Dean Team Minutes April 1, 2015 9:00 –11:00 a.m. Central Conference Room Present (*): Kathie Hunt* Kim Thompson* Bob Francis* Susan Hoyne* Bayta Maring* Samira Pardanani* Dan Fey* Cathy Otto* Ann Garnsey-Harter* Terry Taylor* Guest: Stuart Trippel Topic Success Stories Presenter All Discussion Ann said our eLearning Advisor position has been filled by Jordan Lee who will start in two weeks. Susan shared that a former student of ours is one of the top graduating students at Cornell this year. She was asked to name a teacher who inspired her the most. She named Professor David Phippen who has been invited by Cornell for a 2-day all-expense paid trip. Dan was fortunate to meet one of our female Toyota T-TEN students who has phenomenal technical and leadership skills. She was placed at a local dealership whose management did not embrace her abilities. She came back to our Toyota faculty and told them she was stuck. Within 24 hours the faculty got her a brand new experience at a different location. The student felt safe enough to come back to us for help. Samira said one of our domestic students received a study abroad scholarship for 2015-16 and will spend 4 weeks in South Africa. 2 3 4 Minutes Enrollment Review Dean Team aSAP Review Process All All Bob/Bayta The March 25 minutes were approved. We are projected to be very close to the 96% target. Bayta reviewed the schedule for the Friday, April 3 meeting to review aSAPs. She will distribute a Word document to take notes on. We will do a yes, no, maybe process and collect strength and weakness on all aSAPs. 5 ELT-JUMC Update Bob/Dan Some other colleges are going through budget cuts now. SCC is in a strong enough place at the moment. Terry described the current state of budgets in Olympia. Dr. Roberts was successful in making our case relative to International Students and FTEs. An alternative at this point is you can use IS to meet your target and if you are above target they become contract. Olympia is still talking about a rolling target. You will need to meet 100% of your target. Essentially, every college would be rebased on a 3year average. The allocation model is still a big discussion. 1 We have been asked to talk about how we are moving in our areas of focus. Bob will resend the areas of focus to the DT. Bob asked everyone to begin to think about the 1 Action Items Bayta will email the Team a Word/spreadsheet document to record their notes on aSAPs. Bob will resend the Areas of Focus to the Dean Team. 6 Topic Presenter Discussion things we are doing. These will be reported to the Board of Trustees during their May meeting. Action Items Action Items (Standing Item) Bayta CRAG Procedures: Kira Wennstrom is currently working on a draft. Kim believes a final draft will be available in six weeks (May 13). Bob hopes it is very processed oriented. IE Summer Schedule: Kim reported Jennifer Coogan is gathering information about cancelled classes and any unhappy students. She is getting a pulse on it and information will be available in a couple quarters. Dean Team Charter and name change: Bob requested a bulk of time be given this topic. After concerns were voiced about the size of the group, Bob suggested we review the Scope and then ask if the right people are at the table. Deans requested some revisions be made. Bob will provide an electronic copy of the Charter so Deans and input their requested revisions. Contract Bargaining Negotiations: Bob said to be sure to work on a list of potential issues to be shared with the IBB negotiating team. Senior Associate Faculty FEP Designee I-BEST Teachers Pro Rata Positions: Bob notified HR the three Pro Rata positions will be Anthropology, Economics and Purchasing. The requests for Dental Hygiene and HIIM are put on hold due to pending aSAPs. Extended Days: Bob asked that requests for Extended Days be turned in April 15 (versus the May 15 deadline given on the form). Bob will send an electronic copy of the Dean Team Charter so members can provide their requested revisions to him by Monday, April 13. Deans will email Bob their ideas on how they would use an allotment of Foundation money if they access to it. Please email by the next DT meeting. 7 Foundation Funding Opportunities All John Backes requested ideas from the Deans what they would use Foundation money for if they each had access to $1,000 that did not have state limitations on it. Would you provide pizza at a ProD event and why? Would you take a faculty or community member to lunch and why? 8 Transitional Classes for ESL Students: Brainstorm list of potential classes Agenda Clean-up All Postponed. All Bob said we will try to have a tighter agenda. Please review the old future agenda items listed to see if we want to move forward with them or not. Maybe we will have some Friday meetings to clear some of those up. 9 2 Requests for Extended Days will be due to the Office of Instruction by April 15. (Not May 15 like the form says). Deans will review the future agenda items listed on the agenda. 10 11 12 13 Annual Class Schedule ARC Reports Hybrid Room Management Shoreline Scholars (Standing Item) Ann GH Postponed. All All Postponed. Postponed. Bob Shoreline Scholars has been positively received in the community. Some of the challenges will be the first come, first served rule. We have talked to the top notch Financial Aid Officers in the state who confirm it is possible. Those who qualify may (or may not) get a full ride. Bob invited Stuart Trippel to explain. You can only award any student up to the amount of need, which is defined by the cost of attendance minus the expended family contribution (EFC). Until we see the packages, we won’t know how much of a need there will be – either full versus partial. Stuart said we struggled – do we only make this program for people that need the full $1,200 or for people who might need less than $1,200? We make it for everyone who has a need. That is why we said it is a scholarship up to full tuition. We will look closely at what we are getting and perhaps adjust it later. We are awarding this as liberally as we can. 14 Mid-Cycle Accreditation (Standing Item) Bob Yesterday a Strategic Planning Task Force meeting occurred. There will be open forums to do a SWOT analysis. Bayta and Stuart are hoping to get 5 minutes on division meeting agendas. Postponed. 15 Data Presentation (Update on President’s Questions) Competency Based Education (Standing Item) Division Updates (Standing Item) Good of the order Bayta Postponed. Ann/Bob Postponed. All Postponed. 16 17 18 Kim asked for information about the Orca Lift opportunity that was available to students on campus. Adjourned 11:00 a.m. 3 Deans will email Bayta their division meeting times. Bob and Kim will follow up to determine the origin of the Orca Lift opportunity.