
*The manager may create an evaluation form
using other forms found on the internet as an
*Areas to evaluate include:
Cash Register Operations
Personal Selling
There should be an area for the manager to write
Once the form is completed the manager and the
advisor should meet with the employee
Should be completed on a quarterly basis
Creating Schedules
It is the manager’s role to schedule employees to
work based on the needs of the business
Some stores have students sign up for shifts and
the manager must make sure each employee gets
all of the shifts required
If the manager creates the schedule, the manager
needs to have each employee submit in writing a
list of any days they are not available to work
More Scheduling
The manager must handle schedule
Time Clock
One method for tracking whether
employees have worked their shifts is the
use of a time clock
Judgment Call
Imagine that you are the manager of your schoolbased enterprise, and your best friend is an
employee in the school store. You arrive at work
early one morning and begin the procedures for
opening the store. About five minutes before the
store is scheduled to open, your friend calls you.
He is supposed to work that morning but has
overslept. HE asks you to “cover” for him so that
he does not get into trouble. As the manager, you
are required to write up any student who is late or
does not show up for work.
Think Critically
1. How should you respond to your
friend’s request? Explain.
2. What could happen when a manager
overlooks policy violations for some
employees but not for others?
Maintaining Financial
Manager will be responsible for
recording and maintaining financial
Manager may make daily deposits,
document cash flows, creating financial
statements, and paying bills and
Check Point
Name three types of administrative
tasks that managers handle.
Opening and Closing
The school store manager should work
with the school store advisor to develop
opening and closing procedures
It is important that the opening and
closing procedures are carried out
properly to ensure an efficiently run
Opening Procedures
Before the store opens the manager
should retrieve the opening cash fund
and count to verify the amount
Many school store create a checklist of
things that need to be completed
before the store is opened for the day
Closing Procedures
The manager should count out the
deposit from the cash register and
secure the opening cash fund for the
next day
Straightening and restocking
merchandise and cleaning the store
should be done to prepare it for the
next business day
Check Point
Why is a checklist helpful for opening
and closing procedures?
Check Out
1. Policies and procedures are created to
a. Ensure that the business operates smoothly and
b. Add structure to the employees jobs
c. Catch employees not following the rules
d. Both a and b
2. The consequences of not adhering to the store’s
policies and procedures could include
Disciplinary write-ups
All of the above
3. What could happen if a manager does
not reinforce the policies and
procedures of the school-based
4. What types of employee records must
managers maintain?
5. What are the advantages of using a
time clock to document employees’
work hours?
Create an opening and closing checklist
for our school store.
Explain how you would complete
scheduling for our school store to make
sure there were people working before
school and throughout the school day.
Develop Management Skills
Chapter 9 Lesson 2
Journal Entry 4/19
The student will identify skills needed to
become an effective manager and
describe the training and education
needed to be an effective manager.
Why are policies and procedures
important for a school store to have?
Open for Business
When it comes to technology, many school-based
enterprises start out small and then expand the
use of technology within their business. For
example, one school-based enterprise started out
by programming departments into its cash
register. This allowed the store to track the sales
records for each department. The following year,
each item was assigned a product number,
allowing management to track the sales of
individual products.
Once this system was in place, a
scanner was added to the cash register
to scan UPC codes so that transactions
could be conducted more quickly and
Upon reviewing the cash register’s
operations manual more closely, the
manager for this same school store was
surprised to learn about the numerous
tasks that the cash register could
By reading the manual and making a
few phone calls to the technical support
center for the cash register, the
manager was better able to utilize its
What are some functions of the cash
register that we are not using? How
could it help our store to start using
these functions?
Management Skills
While some people are natural leaders
or managers, management skills can be
learned or developed in almost anyone
The skills required for a manager fall in
three categories
Technical Skills
Administrative Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Technical Skills
*The manager should know how to
operate, program, and fix the register
*Managers should be willing to learn new
*Technology can make a managers job
easier and less time consuming
Administrative Skills
Planning includes determining what needs to
be done and how it will be done
Both short-term and long-term planning
should be used
Controlling is the process of comparing the
plan to the actual results
Another word for controlling is evaluating
Problem Solving
Effective managers have to be able to solve
problems may arise within the organization
To be a good problem solver, a manager
needs good communication skills, listening
skills, analytical skills, and research skills to
generate possible solutions
Employees will look to the manager to “fix”
whatever is not working
Interpersonal Skills
The manager may interact with other
employees, teachers, administrators,
students, customers, and vendors
A manager needs to get along well with
others and demonstrate leadership
They should be a good listener and
understand the needs of people
The manager should set an example
Check Point
What are the three categories of skills
needed by managers?
