Jeopardy - Solon City Schools

Slave Trade
& Colonization
Age of
$100 Renaissance
Define the term “Renaissance Man”
$100 Answer
An individual who is talented in
many subjects.
$200 Renaissance
What invention helped spread ideas
throughout Europe?
$200 Answer
The printing press
$300 Renaissance
What was the Renaissance?
$300 Answer
A time period in Europe where there
were major developments in art,
architecture, and the humanities
$400 Renaissance
What was the printing press, who invented it, and
what was the first work that was mass produced?
$400 Answer
Machine that uses movable type (block
letters) to mass produce written work.
Gutenberg invented it and the Bible
was the first mass produced book.
$500 Renaissance
Identify a Renaissance man from Italy
and from the Northern Renaissance and
share one of his contributions.
$500 Answer
$100 Reformation
Define indulgences
$100 Answer
Paying for forgiveness for
your sins.
$200 Reformation
What were the 95 Theses?
$200 Answer
95 Criticisms or attacks against the
Catholic Church
$300 Reformation
Explain King Henry VIII
influence in the
Protestant Reformation.
$300 Answer
The Church would not allow him to
divorce his first wife so he created the
Anglican Church of England that
allowed for divorce.
$400 Reformation
Who was Martin Luther and what is his
significance to the Reformation?
$400 Answer
He wrote the 95 Theses which criticized the
Church for indulgences, corruption, and
nepotism. He founded Lutheranism – a belief
that an individual can have a direct relationship
with God and does not need a priest or Pope to
connect with God.
$500 Reformation
Explain the Counter-Reformation and
the response of the Catholic Church.
$500 Answer
The Catholic Church reformed their
practices to revive spirituality to help
stop Protestantism from spreading.
$100 Slave Trade & Colonization
What country colonized most of the
Americas and is known for their poor
treatment of the natives?
$100 Answer
$200 Slave Trade & Colonization
How did the Native Americans view
European colonization?
$200 Answer
Unfair, hostile forced
$300 Slave Trade & Colonization
What economic impact did the
Trans-Saharan slave trade have on
the continent of Africa?
$300 Answer
Creation of wealthy and powerful
$400 Slave Trade & Colonization
Identify a cause and effect of
$400 Answer
Cause – European countries wanting to be
superior to colonial subjects
Effect – Major European countries rival to
politically, economically, and culturally
dominate other nations in the world
$500 Slave Trade & Colonization
Describe the trans-Saharan slave
trade. Explain one political and
one social effect.
$500 Answer
The Trans-Saharan slave trade was the slave trade that
took place in Africa. Slaves were transported across
Sahara desert.
Political effects: created wealthy nation states in Africa
Social effects: Cultural diffusion, created servants
(employees), classes in society were not racially based ,
rational for American slave trade
$100 Age of Exploration
What country sponsored
Christopher Columbus’ voyages?
$100 Answer
Spain – Queen Isabella and King
$200 Age of Exploration
Who (the colony or parent
country) benefits from
$200 Answer
Parent country
$300 Age of Exploration
Describe the Columbian Exchange
$300 Answer
An exchange of goods, foods,
animals, and diseases between
the Old World (Europe) and the
New World (Americas)
$400 Age of Exploration
What were the main causes for
European exploration?
$400 Answer
European desire to find gold, markets,
and trade routes
$500 Age of Exploration
Identify and explain one effect
from the Age of Exploration
$500 Answer
Columbian Exchange
Slave Trade
$100 Random
Identify a famous work written by William
$100 Answer
Hamlet, Romeo & Juilet, Macbeth,
Midsummer’s Nights Dream
$200 Random
List a few things exchanged
between Europe and the Americas.
$200 Answer
Europe: bananas, cattle, chickens, citrus fruits, coffee
beans, grapes, horses, onions, peaches, pigs, rice,
sugarcane, wheat.
Americas: Beans, chocolate, corn, peanuts,
pineapples, potatoes, pumpkins, squash, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, turkeys.
$300 Random
What was the sketch of the
human body by Leonardo
DaVinci that illustrated
proportions and contributed
to science?
$300 Answer
Vitruvian Man
$400 Random
Contrast the Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade to the TransSaharan slave trade
$400 Answer
-Slaves from West Africa
transported across Atlantic
-Mostly prisoners of wars or
captives from slave raids
-Endured Middle Passage – where
they crossed Atlantic
-Abused, poorly fed, cramped
-Slaves from East Africa
transported across Sahara Desert
-Led to Slave raids
-Led to spread of Islam
-Contributed to the creation of
powerful, wealthy African states
$500 Random
Identify a technological
improvement/invention and
explain how it made exploration
$500 Answer
Improved Ships-
Final Jeopardy
Define Mercantilism.
Explain its cause and effect on the
country and colony.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Mercantilism: the theory that a country should do all it can to increase its wealth,
which meant taking wealth from other countries.
Parent Country
Parent country to
control natural
Accumulate wealth and
colonize land.
Columbian Exchange.
Natives were exploited,
had no political or
Columbian Exchange.
Favorable balance of
trade – export more
than import. Profit.
Overall effects: Exchange of goods between old world and new world, colonizing
the new world, slave trade, European rivalries over trade or territories.