¿Cómo es tu casa ideal? - ¡Español con la Señora Leasure!

¿Cómo es tu casa ideal?
Fecha de entregar:
Design your dream house! Show all aspects of tu casa – exterior, interior floor plan, y tu dormitorio.
Puedes dibujar o usar fotografías. Label the rooms and furniture/items inside the house as well as
the exterior details. **Use el vocabulario de capítulo 6A y 6B.**
/ 25 pts.
/ 10 pts. – exterior, floor plan, dream room (neatly drawn or pictures
cut our neatly and put onto a poster or large paper – do NOT use notebook paper!!)
/ 10 pts. – all items correctly labeled (particularly las cosas de
capítulos 6A y 6B)
/ 5 pts. – PROJECT TURNED IN ON TIME (1 point is lost each day it’s
Describe tu casa en español using el vocabulario de capítulos 6A y 6B y de otros capítulos.
Although you may include vocabulary from outside of the textbook, it’s best to stick with sentence
structures that you have learned (por ejemplo: there is/are..., I have..., the room has..., it is next
to/close to/far from/under/etc.). We will be working on the writing in class – rough drafts need to be
turned in, commented on, and returned to you for final writing. Final drafts must be written
Paragraph 1: ¿Cómo es el césped? ¿el patio? (at least 4-6 GOOD sentences)
Describe the outside de la casa. What’s in front, back, around...? Use colores,
adjetivos, y preposiciones to be descriptive. The more you write, the better!
Paragraph 2: ¿Cómo es la casa? (at least another 4-6 GREAT sentences)
Choose 3 rooms – not your bedroom – to describe: la sala (formal)/la sala de familia
(informal), la cocina, el baño, el comedor, la oficina, etc). Again, the more, the better!
Paragraph 3: ¿Cómo es tu habitación? (at least ANOTHER 4-6 AWESOME sentences)
¡Describe tu dormitorio!
**You are able to write fairly complex sentences by this point. Build on them! Instead of
saying, “There is a couch”, say, “In the family room, there is a blue couch next to/to the
right of/to the left of the door.”
/ 30 pts.
27-30 pts. = More complex sentences, correct grammar with minimal errors.
24-26 pts. = Complex sentences attempted, mostly correct grammar but with
“careless” errors (i.e., masculine/feminine, singular/plural errors).
21-23 pts. = Basic sentences, mostly correct grammar.
18-20 pts. = Very minimal information with major grammar errors and
incomplete sentences (i.e., sentences without verbs).
0-17 pts. = Translator use evident or very minimal information provided.
Now, you’re a real estate agent! You’re trying to convince everyone that YOUR casa ideal is la
mejor! Choose 8 things to talk about – both on the inside and the outside of the house – to “sell” la
casa. **You will not be reading from your essay! No one wants to buy a house from someone who
doesn’t even know the house!**
/ 20 pts.
18-20 pts. = Clear thoughts, correct grammar with few errors,
comprehensible, good pronunciation.
16-17 pts. = Mostly comprehensible, some errors in vocabulary/grammar.
14-15 pts. = Several errors in grammar or poor pronunciation, difficult to
understand, only part of the information provided.
12-13 pts. = Not enough information, several grammar errors, poor
pronunciation, little effort/preparation shown.
0-10 pts. = Less than half of the information was provided, didn’t speak in
Spanish, nobody is interested in buying the house because they don’t know
anything about it!