Student Handbook - Australia City College

Australia City College
Student Handbook
Version 1.2
March 2014
WELCOME ...................................................................................................................... 1
TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................... 2
LANGUAGE, LITERACY AND NUMERACY ................................................................... 3
ACCESS AND EQUITY .................................................................................................... 3
CODE OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................................... 3
ASSESSMENT DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 4
CERTIFICATES ............................................................................................................... 5
CREDIT TRANSFER ........................................................................................................ 5
RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING ............................................................................ 6
FEES AND CHARGES ...................................................................................................... 6
REFUNDS ........................................................................................................................ 7
WITHDRAWALS ............................................................................................................. 7
NON ATTENDANCE/NON COMPLETION ....................................................................... 7
COMPLAINTS & APPEALS ............................................................................................. 8
Assessment appeals: ....................................................................................................... 9
STUDENT SUPPORT, WELFARE AND GUIDANCE (including Students at Risk) ................. 9
PRIVACY ...................................................................................................................... 11
HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION ....................................................................... 12
PLAGIARISM ................................................................................................................ 12
CHANGE OF STUDENT INFORMATION ....................................................................... 12
STUDENT FEEDBACK .................................................................................................. 12
Congratulations on your enrolment; we commend you on your commitment to personal
and professional development and thank you for choosing Australia City College as your
learning partner.
This handbook is intended to provide prospective and new participants with a
comprehensive induction to ensure your journey with us is smooth and enjoyable. Note
that this handbook will need to be read in conjunction with specific course workbooks
and assessment materials.
The information provided in your handbook can be discussed in further detail with any of
the College’s staff if you should require additional information or any clarification at any
time during your program. Our aim is to address any issues that occur quickly to allow
you to continue to enhance your vocational skills.
Please note that Australia City College uses a number of training locations centred
around facilities that provide maximum access and convenience for students. The
location of your specific training location is detailed, along with the training timetable
you have received as part of your Confirmation of Enrolment package.
Opening Hours
Australia City College is open from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday.
We encourage participants to dress in smart, casual and comfortable attire. As the
classrooms are generally air-conditioned, it is advisable to bring a long sleeved top or
Australia City College is a “smoke free” environment and participants are requested to
use our designated outdoor patio areas only while smoking.
Mobile Phones
We appreciate that your busy lifestyles often mean being on call. However, in the
interests of other participants we ask that mobile phones and pagers be switched to silent
mode during the course. If it is necessary to answer it please be courteous to other
students and your trainer by leaving the classroom before doing so
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It is important to utilise the expertise of your trainer – they are working with you to
ensure you successfully complete your course.
Their aim is to:
 Confirm that students have acquired the competencies identified in the course
units; and
 Demonstrate that students are competent to the agreed industry standard
Assessment methods include (but are not limited to):
 Observation
 Assignments
 Practical demonstration
 Case studies/problem solving
 Questioning (verbal and written)
 Role plays
 Interview
Trainers will record results via the ACC Student Records Management system.
For a completed Unit of Competency there are four outcomes applied:
 Competent “C”
 Not yet Competent “NYC”
 Withdrawn “W”
Any student graded NYC will be advised of the reasons for the outcome, and be given
further opportunities for re-assessment. We will provide assistance to help you to
achieve a competent result.
For individual assignment tasks, results are noted on your submission as Satisfactory (S)
or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). In the event of a NYS notation, your trainer will provide
in writing the reason and advice on how to gain a Satisfactory result. Depending upon
the number of NYS gradings within one Assessment Task you may be required to
resubmit the work. Your trainer/assessor will note this on your work when it is returned
to you for resubmission.
You will be able to view your progress, as well as access course material, including
assessment workbooks, via the course delivery platform, Moodle. Access details to
Moodle form a part of your Confirmation of Enrolment pack
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Australia City College delivers flexible learning and assessment procedures and can tailor
its training and assessment to suit individual needs. As your course requires a certain
level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) competency, an initial assessment on
your LLN skills via an LLN assessment task will form a part of the enrolment process.
