In your dreams* are you: Watching yourself like a movie? Watching

When you are sleeping, do you:
1. Awaken easily at any noise
2. Fall asleep to music or TV
3. Sleep deeply through anything
4. Use the computer or play video
games an hour or less before going
to sleep?
Do Now
Reading: Sleep Deprivation May be Ruining Teen
Health: (American Psychological Association)
Sleep Journal
You will record your sleep patterns over the next two weeks.
Starting tonight – write down:
• Activities before bed
• Computer/video game use before bed
• Caffeinated Drinks per day
• Time go to bed
• Time fell asleep
• Time woke up
• Any night time awakenings.
• How did you feel the next day.
States of Consciousness
What are the key ideas in this unit?
Levels of Consciousness
Sleep and Dreaming
Sleep Disorders
What is the difference between Conscious,
Unconscious and Subconscious?
• Unconscious –
• Many states of
physically unable
to awaken
• Daydreaming,
dozing, deep
inner thoughts
sleep, awareness –
and feelings you
all different
are not totally
aspects of
aware of
What is Unconsciousness?
• Physical loss of responsiveness to the
• Causes: disease, trauma, anesthesia
• Consciousness can be altered by: sleep,
hypnosis, medication, meditation and injury
What is a Coma?
Coma is a profound state of unconsciousness.
• A comatose person cannot be awakened, fails to
respond normally to pain, light or sound, does not
have sleep/wake cycles and does not initiate voluntary
actions. (More than 6 days).
•The underlying cause of coma is bilateral damage to
the Reticular Activating System in the midbrain which
is important in regulating sleep
•Coma can result from: stroke, trauma, intoxication,
hypoxia or induced as a form of preserving higher brain
function during healing process
Generally, brain injury is classified as:
Severe, with GCS less than 8
Moderate, GCS 9 - 12
Minor, GCS greater than 13.
Glasgow Coma Scale
What is Sleep?
• Your body’s own circadian rhythm – biological clock
• You don’t have to do anything to allow your normal
sleep pattern to emerge…’s called a free running
• When your parents brought you home from the
hospital and trained you to sleep at night…that is
called entrainment
• When you have sleep deprivation – you will make up
for it by sleeping more in REM sleep days later. This is
called REM Rebound.
Many states of consciousness
• Unconscious –
• physically unable to awaken
• Subconscious –
• inner thoughts and feelings you are not totally
aware of
• A comatose person
• cannot be awakened, fails to respond normally
to pain, light or sound
The severity of a coma is measured by the
Glasgow Coma Scale.
Circadian rhythms are
Your natural biological clock
Entrainment is
Training your body when to sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep it’s called
Sleep Deprivation
Making up for lost sleep time by sleeping
more for a few days is:
• REM Rebound
Do Now: Reading
Changing School Start Times
Why do teens need more sleep?
What is it like for a teen to be in school at 7 AM?
What changes in their brains at this age to cause sleep changes?
What exactly happens during sleep?
You cycle through various stages when you are sleeping.
How does our body know when to sleep?
• Regulates temperature, blood pressure, pulse, blood
sugar, throughout the day
• Your free running biological clock is 25 hours long
• Your natural biological clock – during light/dark turns
into 24
• Cycles all day and night
• RAS (Reticular Activating System) – changes in
wakefulness, arousal, attention, mood, energy level
• Night shift work, jetlag disrupt circadian rhythms
What is Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
makes you drowsy
Unable to
impairs memory
and concentration
Impacts Immune
Sleep time seems to decrease from about 16 to 18 hours for a newborn to 7 or 8 for
an adult
Types of Sleep: Non REM
• NREM is the first type of
sleep you enter when you
first nod off.
• Most of our time asleep is
spent here, making up for
75% of an adults sleep.
• NREM is split into 4
stages, with each stage
taking you deeper and
deeper into sleep.
First 4 Sleep Stages – NREM (Non Rem)
Twilight Sleep: sensation of falling, peaceful, hazy, Melatonin triggered
Fail to immediately respond to outside stimuli
Stage 1: Sudden twitches and hynic jerks (myoclonus reactions)
Lose most conscious awareness of the external environment.
Stage 2: sleep spindles (bursts), lose all awareness of environment
Stage 3: Slow wave sleep – sleep walking, bedwetting can be issues
Stage 4: Heart beat drops, BP low, H.G.H secreted
What happens after stages 1-4?
• You go backwards! Passing back through stages
3,2, and 1 – but THEN something else happens….