Education and Training
You do not have to have a master’s
degree to be an effective manager,
however it is important to have some
educational background or training in
the areas of marketing, management or
Training must also occur on an ongoing
Provides managers with the knowledge
and skills needed to oversee all aspects
of a business
Program should include both theory and
practice to prepare new managers
Courses to consider include marketing,
management, business and computer
Many people develop their management
skills through training programs
The goal is to develop the skills needed
to perform on the job
Training can be offered on a wide range
of topics and take place on the job, onsite or at an offsite location
Check Point
What two ways can managers gain and
improve upon their skills?
Check Out
1. Determining what needs to be done and how it
will be done is
2. Comparing the plan to the actual results is
known as
3. Why do managers need technical
4. Describe how training and education
play a role in the development of a
manager’s skills.
5. Who are some of the people inside and
outside of the school who can be used
as resources for developing technical
Use the Internet to obtain information
about a college of your choice.
Research the college’s school of
business. Create a power point
presentation about the different majors
and management classes offered.
Print the handout of your power point
with 6 slides per page to turn in
Management Team
Chapter 9 Lesson 3
Journal Entry 4/21
The student will describe the different
types of organizational structure and
identify management roles within a
school store
What are the three types of skills
required for managers?
Open for Business
There is no one way for a business to
organize its employees. Some
businesses use a more traditional
structure with a clearly defined chain of
command or supervision. Other
businesses use a nontraditional
approach, placing employees on selfmanaging work teams.
You are the manager of a school-based
enterprise that uses self-managing
teams. Each team is responsible for a
different area in the store. You provide
information to each team about the
tasks that need to be completed. It is
up to the team members to split up the
work and determine how to accomplish
the tasks. As the manager, you will act
more as a consultant and give guidance
as needed.
Organizational Structure
How a business is organized is called its
organizational structure
The organizational structure outlines
the chain of command
It is up to each store to determine
which structure suits its needs best
Vertical Organization
In a vertical organization, managers
report to higher levels of management
and filter work down to employees
within specified departments
Vertical organizations are often found in
larger more traditional companies
Top Managers
Within businesses, these people may hold titles
such as chief executive officer, president, or vicepresident
Middle Managers
The people who ensure that the decisions made
by the top management are carried out by the
Supervisory Managers
The people who assign the work duties and
directly supervise the employees are the
Horizontal Organizations
Known as self-managing organizations
Employees work in teams that manage
Each team will have members from
various backgrounds that contribute to
the team
Decisions are made based on the
Check Point
What are the two ways to organize a
Management Positions
The daily activities of the school store
should be carried out by the employees
- not by the school store advisor!
Store Manager
Operations Manager
Merchandise Manager
Sales Promotion Manager
Store Manager
Makes decisions about how the
business should be run
The other managers will report to the
store manager
The manager develops policies and
procedures and communicates them to
the other managers
Reports to the school store advisor
All new policies and procedures should
be approved by the advisor
In many school stores the only
manager is the store manager
In these situations that manager will take
on several roles
The manager is often selected by the
school store advisor based on a resume,
job interview, and work performance in
the store
Operations Manager
Deals with the day-to-day operations of
the business including scheduling,
opening and closing, and cash register
Reports to the store manager
Will be involved in developing opening
and closing procedures and training
Merchandise Manager
Responsible for the merchandise mix
offered in the store
Will determine what trends will be used
to influence purchase decisions
Some school stores assign a buyer for
each department of products
Sales Promotions Manager
Responsible for developing and
implementing sales promotions within
the store
This person needs to be creative but
also must possess analytical skills in
order to evaluate effectiveness
This is the person who maintains careful
financial records
This job requires both math and
organizational skills
This person will also track the sales and
maintain records of deposits made and
checks written
Ideally this person should have had some
accounting classes
Check Point
List five types of management positions
that could be found in a school-based
Check Out
1. What type of organization has an up-and-down
Horizontal organization
Vertical organization
Upward organization
None of the above
2. What type of organization is said to have a
“flattened structure”?
Horizontal organization
Vertical organization
Upward organization
None of the above
3. Explain the difference between vertical
and horizontal organizations and
describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
4. What is the role of the operations
5. Why is the role of controller such an
important position for a school-based
Complete the Chapter 9 Review and
turn in