Our trainers can provide supported assistance if necessary and can adapt assessment
methods, where appropriate, to ensure every student has equal access to a fair assessment.
This may mean that a student who struggles with written communication will be assessed
in an oral or verbal manner and the trainer will make notes of this assessment.
Students are encouraged to discuss any LLN concerns with their trainer.
Australia City College’s student enrolment application and confirmation processes
comply with access and equity principles and Reasonable Adjustment. All students will
be treated with equal merit and given equal access to all available courses appropriate to
their needs. This includes, but is not limited to, the following groups:
 students with a disability
 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
 students from a non-English speaking background
Students will be given every opportunity, within reason, to progress through their training
and to obtain the qualification for which they are enrolled.
The Access and Equity policy provides the foundation and outlines the principles on
which Australia City College develops opportunities for people to access or participate in
high quality training.
Australia City College acknowledges the diversity of learning needs in the community
which need to be enhanced to better reflect community diversity.
The Access and Equity Policy is available via the Australia City College web site.
Our college conducts its business according to the highest standards of honesty and
integrity. Our code of conduct stresses the importance of treating students fairly,
ethically and with respect and dignity at all times.
We have expectations of you as a student to display similar standards.
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We ask that you:
 Notify your trainer if you need to cancel/reschedule an appointment. This should
be done at the earliest possible time, but with at least 24 hours notice,
 Always bring your workbook and related examples, along with your completed
assessment tasks to each visit with your trainer,
 Treat all individuals with respect and dignity,
 Comply with all reasonable requests and instructions given by Australia City
 Comply with Australia City College policies and regulations provided in this
handbook, and
 Conduct yourself in a manner that will provide a safe and rewarding learning
environment for all.
Competency is a broad concept that describes a person’s ability in a range of
Competency-based training is training which develops the skills, knowledge and
attitudes required to achieve competency standards.
Each participant enrolled in a nationally recognised training course will undertake
assessment, with the aim of obtaining a Statement of Attainment or Qualification.
Assessments have been designed with a focus on workplace outcomes. Each
nationally recognised training program has its own Assessment methods which
provide assessment instruments designed to help you demonstrate evidence of
your competency.
To assist in the evidence gathering process a variety of assessment methods are
used. These include but are not limited to:
1. Theory Questions,
2. Documentary Evidence,
3. Assessor Interview,
4. Third Party Evidence Reports, and/or
5. On-job assessment (if practicum is required).
Each instrument provides a different type of evidence, which in isolation is not
sufficient to demonstrate competence. However, together they will provide a well
rounded picture of your ability to perform competently and confidently in the
workplace to the level set down in the Australian Qualification Training
Framework standards and at a level expected by industry.
Competency standard is an industry-determined specification of performance
which sets out the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to operate effectively
in employment. Competency standards are made up of units of competency,
which are themselves made up of elements of competency, together with
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performance criteria, a range of variables, and an evidence guide. Competency
standards are an endorsed component of a training package.
Workplace assessment is the gathering and judging of evidence during normal
work activities in order to determine whether a required standard has been
achieved. Workplace assessment usually involves observation of work in
progress, checking the product(s) of a work activity, and receiving oral responses
to questions posed while work is in progress.
Workplace training is training undertaken in the workplace, usually on-the-job,
including on-the-job training under normal operational conditions, and on-site
Students who successfully complete all the required units from their course will be issued
with a nationally recognised Diploma, Certificate and associated Statement of Results
depending upon their course and their progress.
This will be sent to you at your nominated address and specify the qualification name,
code and individual units within the course. You will receive this within 30 days of
completing your course and paying all outstanding fees to the college.
Please note that a re-issue of your Certificate will cost you $80.00 to cover the
administration costs involved. Note also that when requesting reissue of a certificate, you
must produce verifiable evidence that you are the graduate who gained the qualification.
