why we have to watch our health

HECMA 2011-2012
Lesson Objectives :• Describe how lifestyle can lead to diseases.
• List four controllable and four uncontrollable risk factors for life
styles diseases.
• State two actions you can do to lower your risk for developing a
lifestyle disease later in life.
• Understand heredity diseases, and list some examples.
• Understand Immune disorders and autoimmune diseases and
how can people cope with them.
• Understand disabilities, and how to create an environment for
people with disabilities.
Key Terms:
• Lifestyle factors : behaviors and habits that help
determine a person’s level of health and wellness.
• Risk behaviors: are actions or behaviors that might cause
injury or harm to yourself or others.
• Cumulative risks: are related risks that increase in effect
with each added risk.
• Prevention: is taking steps to keep something from
happening or getting worse.
• Lifestyle disease: a disease that is caused partly by
unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors
• Do you protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays?
• Do you get enough sleep so you are not tired in class?
• If a friend approached you with a problem, would you
refuse to listen?
The way you
answer these
questions, reflects
your personal
lifestyle factors.
Life style factors
• Definition :- are behaviors and habits
that help determine a person’s level of
health and wellness.
• They are related to the cause or
prevention of health problems.
• Positive lifestyle factors promote good
health. Negative lifestyle factors lead
to poor health.
Risk Factors for lifestyle diseases
• What is the meaning of Risk Factors ?
A risk factor is anything that increases the likely hood of
injury, disease or other health problems.
Risk Factor Types :• Controllable risk factors:-
• Uncontrollable risk factors:-
Controllable risk factors
Your diet and body weight
Your daily levels of physical activity
Your level of sun exposure
Your sleeping and rest hours
Uncontrollable risk factors
• Age: as you grow older, your body begins to change.
As a result of aging, the body has a harder time
protecting itself. Therefore the chances of developing
a lifestyle disease increase as you age
Your future health
Uncontrollable risk factors
• Gender: certain diseases are more common
among members of one gender. For example,
men have a greater risk of heart diseases than
women do, especially earlier in life. Women have
a greater risk of breast cancer than men do.
• Ethnicity: your ethnicity can also influence your
chances of developing a lifestyle disease.For
example African Americans are more likely to
develop high blood pressure than individuals of
European descent are.
Uncontrollable risk factors
• Heredity: in the same way that your genes determine your natural hair
color, genes can also determine your chances of developing certain
lifestyle diseases. For example, in some families, heredity may increase
the chances that a family member will develop cancer.
Lifestyle diseases
• Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) A person’s lifestyle
influences their chances of cardiovascular diseases such as, stroke,
high blood pressure, heart attacks and atherosclerosis
• Cancer occurs when cells divide without control. Certain
damaged genes can make a person more likely to develop cancer.
Exposure to viruses, radioactivity, ultraviolet radiation, and tobacco
can damage genes, Early detection and treatment of cancer can
increase a person’s chances of survival N ot smoking, protecting
your skin from sun, following a balanced diet, staying active, and
getting regular medical checkups help you reduce your chances of
developing cancer
Lifestyle diseases
• Diabetes: occurs when cells are unable to obtain glucose
from the blood ,so high blood glucose levels result
• Type 1 diabetes is believed to be caused by an autoimmune
response. Type 2 diabetes is usually a result of lifestyle
• Although there is no cure for diabetes, lifestyle changes and
medicines can often keep this disorder under control
• The best way to prevent diabetes is to take control of the risk
factors that you can change, such as diet, exercise and weight
Understanding heredity diseases
• Heredity diseases are caused by defective genes inherited by
a child from one or both parents, and can be the result of a
single gene mutation or mutation of several genes
• Examples of single cell diseases (sickle cell anemia,
hemophilia, and cystic fibrosis )
• Down syndrome is an example of chromosomal disease
Immune Disorders and Autoimmune Diseases
• Immune disorders can occur when the immune system does
not function normally
• Autoimmune disease occur when the immune system attacks
the cells of its own body that it normally protects
• Rheumatoid Arthritis: attacks the joints
Multiple sclerosis:
the body attacking the myelin, the fatty insulation on
nerves and spinal cord
• are caused by an immune response to harmful
Asthmatic attack
• occurs when a person is exposed to an antigen and the airways narrow
and become swollen in reaction to that antigen
Types of disabilities:
• Disabilities involving vision: Accidents, diabetes,
glaucoma, and macular degeneration account for most
blindness in the united states
• Disabilities involving hearing: A lifetime of excessive
noise can destroy the sound receptor cells in the ear,
which lead to deafness
• Disabilities involving movement: New medicines and
surgical procedures are helping people with disabilities
involving movement to have more productive life
Coping with disabilities:
• Learning to deal with disabilities in a positive way can help make
disabilities more manageable. Becoming educated about a disability,
maintaining a positive outlook and taking an active role in treatment are
few ways to make living with disability more tolerable. No matter how
moderate or severe, all disabilities challenge the person affected and
those around him/her.
• To continue this trend in future, people with disabilities and those
around them will have to continue to educate each other and work to
create a positive environment
Thank You,
Nahid Yaghi
Nagham Al Hashimi