• You begin REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement)
• Every 90 minutes after falling asleep your eyes
jerk back and forth in various directions
• Your limbs become paralyzed
• B.P., heart rate increases
Through the night you cycle through stages with
REM increasing in length –then decreasing
towards awakening.
• REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20–25% of
total sleep about 90–120 minutes of a night's sleep.
• During a normal night of sleep, humans usually
experience about four or five periods of REM sleep; they
are quite short at the beginning of the night and longer
toward the end.
• Many animals and some people tend to wake, or
experience a period of very light sleep, for a short time
immediately after a bout of REM.
• The relative amount of REM sleep varies considerably
with age.
• A newborn baby spends more than 80% of total sleep
time in REM
• During REM, the activity of the brain is quite similar to
that during waking hours; for this reason, the REM-sleep
stage may be called paradoxical sleep
• Vividly recalled dreams mostly occur during REM sleep
Living with Cataplexy
REM Behavior Disorder
Reading: “Rough Night: How do you
know whether someone was asleep
when he strangled his wife?”
Due: Psychology Semester Project
Sleep Journals
EXAM: Friday Dec. 9th – Sleep &
Night Terrors
What are some Sleep Disorders
• Insomnia: inability to fall/maintain
• Narcolepsy : a sleep disorder that
causes excessive sleepiness and
frequent daytime sleep attacks
• Cataplexy: rare sleep disorder that
causes immediate REM sleep when
excited or emotional
• Restless Leg Syndrome is a disorder
in which there is an urge or need to
move the legs to stop unpleasant
• Sleep apnea is a
condition in which
a person has
episodes of
blocked breathing
during sleep
Sleep & Neurological Disorders
• Cataplexy
• Myoconia Congenita (Fainting Goats)
When do you have nightmares?
• Occur during REM Sleep – most dreams occur
during this phase
• Dreams remembered from other stages are less
emotional and sensible
• Lucid Dreaming: training to be aware of and
direct one’s dreams to help cure people of
• Incubus: Night Terrors – wake during REM –
happens to young children often after disruption
of sleep cycle, (holidays, guests, vacations, etc.)
Sleep and Dreaming
• The theory of why we dream is a Construct.
• A Construct is to create something in your
mind: such as a theory as a result of
systematic thought
What do dreams mean?
Some popular theories
• Freud: “Royal road to the
• “Manifest Content” –
remembered parts
• “Latent Content” underlying meaning
• McCarley and Hobson:
Activation Synthesis
Theory: during dreams
the pons generates bursts
of action potentials to the
• You try to create a story
line out of it (synthesize)
• Origins of dreams are
either psychological or
physiological depending
on what theory you
• Most of your dreams
happen between 4 and 7
• http://www.luciddream
What do I need to know about sleep?
• There are different phases of sleep from just being drowsy to
• 4 phases in non rem (NREM) and 4 in REM (rapid eye movement)
• REM is a very active period in your brain, but you are physically
• Teens need 9 plus hours a night for optimum health – but often
don’t get it
• Adults need less as they age
• Dreams – most occur between 4-7 am
• Theories: repressed desires, spindle bursts in brain, reorganization
of thoughts
• Disorders: Isomnia, Narcolepsy, Night Terrors, Apnea, Restless Leg
Tomorrow: Friday Dec. 9th 2011
• Test on Sleep & Consciousness
• You will NOT be able to use your
notes…today you will create a study guide
that you may use if you remember to bring
• Sleep Journals Due: Tomorrow at latest
• Projects Due: (Unless we already have an
agreement), due latest by Friday.
• Vocabulary Worksheet: Work on today –
hand in for extra 10 points on test for
tomorrow !
Things you need to know
• Difference between consciousness, subconscious, unconscious
• Stage 1 or Twilight sleep – knee jerk reflex, Stage 2 – sleep talking, Stage 3
– sleep walking
• Other terms for Sleep Walking, Bedwetting
• Difference between NREM and REM
• Types of Sleep Disorders
• Circadian Rhythm, Free Running Cycle
• Average need for sleep for adults – 8 ours, teens more
• Term for lack of sleep
• When do you dream?
• Content of Dreams? Manifest, (me) and Latent (underlying) (Freud)
• What part of your brain controls circadian rhythms? What part of your
brain controls temperature, respiration while sleeping, (at other times
• Disorders of sleep common in children
Sleep Day!
• You can wear pajama bottoms/sweats –
appropriate please.
• Bring: pillow, blanket, yoga mat, sleeping bag,
stuffed animal….you can drop it off here in the
morning and pick up later if you like.
• iPod with headphones is okay – just play it low
so you don’t bother anyone trying to sleep