Reissue of a Certificate or Statement of Attainment will replicate all details on the
original certificate, even if your name has changed in the interim.
Where a student does not complete the full requirements of the course a Statement of
Attainment for the individual units successfully completed will be issued.
Credit transfer is the process of granting students credit for accredited study previously
completed through another Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Students will need to provide Australia City College with an original or certified copy of
their Certificate or Statement of Attainment listing the Units of Competency for which
they were awarded a competent level of attainment. This must occur prior to
commencement of the unit(s) being considered for Credit Transfer.
Upon verification with the issuing RTO, the student will be granted credit for the units of
competency previously completed at the other RTO and the student's record will be
updated with credit transfer noted against those units.
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Where the qualification does not meet NVR requirements, the student will either be
required to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or undertake the unit.
Australia City College recognises that students may be able to demonstrate some of the
defined competencies of the course. These competencies may have been gained from
previous learning, through work and life experiences, employment experience and/or
previous non-accredited education and training undertaken.
If you wish to apply for RPL, a fee applies, details of fees applicable can be provided by
College staff.
The following action should be taken:
 Advise Australia City College of your intention and request a self-evaluation
RPL Information Pack,
 Lodge an RPL application with the College, along with relevant supporting
documentation. This should be done prior to commencement of the relevant
 An interview is conducted which is followed up by an assessment and
verification process, and
 The student is advised of the results of the assessment.
Students may appeal the RPL decision (refer to Complaints and Appeals Policy). Your
appeal application should be lodged with the College Manager.
The fees for our courses are subject to change and will be confirmed with the student
prior to enrolment. The fees include access, via Australia City College’s Moodle elearning platform, to all of the training material and assessment exercises required to
complete the course. The Moodle platform allows students to access, download and
upload all the required documents in an electronic format.
Students have the option of paying tuition fees on a “unit by unit” basis, the first payment
includes a non-refundable enrolment administration fee of $100:00 and must be paid
before the student will be given access to the course material. Subsequent payments must
be made before the student will be given access to the next unit of course material.
Issuance of a Diploma or Statement of Attainment will be subject to the payment of all
Students may be eligible for government funding assistance, subject to the eligibility
requirements associated with the relevant funding programs. The Queensland Department
of Education, Training and Employment offers funding assistance for this course to
eligible students via their Certificate 3 Guarantee Program. Students are encouraged to
contact Australia City College for further information regarding the availability of funding
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assistance, the eligibility criteria and other conditions associated with the funding
Our Refund Policy is:
Australia City College will not generally refund fees paid in advance unless the training
is cancelled prior to commencement by Australia City College in which case all fees paid
by the student will be refunded.
The following percentage of refund will apply to all students that withdraw from training
due to reasonable mitigating circumstances:
Where 20% or less of the course has been provided to the student a 100%
refund less $100.00 admin fee will apply.
Where less than 50% of the course has been provided to the student a 50%
refund less $100.00 admin fee will apply.
Where 50% or more of the course has been provided to the student no
refund will apply.
Where a student withdraws without reasonable mitigating circumstances no refunds will
be made
Each case will be assessed on its individual merits and the decision may be subject to the
College’s Complaints and Appeals Policy with the subsequent outcome being final.
If a student wishes to withdraw from their course written advice via a Course Withdrawal
Form (available from the College) should be lodged with Australia City College as soon
as possible. Students considering withdrawing from their course should consider the
details of the Refund Policy outlined above.
Non attendance
No refund is available for non-attendance that does not comply with Australia City
College's refund and withdrawal policy.
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Non completion
Students who fail to complete a course will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for
those units they have successfully completed and in which they have been assessed as
competent. No refund is available for a non-completed course that does not comply with
Australia City College's refund and withdrawal policy.
Australia City College is committed to creating a fair and equitable organisational culture
and will deal with any complaint against an Australia City College decision in an
effective and timely manner.
