Web Quest

S A T I R E: What is it?
As you make your way through the following tasks, be sure to write your answers ON
A: The Etymological Dictionary and the Standard Dictionary
Go to an etymological dictionary and look up "satire."
What is an etymological dictionary? It is a dictionary that provides information regarding the origin of
words. You may find it useful in the future.
B: Types of Satire and Irony: Scavenger Hunt for Information
1. List the four types of satire and a very brief explanation (in your own words).
CLUE SITE: http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/sa/Satire
2. Satire is a literary technique of writing or art which principally ______________ its subject.
CLUE SITE: http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/sa/Satire
3. ______________ is a form of satire that imitates another work of art in order to ridicule it.
CLUE SITE: http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/sa/Satire
4. Mock-documentaries [are satires] that use the same [techniques] as a documentary, such as an authoritative narrator,
'real' footage of events, archival photographs, interviews with apparent 'experts' and ____________ .
CLUE SITE: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/film/mock-doc/teachmain.shtml
5. The horror movie, "The ______________________," used a documentary "look" that made it seem to be a work of
CLUE SITE: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/film/mock-doc/teachmain.shtml
6. One popular example of a satirical television show is ____________________, the host of which is Jon
______________ .
CLUE SITE: http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_daily_show/index.jhtml
7. Satire is an ancient art. The conception of satire as a definite type of poetry with a definable style first appears in
Rome in the first century B.C., most importantly in the writings of ____________.
CLUE SITE: http://etext.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv4-29 May not link
8. The word “satire” has come ... to be the general term for any kind of writing which attacks, directly or indirectly,
something which is _____________ or feared.
CLUE SITE: http://etext.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv4-29 May not link
9. There are two modes of satire: direct or formal and __________ .
CLUE SITE: http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/~dougt/7633work.htm#s
10. Horatian satires, written by Horace, seek primarily to ____________ , while Juvenalian satire, written by Juvenal,
seeks primarily to create ________ .
CLUE SITE: http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/~dougt/7633work.htm#s
11. ___________________ refers to the technique of exaggerating for comic and satiric effect one particular feature of
the target, to achieve a grotesque or ridiculous effect.
12. _______________ refers to a style which deliberately seeks to ridicule or tribute another style.
CLUE SITE: http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/~dougt/7633work.htm#s
13. " __________________ Movie" was a popular satire that deliberately sought to ridicule the horror film genre (style)
by "pushing [the style] beyond its limits and making it ridiculous."
14. A popular TV show, Saturday Night Live, includes a mock news show entitled "Weekend _________ ," which parodies
traditional news shows. Click here for a clue.
15. Click here to view some images. To what satirical technique of exaggeration does this refer?
Use the information that you have gathered to complete the puzzle on your worksheet!
C. Alanis Morisette: A Happy Camper, Or Is She?
Before you go on, you'll need to know a little about irony, one of the devices used in satire.
What are the three types of irony?
How do they differ from one another?
Click on headphones for NEW AUDIO OF SONG!
Read the lyrics to the song. Then, respond to the questions below.
What examples of situational irony are used?
There are many examples of incidents that are NOT ironic. Provide one and provide a theory
regarding the reason it is NOT ironic at all.
What examples of verbal irony can you identify? Be careful! It's not as sarcastic as you might think!
How would Alanis Morissette define "irony?"
What is the mood of this song? Click here for some options.
What is her message regarding life?
Do you agree with the theme of the song or not? If you don't understand what a theme is (it's a
complete sentence.. take a look by visiting the Subject vs Theme page.)
D. The Satirical Tradition and Political Cartoons
Go to the Political Cartoons Page and complete the analysis
worksheet for ONE cartoon!
To Left: This cartoon was published after Charles Darwin published his theories
regarding evolution.