ABOUT THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA Estonia is in North Europe Estonian neighbours to the north is Finland, to the west is Sweden, to the south is Latvia and to the east is Russia. The total area of Estonia is 45 227 square kilometres. Estonia is a country with one of the smallest population in the European Union. Estonian population is 1.29 million out of which 68.7% are Estonian. Our official language is Estonian. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn and 417 125 people live there. THE FLAG OF ESTONIAN REPUBLIC THE STRUCTURE OF PRESCHOOL In Estonia, the kindergartens are divided into municipal- and private kindergartens. All the preschool institutes are licenced by Estonian Ministry of Education and operate under a national curriculum. The kindergaten is for children between the ages of 1,5- 7 years old. Depending on the age, the children are divided into groups: nursery- until the age if 3 younger group- ages between 3-5 middle group- ages between 5-6 older group- ages between 6-7 ABOUT KEILA Keila is a small city with a population of 10 015 which is located in the North of Estonia and is situated 25km to the west from the capital of Tallinn. The total area of the city is 11,25 km2 There are 3 municipal kindergartens in Keila where 423 kids go and 1 private kindergarten where 164 kids go. KINDERGARTEN OF RUKKILILL(CORNFLOWER) OPENING ON 28TH OF APRIL 2009 IN KEILA THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION- LAINE JÄNES AND THE MAYOR OF KEILA- TANEL MÕISTUS IN THE OPENING CEREMONY. KINDERGARTEN OF RUKKILILL’S LOGO THE COMPOSITION OF THE KINDERGARTEN OF RUKKILILL 164 kids go to the kindergarten. The kindergarten has a total of 7 groups: 1 nursery 2 younger groups 2 middle groups 2 older groups In each group there are 2 teachers and an assitant teacher. 2 adults take care of the children at a time- a teacher and an assitant teacher. In addition, a gymnastics coach and music teacher work with the children. In total, there are 27 employees in the kindergarten out of which 2 are in administration and 3 are the kitchen personell. THE TRADITIONAL EVENTS OF THE KINDREGARTEN OF RUKKILILL THE BIRTHDAY OF THE KINDERGARTE THE BIRTHDAY OF THE AUTUMN FAMILY’S DAY (FATHER’S DAY AND MOTHER’S DAY) ST. MARTIN’S EVE & ST. CATHERINE’S DAY CHRISTMAS ESTONIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY SHROVE TUESDAY (VASTLAPÄEV) & WINTER SPORT’S DAY FUN PARTY SPRING SPORT’S DAY THE 3RD BIRTHDAY OF THE KINDERGARTEN ALL SINGING AND DANCING THE BIRTHDAY OF AUTUMN- WHAT BRINGS AUTUMN FOR US WE WILL GO AND CUT THE RYE ST. CATHERINE’S DAY ST. CATHERINE’S AND ST. MARTIN’S DAY St. Catherine’s and St. Martin’s Day celebrate the arrival of winter. The traditions of the two days are similar- for both you will dress up accordingly and there will be lots of singing while collecting treats. Also, a party afterwards where the treats wll be shared while celebrating the tradition amongs each other. The folk way of comparing the two days is however as opposites. St. Martin’s day is for men and St. Catherine’s day is for women. The St. Martin’s are men- the protectors of fields and they are dirty and ugly whereas the St. Catherine’s are women- the protectors of herds and are white and beautiful. CHILDREN WAITING FOR THE SANTA CLAUS BAKING THE GINGERBREAD THE SANTA CLAUS ARRIVED THE INDEPENDECE DAY OF ESTONIA THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA’S 93RD BIRTHDAY SHROVE TUESDAY AND WINTER SPORT’S SHROWE TUESDAY’S TRADITIONS During fasting it was forbidden to have fun and eat fatty foods, then the Shrowe Tuesday was created to have fun and eat a lot before the fasting. The traditional Estonian Shrowe Tuesday’s food is pea soup and pork feet and nowadays also pastry with whipped cream. The traditions are also sledding and a long slide predicts a good harvest for the summer. WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF THE COLD BUILDING OUT OF THE SNOW IS GREAT ON FAMILY’S DAY WE DO FUN THINGS ALL TOGETHER WILLOW-HOUSE IS ALMOST READY IT IS GREAT TO BE IN THE WILLOWHOUSE ALL TOGETHER SPRING’S SPORTS DAY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TAKE PART WE DO THEATER OURSELVES In our kindergarten it is now a good tradition to make a play with the children once a year. All the teachers choose their repertory and the children are the actors and actresses. If it is the nursery or the younger group, then also adults can be actors. IT IS FUN TO ACT