If you have a concern that is affecting your ability to complete your course, it is
important to let your trainer know of the issue.
Trainers and management staff at Australia City College are responsible for responding
appropriately to complaints and managing the resolution process, in accordance with
Australia City College complaints and appeals policy and procedures.
A student may raise a concern about Australia City College's policies, procedures,
services, or products with a view to having them changed or improved.
The process for the lodgment of a general complaint or appeal includes:
A participant lodges the complaint or appeal to College Manager in writing, if
verbal negotiation is not successful or appropriate,
The College Manager investigates the complaint or appeal. This will generally
include an interview with the participant,
If resolved, the participant is advised of the outcome in writing,
If unresolved, the participant may appeal to Director of Studies, who will further
investigate the complaint or appeal,
Outcomes, including reasons for the decisions are recorded in the Australia City
College complaint or appeals register by the College Manager.
Should the student feel dissatisfied with the outcome, Australia City College will
suggest they contact the National Training Complaints Hotline on 1800 000 674
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Assessment appeals:
A student may raise a concern about Australia City College's assessment of their level of
competence with a view to having their result changed or improved.
To appeal an assessment decision, discuss the issue with your trainer. If you feel that
there is no satisfactory resolution then:
Contact the College Manager in writing outlining the reasons why you are
appealing an assessment decision,
A comprehensive review of the completed and graded assessment, against the
assessment task and assessment criteria will be conducted by a qualified third
The appeal must be lodged within two weeks of return of the assessment task by
the trainer,
This process will commence within 5 working days, from the date of the receipt
of the letter,
The participant will be informed in writing of the result of the appeals process
although one possible outcome is an opportunity for the participant to review
and/or resubmit their assessment task,
The result of the assessment appeal will be final, and
Should the student feel dissatisfied with the outcome, Australia City College will
suggest they contact the National Training Complaints Hotline on 1800 000 674
Students at Risk)
It is understood that large numbers of people are still disengaged and unable to fully
participate in vocational learning. This includes people from disadvantaged backgrounds,
Indigenous Australians, women, youth, people with a disability, people from culturally
and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people from remote communities and many
existing workers with low literacy and numeracy skills.
In view of this it is our commitment:
 to endeavor to increase the overall numbers of learners, by making programs
attractive and accessible to all learners and
 to ensure that those who do participate are learning to their potential, by making
the learning experience a productive one for each and every individual.
To facilitate the above, the College and its training, managerial/supervisory staff and its
administration staff are familiar with the contents of Inclusive learning: A way forward;
October 2012; Prepared by: Queensland VET Development Centre .
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In particular the four core principles of
Everyone learns differently
Being inclusive is everyone’s responsibility
Learners bring existing knowledge and skills
Five core skills underpin all learning
Australia City College will assist all students in their efforts to complete their training
programs. In the event that a student is experiencing any difficulties with their learning,
the student should discuss the issue with their trainer. The trainer will ensure that the full
resources of Australia City College are made available to ensure that the student has
every reasonable opportunity to achieve the required level of competency in all
accredited courses.
Should students be experiencing a personal difficulty, Australia City College will make
every attempt to accommodate their needs. If student needs exceed our capacity for
support we will recommend referral to an appropriate external agency.
Trainers have a responsibility to identify Students at Risk.
A student at risk is identified as a student who is in danger of not successfully completing
a course of study at the college.
Australia City College recognises that there may be times when a student is at risk of not
achieving the course outcomes through circumstances which may be beyond their control.
These circumstances include, but are not limited to:
 Medical reasons,
 Family/personal reasons,
 Personal circumstances, or
 Personal attributes including insufficient development of skills, underestimation
of the demands of the course, LLN skills
When is a student at risk?
A student is deemed to be at risk when they are not performing adequately or progressing
through the course. Factors which may identify a student at risk include, but are not
limited to:
 A medical condition or disability which impairs the student’s ability to study,
 LLN skills shortfall,
 Failure to complete assessments in the nominated timeframe, or
 Unsatisfactory attendance record.
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Student Responsibilities.
Students must take adequate care to:
 Seek relevant support/professional assistance where a situation arises that has the
capacity to affect their studies,
 Conform to course requirements including attendance and timely submission of
 Maintain adequate course progress in line with advice from the trainer,
 Advise the College of any impediment to their course progress in a timely fashion,
 Avail themselves of any assistance offered by the College.
Australia City College’s Responsibilities
The Trainer and College Manager are responsible to track and monitor student progress.
Monitoring student progress includes:
 Identifying unsatisfactory progress,
 Identifying poor attendance, and
 Identifying and monitoring activities related to students with a disability or health
condition which may impede their progress.
Procedure for Students at Risk
When a student is identified as being at risk the trainer will take action under the
College’s Procedure for Students at Risk to assist the student to achieve satisfactory
progress. The procedure is outlined in the Australia City College policy for Students at
Risk. This will be discussed in depth with the student when appropriate.
Australia City College takes the privacy of our clients very seriously and we will comply
with all legislative requirements. These include the Privacy Act and National Privacy
Principles (2001).
In some cases, as required by law and as required by the NVR, we will need to make
client information available to others. In all other cases we ensure that we will seek the
written permission of the client as required by the relevant legislation.
Access to Personal Information:
You may request access to your personal information Australia City College holds by
contacting the College.
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Australia City College is required under Australian law to ensure we provide a workplace
that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination (including victimisation and
bullying) so that students feel valued, respected and are treated fairly.
Australia City College will ensure that our trainers and staff understand their roles and
responsibilities in creating such a workplace and they are aware of Australia City College
Discrimination and Harassment Policy and procedures for addressing any form of
harassment or discrimination.
Any breach of discrimination and harassment policy will be considered a serious offence
and immediate action will be taken.
Plagiarism, copying someone else’s work is a form of cheating. Plagiarism and cheating
are serious offences and may result in failure to achieve competency. It is important that
students declare sources from which they have derived material and ideas, if not their
own. If plagiarism is suspected the Trainer/Assessor must discuss the matter with the
student advising them to resubmit the work. The College’s Plagarisation Policy and
Procedure applies.
It is the student’s responsibility to inform Australia City College of any changes to their
personal details such as name, address, telephone phone numbers etc. The information is
to be advised to College staff within one week of the change. By not informing the
College of such changes you could jeopardise the College’s ability to issue of a certificate
in a timely manner.
As part of our commitment to you and your professional development, Australia City
College is keen to hear from you about your progress in completing your course. During
your course you will be required to complete an official government feedback form to
provide feedback on our service.
You are encouraged to provide feedback at any time during your enrolment, the College
welcomes any feedback you feel is relevant as we see this as an opportunity to review
and improve our policies and practices and to gain insight into student satisfaction levels.
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Australia City College is aware of its responsibilities as they relate to Consumer Law and
undertakes to comply with those responsibilities. This also includes the College’s
responsibilities regarding the quality of the training service delivered to the student as
required by the appropriate VET industry regulatory standards. Students should note that
they are entitled to a refund, repair or repeat service for goods or services that are of poor
quality, they will need to show proof of purchase. They are not entitled to a refund if
they simply change their mind about a purchase.
Australia City College undertakes to guarantee student completion of courses in the event
that significant change occurs to affect the RTO's legal or operational status. The college
has a sound financial management policy which guarantees the capacity to teach out and
support a particular cohort of students to the end of the agreed period of the course.
Should Australia City College experience any significant change in its RTO status, we
undertake to comply with all requirements regarding ceasing registration in accordance
with the National VET Regulator requirements including a completion of training
These guarantees do not imply a guarantee of graduation or employment, these issues are
solely in the hands of the student.
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